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Energy, Multi-Sector
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The Governments the ASEAN Member States
Ссылка на документ: 
Сводный обзор: 
Through this Declaration the ASEAN Members States agreed to concert their efforts in order to promote peace, progress, prosperity and the welfare of the peoples of member states. The objective is to consolidate the achievements of ASEAN and expand ASEAN cooperation in the economic (including cooperation on energy), social, cultural and political fields.
Bi- and multi-lateral energy agreements: 
Member states shall assist each other by according priority to the supply of the individual country's needs in critical circumstances, and priority to the acquisition of exports from member states, in respect of basic commodities, particularly food and energy. Member states shall also intensify cooperation in the production of basic commodities particularly food and energy in the individual member states of the region.---iii) The expansion of trade among member states shall be facilitated through cooperation on basic commodities, particularly in food and energy and through cooperation in ASEAN industrial projects.