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Coal, Oil, Gas, Renewable, Other
The Governments the ASEAN Member States
Ссылка на документ: 
Сводный обзор: 
The objective of this Agreement is to enhance petroleum security, either individually or collectively, and minimize exposure to an emergency situation, through the implementation of short, medium and long term measures.
Cooperation in EE: 
---The ASEAN Member States shall endeavour to adopt the following as medium and long-term measures [...] (a) ASEAN Energy Co-operation, which includes [...] Energy Efficiency and Conservation; [...].
Renewable Energy
Cooperation in RE: 
The ASEAN Member States shall endeavour to adopt the following as medium and long-term measures [...] (a) ASEAN Energy Co-operation, which includes [...] Renewable Energy [...].
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Regional integration priorities: 
ASEAN Member States shall endeavour to participate in international dialogues to enhance ASEANs energy and/or petroleum security with ASEAN Dialogue Partners and relevant international organisations.
Cooperation in connectivity: 
ASEAN Member States shall endeavour to participate in international dialogues to enhance ASEANs energy and/or petroleum security with ASEAN Dialogue Partners and relevant international organisations.
Bi- and multi-lateral energy agreements: 
The ASEAN Member States shall endeavour to establish the following short-term measures: (a) ASEAN Member State in Distress Emergency Response to Petroleum Supply Disruption (i) During the critical shortage period, the ASEAN Member State in Distress will implement short-term measures to reduce the demand of its Normal Domestic Requirement before requesting assistance under the CERM. [...] (b) Coordinated Emergency Response Measures (CERM) (i) All ASEAN Member States shall endeavour to supply petroleum to the ASEAN Member State in Distress at the aggregate amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the Normal Domestic Requirement of the ASEAN Member State in Distress[...] (ii) The assistance rendered under CERM shall be on a voluntary and commercial basis, [...].
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
The ASEAN Member States shall endeavour to implement short, medium and long-term measures to minimise the exposure to emergency situation. ---The ASEAN Member States shall endeavour to adopt the following as medium and long-term measures [...] (e) Oil and Gas markets liberalisation,[...].
Energy institutional structures: 
The ASEAN Member States shall establish: 5.1.1 a Governing Board as the main policy making body for the CERM, which shall comprise one or more Ministers or their designated representatives from each ASEAN Member State. 5.1.2 a Management Committee which shall carry out the functions in accordance with the CERM assigned to it by the Governing Board; examine and make proposals to the Governing Board on matters related to the CERM [...] 5.1.3 a Coordinating Agency to liaise with ASCOPE Secretariat and the Executing Agencies of ASEAN Member States for immediate assistance to activate the CERM to assist the ASEAN Member State in Distress. 5.2 The ASCOPE Secretariat shall be the designated institution to coordinate the implementation of the CERM [...].
Technology collaboration with other member States: 
The ASEAN Member States shall endeavour to adopt the following as medium and long-term measures [...] (c) Energy Diversification and Improvement of Energy Efficiency [...], Fuel Switching to other alternative energy, joint Research Development & Demonstration (RD & D) in Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and New Energy Technologies.