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Energy, Power, Multi-Sector, Other
Виды энергоресурсов: 
Coal, Power, Gas, Renewable, Bioenergy, Solar
The Head of State or Governments of the ASEAN Member States
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Сводный обзор: 
ASEAN cooperation in Science and Technology (S&T) aims to achieve the following objectives: 1. a high level of intra-ASEAN cooperation in science and technology that is synergistic and self-sustaining and having the active participation of the private sector 2. a network of S&T infrastructure and programmes for public and private sector human resource development; 3. an active economically-beneficial institution-industry technology transfer; 4. an enhanced state of public awareness of the importance of science and technology to ASEAN's economic development; and, 5. an expanded S&T cooperation with the international community.---Note: ASEAN Committee on Science and Technology (COST).
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Priority Areas: Non-Conventional Energy Research (a) New and renewable/alternative energy such as biomass, solar and fuel cell (b) Energy and environment technology such as clean coal and natural gas (c) Industrial energy technology such as cogeneration and energy management of buildings.
Technology collaboration with other member States: 
In S&T, ASEAN and Canada aim to expand the cooperation through the following joint proposed activities: (i) Seek ways to engage in cooperative research and development projects in key technology priority areas such as [...] environment and alternative clean energy.---The PoA (Plan of Action) identified the following activities in S&T which ASEAN and China will pursue: (i) Strengthen cooperation in implementing HRD and joint research and development activities in the areas identified by the ASEAN-China Joint Science and Technology Committee (JSTC), including [...], non-conventional energy [...].---[...]. In the areas of S&T, the PoA strives to undertake the following: (iii) Strenghten joint scientific research and development activities, especially in the areas of [...] energy technology[...].---Pakistan has expressed its interest in pursuing joint S&T activities in the following areas of cooperation: [...] new and renewable sources of energy for power generation [...].