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Energy, Power, Transport, Multi-Sector, Other
Виды энергоресурсов: 
Renewable, Bioenergy, Solar, Wave and Tidal, Wind, Other
Republic of the Marshall Islands
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Сводный обзор: 
The Government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands communicates its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) towards achieving the ultimate objective of the Convention, and provides up-front information in tabular format to facilitate the clarity, transparency and understanding of the INDC. RMI is also pleased to provide additional accompanying information, including information relating to mitigation, adaptation planning and support for implementation.
EE action plans: 
Ongoing demand-side energy efficiency improvements (e.g. prepayment meters, end user efficiency improvements) and supply-side energy efficiency improvements (e.g. new engines and system upgrades, heat recovery from engines).
Cooperation in EE: 
The RMI Government is currently supported by donors and development partners to mitigate impacts of high oil prices at policy level, focused on increasing energy efficiency, minimizing the costs of imported fuels, and investing in renewable energy sources such as solar, biofuel and ocean energy.
Renewable Energy
Cooperation in RE: 
The RMI Government is currently supported by donors and development partners to mitigate impacts of high oil prices at policy level, focused on [...]investing in renewable energy sources such as solar, biofuel and ocean energy.
GHG emissions reduction targets: 
RMI commits to a quantified economy-wide target to reduce its emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) to 32% below 2010 levels by 2025. RMI communicates, as an indicative target, its intention to reduce its emissions of GHGs to 45% below 2010 levels by 2030. ---Sectors  Energy - Electricity Generation - Transport (land and shipping) - Other (cooking and lighting).---As currently estimated, progress towards achieving RMI’s targets would entail reducing emissions from: the electricity generation sector by 55% in 2025, and 66% in 2030; transportation (including domestic shipping) by 16% in 2025 and 27% in 2030; waste by 20% by 2030; and 15% from other sectors (cooking and lighting) by 2030.
Decarbonization strategy: 
Specific areas of action contemplated to make progress towards the INDC targets include:  Ground and roof mounted solar with associated energy storage;  Ongoing demand-side energy efficiency improvements (e.g. prepayment meters, end user efficiency improvements);  Supply-side energy efficiency improvements (e.g. new engines and system upgrades, heat recovery from engines)  Small scale wind-powered electricity generation;  Replanting and expansion of coconut oil production for use in electricity and transport sectors blended with diesel;  Vehicle inspections and maintenance;  Introduction of electric vehicles, and emission standards for current vehicles;  Introduction of solar-charged electric lagoon transport;  Reduction in methane production in landfills through pre-sorting of waste and entrapment of methane;  Transition to electric and solar cook stoves from LPG cook stoves;  Reduction of kerosene for lighting in outer atolls; and  Additional GHG reductions may become possible through the use of new technologies allowing the extraction of ocean energy for power generation.
Cooperation in env.: 
RMI will need international support for is efforts to transition towards a low-emissions energy sector through greater use of renewables such as solar, biofuels and wind, and potential use of transformational technology, such as OTEC.
Деятельность органов власти
M&E of policy implementation: 
A monitoring plan has been developed as part of the National Energy Policy to tie the key strategies of the energy sub-sectors to the overall vision of the energy sector and the Vision 2018.
Clean energy technology transfer: 
RMI will need international support for is efforts to transition towards a low-emissions energy sector through greater use of renewables such as solar, biofuels and wind, and potential use of transformational technology, such as OTEC.