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Energy, Power
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All, Power, Gas, Renewable, Bioenergy, Solar, Wind
Finance Division, Ministry of Finance Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh
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Сводный обзор: 
The Power and Energy Sector Road Map: An Update, aims at presenting the current status of "the roadmap of power and energy sector development" of People's Republic of Bangladesh. This document represents an update about the achievement in the power and energy sector, its revised plan, and the new initiatives. The roadmap analyzes the power and the energy sector, their achievements and the future medium and long term plans. Eventually two appendices address: 1. Electricity Added in the National Grid (from January/09 to May/11) and 2. a Summary of Achievements.---Note: IDCOL (Infrastructure Development Company Limited).
Energy access action plan: 
Immediate and long-term plans to increase per capita electricity consumption, electricity coverage and electricity production capacity, and to reduce load-shedding.
Energy access targets: 
The Government has taken steps to ensure electricity for all by 2021.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
It is also important to put emphasis on electricity demand management in reducing electricity supply cost, protecting environment and controlling unnecessary use of electricity. --- Prioritized actions to be carried out to implement energy saving activities are as follows: - Ensure efficient use of energy; - Standardize energy saving electronic machinery and technologies.
EE targets: 
Addressing the challenge of decreasing production capacity: Retirement of Power Plant, Total Retirement by 2015 (Power MW) : 88+83+161+897+448 = 1677MW.
EE action plans: 
[...] Government has taken power saving initiatives through electricity demand management including electricity production [...]. Under load management the following initiatives are taken to conserve electricity and ensure its efficient use: Continuing holiday staggering program for industrial units, which reduces about 150 MW of electricity demand. • Shopping malls and markets are shut down after 8 pm reducing electricity demand by 350 MW at the peak hour. • Consumers in the government, semi-government and autonomous offices are being encouraged to maintain air-cooler temperature at and above 25 degree Celsius and to refrain from using air-coolers in the peak hours. • A number of steps have been taken to control electricity demand on the receiving end by using power saving handy equipments. For the first time 45 lakhs consumers received 1 crore 5 lakhs cost free energy saving CFL bulbs from the Government. This has reduced demand by 150-160 MW of electricity. Government is planning to distribute extra 1 crore 75 lakhs free energy saving CFL bulbs to the consumers by September 2011 which will reduce a significant amount of electricity consumption. • Consumers are being advised to use T-5 tube lights and energy saving electric ballast instead of using magnetic ballast that consumes more electricity [...].
Renewable Energy
RE targets: 
A target has been fixed in the Government declared energy policy to produce 500 MW electricity from renewable energy by 2015. Solar PV: 200 MW; Wind Power: 200 MW; Biomass: 45 MW; Biogas: 45 MW; Others: 15 MW = Total 500 MW; --- IDCOL plans to install 2.5 million SHSs by 2014 with generation capacity of 125 MW. • IDCOL has a target to install 150,000 biogas plants by 2016.
RE action plans: 
Vigorous efforts are also at hand to augment electricity generation from [...] renewable energy sources, e.g., solar energy, biogas etc. with a view to reducing over-dependence on natural gas. --- In order to scale down the level of reliance on natural gas and import-dependent oil, the Government has taken a number of steps to increase and develop environment friendly renewable energy. Prioritized actions to be carried out to implement energy saving activities are as follows: - Finalize the draft law to create Sustainable Energy Development Authority(SEDA); - Promote and develop renewable energy [...]. --- IDCOL has taken initiatives to implement commercial biogas and bio-electricity plants in the poultry and dairy farms.
RE capital subsidy, grant, or rebate: 
Immediate Steps to Be Taken For the Development of Energy Sector: [...] Determining appropriate policies and strategies and providing financial support to generate wind-mill power; Providing incentives for setting up of Bio-digester Plant; Providing incentives for establishing solar panel producing industry.
Public competitive bidding/tendering: 
Policy Strategy: [...] - Speedy processing of tenders and signing of contracts for offshore blocks.
Fossil fuel subsidies: 
[...] as energy is the main driver of economic growth, the Government is continuing with the programme for providing subsidy to this sector. The subsidy programme should be operated in a way so that the macroeconomic stability will remain unhindered. There is a plan to make the fuel price in domestic market compatible with the neighboring country in order to reduce the amount of subsidy to a reasonable level by 2015.
Renewable energy subsidies: 
Immediate Steps to Be Taken For the Development of Energy Sector: [...] Determining appropriate policies and strategies and providing financial support to generate wind-mill power; Providing incentives for setting up of Bio-digester Plant; Providing incentives for establishing solar panel producing industry.
Energy pricing: 
Government is planning to introduce an acceptable tariff rate by 2015 to bring down subsidy to a reasonable level. n the mean time, the bulk price of per unit electricity has been increased from TK. 2.37 to TK. 2.61 on February 2011. --- Policy Strategy: [...] - Reasonable pricing of gas considering its commercial value. --- Immediate Steps to Be Taken For the Development of Energy Sector: [...] Determining rational price for ensuring sustainable development of energy sector. --- The Government has taken a range of steps to reduce the price of LPG cylinder.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Vigorous efforts are also at hand to augment electricity generation from fossil and renewable energy sources, e.g., solar energy, biogas etc. with a view to reducing over-dependence on natural gas.--- In order to scale down the level of reliance on natural gas and import-dependent oil, the Government has taken a number of steps to increase and develop environment friendly renewable energy.---The construction of about 95 km long pipeline from Moheshkhali to Anwara for LNG transmission is under way. Both the LNG terminal and pipeline are expected to be completed by March 2013. --- Steps have been taken to supply 180 MMCFD of gas to the national grid through drilling of 9 development wells of which 5 are in Sylhet, Kailashtila and Rashidpur gas fields, and the rest 4 are in Titas gas field. --- Steps have been taken to install three compressor stations at Muchai, Ashuganj and Elenga. --- Construction of at least two terminals with auxiliary infrastructure and the capacity of receiving 500 MMCFD liquid gas from ships. --- Actions have been taken to supply 190 MMCFD of gas to the national grid by drilling 10 development/workover wells at Semutang, Fenchugonj, Salda, Shabazpur, Titas, and Bakhrabad gas fields. Sites have been selected for drilling exploration wells by seismic survey and data analysis at Sundalpur, Srikail, Kapasia, Sunetra and Mobarakpur. Exploring 95 MMCF gas daily from these wells has been targeted. Considering the increasing demand for gas, a Fast Track Programme has been initiated on an emergency basis to augment gas production. --- The Government [...] planned to establish 2 LPG bottling plants - one at Mongla, Bagerhat and the other at Kumira, Chittagong under public- private partnership. Each plant will produce about 1,00,000 MT of LPG per annum. --- Policy Strategy: [...] - Approval for importing liquefied natural gas by the private sector as an alternative to natural gas supply and building necessary infrastructure. --- The Government has taken steps to install new power plants having generation capacities of 2350 MW in 2015, 2800 MW in 2016 and 12450 MW between 2015 and 2020. --- by December 2011 nearly 2194 MW additional electricity is planned to be added by installing 11 public power plants and 16 private power plants. --- By settling the existing critical situation prevailing in gas sector, the Government has identified the power and energy sector as the top priority sector in order to ensure the long term energy security and make the supply of natural gas easily available. --- Attaching highest priority to the development of energy and power sector, the Government has taken an initiative to implement the Rooppur Nuclear Power Project, as a project of national importance.---[U]nder the revised long term plan, through drilling and development of exploration wells additional 180 MMCFD of gas is planned to be produced by national companies and 500 MMCFD by international oil companies totaling 680 MMCFD which will be added to the national grid by December 2015.---One of the key resources for dealing with the existing and projected shortage of gas supply is to explore new gas fields and to re-evaluate the stock of existing gas fields in order to determine the actual reserve and to take initiatives to increase supply by excavating well in large number. This calls for huge investment and highly technological, technical and professional skills to implement this initiative.
Cooperation in connectivity: 
In a bid to install two compressor stations at two places of Bangladesh and for the sustainable development of gas sector with a view to increase gas supply of the country, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Russia will be signed soon.--- There is a plan to import 500 MW of hydro-electricity from a hydro power plant located at Lemro river of Rakhain state, Myanmar. For this purpose, a MoU has been signed between the governments of Bangladesh and Myanmar. It is expected that by 2018 the proposed 500MW of electricity would be imported through successful regional cooperation.
Energy trade priorities: 
The Government has taken a range of steps to diversify energy sources. As part of this, the Government has given importance to import of LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) alongside gas, oil, coal, CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) and LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas). --- Policy Strategy: [...] - Approval for importing liquefied natural gas by the private sector as an alternative to natural gas supply and building necessary infrastructure. --- Experts recommend that the quick resolution of energy problems lies on coal import. In order to solve the problems, the Government needs to do the following: [...] • Clarify government’s policy stance on import of coal. --- To reduce the intensity of gas crisis as well as to meet the increasing energy demand, the Government has taken steps to import 500 MMCFD LNG. --- Immediate Steps to Be Taken For the Development of Energy Sector: [...] - Fixing maritime boundary with India and Myanmar;[...].--- In the medium term, supply of additional 1000 MMCFD of gas to the national grid by the international oil companies has been targeted in the revised plan.---In the medium term, supply of additional 1000 MMCFD of gas to the national grid by the international oil companies has been targeted in the revised plan.
Bi- and multi-lateral energy agreements: 
In a bid to install two compressor stations at two places of Bangladesh and for the sustainable development of gas sector with a view to increase gas supply of the country, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Russia will be signed soon.---There is a plan to import 500 MW of hydro-electricity from a hydro power plant located at Lemro river of Rakhain state, Myanmar. For this purpose, a MoU has been signed between the governments of Bangladesh and Myanmar. It is expected that by 2018 the proposed 500MW of electricity would be imported through successful regional cooperation.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
The Government has increased overtime the budget allocation to the power sector by identifying it as the most prioritised sector. With enhancement of budget allocation in this sector, the amount of subsidy has increased as well. --- In the FY 2011-12, the allocation (Tk.7152 crore) for the development of power sector is approximately 209 percent higher than that (Tk.2308 crore) of the FY 2008-09. On the other hand, the amount of subsidy (Tk. 5200 crore) in power sector during FY 2011-12 is 423 percent higher than that (Tk. 994 crore) of FY 2009-10. From FY 2009-2010 to FY 2011-12, the amount of government allocation in this sector has increased at a higher rate as percentage of GDP, total budget and total development budget. --- It will require a total investment of US$17,000 million to install all the planned power stations by 2016. It has been estimated that at least 59 percent of the required investment or US$ 10,000 million will come from the private sector. --- One of the key resources for dealing with the existing and projected shortage of gas supply is to explore new gas fields and to re-evaluate the stock of existing gas fields in order to determine the actual reserve and to take initiatives to increase supply by excavating well in large number. This calls for huge investment and highly technological, technical and professional skills to implement this initiative.
Financial incentives for energy infrastructure: 
The Government has formed a Gas Development Fund (GDF) to finance the development projects of gas sector.
Tax and duty exemptions for energy equipment: 
Steps are being taken to reduce customs duties, VAT, etc on LPG Cylinder and accessories [...].
Independent power producers: 
As many new independent power producers have shown their interest in electricity production, a revised target of additional 12,473 MW (instead of 9,426 MW) by 2015 has been fixed together with adoption of different new programme. --- Due to the increasing demand for electricity, BPDB has taken steps to install new power plants and to purchase electricity from Rental and IPP to meet up emergency demand. --- [...] Plans have already been made that some of IPP power plants can import necessary furnace oil and diesel directly from the overseas markets under own arrangement to produce electricity.
Project permitting: 
Speedy processing of tenders and signing of contracts for offshore blocks.
Investment climate development: 
Immediate Steps to Be Taken For the Development of Energy Sector: [...] - Reducing the tendency of international oil Companies for quick withdrawal of invested money under Production Sharing Contract (PSC).
Public Private Partnerships: 
[...] in view of its high-cost involvement, government considers setting up strategic power plants in the private sector as the best and effective option. --- in order to ensure supply of fuel to the diesel and furnace oil based power stations to be installed in future, formation of a joint venture company under Public Private Partnership (PPP) to import fuel is under way. --- It will require a total investment of US$17,000 million to install all the planned power stations by 2016. It has been estimated that at least 59 percent of the required investment or US$ 10,000 million will come from the private sector. On the other hand, to implement the plan successfully, it is projected that a total investment of US$ 23000 million will be required in this sector by 2020. --- Steps to be taken: • Allow private sector opportunities to import LNG; [...] • Involving private sector in the plan for importing and installation of LNG. --- The Government has planned to establish 2 LPG bottling plants - one at Mongla, Bagerhat and the other at Kumira, Chittagong under public- private partnership.
Bidding and Tendering: 
Policy Strategy: [...] - Speedy processing of tenders and signing of contracts for offshore blocks.----- In a bid to install two compressor stations at two places of Bangladesh and for the sustainable development of gas sector with a view to increase gas supply of the country, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Russia will be signed soon.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
Immediate Steps to Be Taken For the Development of Energy Sector: Developing and sustaining skilled professionals with knowledge on various sources of energy 􀂃
National policy structure: 
In order to reduce dependence on fossil fuel and to explore renewable energy sources in addition to generating power from commercial sources, the Government has formulated ‘Renewable Energy Policy 2010’ for the generation of environment-friendly power from renewable energy sources; [...] - Creating opportunity for using energy from multiple sources by finalizing the National Energy Policy and Coal Policy. --- [...]Experts recommend that the quick resolution of energy problems lies on coal import. In order to solve the problems, the Government needs to do the following: [...] • Finalise coal policy immediately.
Energy institutional structures: 
Prioritized actions to be carried out to implement energy saving activities are as follows: - Finalize the draft law to create Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA);
Advanced fuel extraction technology: 
[...] There is a concern about the method of extraction as well as the technological security. [...] the Government needs to do the following: [...] • Build up mass awareness regarding the method of extraction, especially, for the open pit coal mines [...].
Natural gas transportation technology: 
Programmes have been undertaken to assess and re-evaluate gas reserve in prospective/potential areas of the country through 2-D and 3-D seismic surveys.