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Energy, Power, Industry
Виды энергоресурсов: 
Royal Government of Cambodia
Unofficial translation
Сводный обзор: 
Driven by its long-term vision toward 2030, particularly as expressed in the “Rectangular Strategy – Phase III”, the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) has prepared and adopted this “Industrial Development Policy” as a guide to promote the country's industrial development that will help maintain sustainable and inclusive high economic growth through economic diversification, strengthening competitiveness and promoting productivity. The IDP represents a “new growth strategy” that responds to the structural transformation of domestic economy and the changing regional and global economic architecture. The Cambodian economy is at a crucial transformation stage after sustaining high growth over the last decade.
Energy access action plan: 
Establishment and development of industrial infrastructure [...]: Implement and timely complete the planned construction of electricity plants to reduce shortage of electricity supplies by 2020 including improvement of capacity and quality of transmission; Review the forecast of long-term electricity demand and energy development plan in line with the new vision for economic and industrial development. Energy supply options are also to be reviewed in order to ensure adequate energy supply capacity to major strategic industrial zones
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
Establishment and development of industrial infrastructure[...] : - Monitor and direct energy supply to major production zones by ensuring the most sufficient and stable electricity supply, which allow factories to plan their production effectively.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
[H]arnessing the vast potential arising from extensive investments in socio-economic infrastructure, in particular in the transport and energy sectors [...].
Industrialization support: 
The Royal Government takes into concrete consideration the limitation of its authority and other associated risks. In this respect, it has set the following priority industrial sectors: [...] industries serving regional production lines and those of future strategic importance such as [...] energy, heavy industries, [...] and green technology.---Establishment and development of industrial infrastructure[...] : - Monitor and direct energy supply to major production zones by ensuring the most sufficient and stable electricity supply, which allow factories to plan their production effectively. Implement and timely complete the planned construction of electricity plants to reduce shortage of electricity supplies by 2020 including improvement of capacity and quality of transmission; Review the forecast of long-term electricity demand and energy development plan in line with the new vision for economic and industrial development. Energy supply options are also to be reviewed in order to ensure adequate energy supply capacity to major strategic industrial zones