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Energy, Power, Industry, Transport, Building, Multi-Sector
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All, Oil, Power, Renewable, Geothermal, Other
New Zealand Government, Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority
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Сводный обзор: 
EECA is a Crown entity which implements the Government’s priorities in the areas of energy efficiency, energy conservation and renewable energy. This Document provides for its strategic direction and objectives in the residential, transport, business sectors.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
Deliver the greatest net-benefit to New Zealand from energy efficiency, energy conservation [...].---Warm, dry and more energy efficient homes.---Improved energy intensity.----Long-term strategic direction to 2025: Improved home thermal envelope and occupants’ health; Improved household energy intensity; Greater use of renewable energy.---Long-term strategic direction to 2025: Improved transport energy intensity so that more goods are delivered and more people have access to their destinations per unit of fuel use; Greater use of renewables in the transport sector.
EE targets: 
Residential - Immediate outcomes to June 2018: 350,000 homes with improved thermal performance; 50% of buyers seek information about a home’s thermal performance to assist in decision making; 70% of renters use information about a home’s thermal performance when making decisions to rent; 12% reduction in annual energy use by residential appliances.---Transport- Immediate outcomes to June 2018: 30% of businesses with significant transport fuel use are taking action; 30% of drivers are driving more efficiently; Vehicles entering the light vehicle fleet improve by 0.1 litres/100 km per year.---Business sector - Immediate outcomes to June 2018: 20% of the top 1,200 energy using businesses seek audits or advice; 20% of new commercial tenants seek a NABERSNZ rating; 5% annual energy use reduction in commercial and industrial appliances; 0.03 PJ additional renewable heat energy.---Long-term strategic direction to 2025: Improve industrial and commercial energy intensity (GJ/$1000 GDP) 9.5 PJ per year of energy from woody biomass or direct use geothermal additional to that used in 2005.
EE action plans: 
Improving the thermal performance of New Zealand homes • through our flagship insulation programmes • by helping people identify wider opportunities to improve the energy efficiency of their houses.---Tackling poverty, especially as it affects children • by targeting insulation programmes where they are most needed: low-income households with children, elderly and others with high health needs • by reducing households’ energy and health costs.---Supporting the rebuild of Christchurch • by providing advice on cost-effective energy efficient and renewable technologies for Christchurch houses, as part of the rebuild.---Reducing energy-related CO2 emissions • through a range of fuel saving initiatives across the carbon intensive transport sector. ---Increased productivity and a more competitive economy • by helping businesses and households reduce their fuel and other transport-related costs.---Supporting the rebuild of Christchurch • by providing advice on the design and build of commercial buildings to incorporate cost-effective energy efficient and renewable technologies as part of the rebuild • by advising on new energy-related infrastructure, such as a district energy scheme.---Increased productivity and a more competitive economy • by helping businesses save on energy costs, allowing savings to be re-invested in other parts of their business or the economy •[...]by helping businesses identify new market opportunities based on energy efficient and renewable technologies.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Deliver the greatest net-benefit to New Zealand from [...] from renewable resources.---Greater use of renewable energy.---Long-term strategic direction to 2025: [...] Greater use of renewable energy.
RE targets: 
Business sector: Immediate outcomes to June 2018 [...]0.03 PJ additional renewable heat energy.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Efficient, safe and lower CO2 transport.
Decarbonization strategy: 
Reducing energy-related CO2 emissions • through a range of fuel saving initiatives across the carbon intensive transport sector. ---Increased productivity and a more competitive economy[...]• by helping businesses cut CO2 emissions, thereby improving their reputation in key export markets [...].---Reducing energy-related CO2 emissions: • by implementing a range of measures that help reduce CO2 emissions while also improving business productivity • through initiatives in the industrial heat sector, which is one of the two biggest areas of opportunity for CO2 reduction (and energy) savings (alongside transport).
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
Improving oil security and reducing reliance on imported fuels by • advising on new opportunities to promote uptake of renewable fuels and technologies and reduce fossil fuel use (e.g. through helping businesses, schools and hospitals switch from fossil-fuelled to wood fuelled boilers).
Деятельность органов власти
Energy institutional structures: 
Other key elements of the ODP, essential to successful delivery, are: • building a cohesive leadership team • establishing real clarity among those leaders of EECA’s operating model • communicating that clarity to everyone within the organization • putting in place just enough structure to reinforce that clarity going forward.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Increased productivity and a more competitive economy [...]by helping businesses identify new market opportunities based on energy efficient and renewable technologies.---Improving oil security and reducing reliance on imported fuels by • advising on new opportunities to promote uptake of renewable fuels and technologies and reduce fossil fuel use (e.g. through helping businesses, schools and hospitals switch from fossil-fuelled to wood fuelled boilers).