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Energy, Power, Industry, Transport, Multi-Sector, Other
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Ministry for the Environment
Ссылка на документ: 
Сводный обзор: 
The purpose of this Act is to enable New Zealand to meet its international obligations under the Convention and the Protocol, to provide for the implementation, operation, and administration of a greenhouse gas emissions trading scheme in New Zealand that supports and encourages global efforts to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and to provide for the imposition, operation, and administration of a levy on specified synthetic greenhouse gases contained in motor vehicles and also another levy on other goods to support and encourage global efforts to reduce the emission of those gases.
Pollution control action plans: 
The purpose of this Act is to enable New Zealand to meet its international obligations under the Convention and the Protocol,[...] provide for the implementation, operation, and administration of a greenhouse gas emissions trading scheme in New Zealand that supports and encourages global efforts to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and [...] to provide for the imposition, operation, and administration of a levy on specified synthetic greenhouse gases contained in motor vehicles and also another levy on other goods to support and encourage global efforts to reduce the emission of those gases.