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Energy, Power
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Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Solar, Wind, Other
Power Division Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Govt. of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Ссылка на документ: 
Сводный обзор: 
The 3-Year Road Map For Power Sector Reform provides for an overview of the power sector reforms in Bangladesh and then explores the road map for the future institutional power sector reforms. Finally, it also provides for annual targets: 2008, 2009 and 2010.
Energy access priorities: 
To upgrade the socio-economic condition and to alleviate poverty, electricity sector has been prioritized by the Government.
Energy access targets: 
Providing access to affordable and reliable electricity to all citizens by 2020. GOB is currently working with an interim target of providing electricity to 60% of the population by 2010. [...] Access to electricity to 60%.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
Components of Reform The principal components of the reform programme have been envisaged as follows: [...] 7. Development of Demand Side Management (DSM) including energy efficiency measures to conserve energy.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Components of Reform The principal components of the reform programme have been envisaged as follows: [...] 8. Creation of appropriate framework and institution to facilitate the development of alternative/renewable energy resources.
RE action plans: 
Renewable Energy Development: ♦ Renewable Energy program is being implemented by both public (REB, BPDB, LGED) and private sector. ♦ Government is in the process of establishment of Sustainable Energy Development Agency (SEDA) to coordinate and facilitate activities of agencies promoting renewable energy. ♦ More than 200,000 houses, shops and small business have been provided access to electricity using SHS. IDCOL has been playing leading role in expanding Solar Home System (SHS) in rural areas. ♦ A pilot biomass plant is in operation near Dhaka and a wind power plant has started operation in Kutubdia Island.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
[...] about 2200 circuit km (100 km 400 kV, 1500 km 230 kV and 600 km 132 kV) of transmission line and about 50,000 km of distribution line will have to be constructed for evacuation and distribution of power.
Investment climate development: 
[T]o create an institutional foundation on which to ramp, in a sustainable manner, the substantial investments needed for the sector to properly support economic growth and reduce poverty.---The foremost priority in the reform agenda of the Government is to establish a legal framework for enabling business transaction in the new environment [...].
Public Private Partnerships: 
[...] the Government has contracted with private power companies for generation and supply of electricity to BPDB on rental basis for 3 years. These rental power plants (about 300 MW) are expected to be commissioned within 4 months of signing of contract i.e., by May 2008. --- All the existing power stations in the public sector will be converted into profit centers for eventual conversion to a corporatized entity individually or on cluster basis which will be retained by BPDB holding company. --- [...] generation capacity will be sought through a mix of sources i.e. public, private, and public-private joint ventures. Employment of Private Sector resources in new generation will be encouraged. --- BPDB distribution segment will be converted into a number of distribution companies under BPDB holding company. All works towards corporatization of BPDB distribution will be completed.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
The foremost priority in the reform agenda of the Government is to establish a legal framework for enabling business transaction in the new environment [...]. --- to create an institutional foundation on which to ramp, in a sustainable manner, the substantial investments needed for the sector to properly support economic growth and reduce poverty. --- New generation projects will be taken up to achieve the desired security of supply at generation level to be met at least cost [...]. --- Components of Reform The principal components of the reform programme have been envisaged as follows: 1. Segregation of power generation, transmission and distribution functions into separate services and creation of BPDB holding company as an apex body where generation, transmission and distribution operating companies will be the subsidiaries of the holding company.
Energy institutional structures: 
Recently GOB initiated conversion of BPDB into a holding company including reshaping of the whole industry. --- [...] Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission has been made functional since April 2004. The Commission has mandate to regulate the electricity, gas and petroleum sector.
M&E of policy implementation: 
Implementation of the reform program is a very complicated and difficult task and requires well-organized, integrated and comprehensive plan and actions. It also requires close co-ordination, interaction and strong commitment of the Government, and other stakeholders. A high level National Steering Committee has been formed. A Task Force has also been established and a Working Group has been formed [...].