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Senate of the Philippines
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Сводный обзор: 
The Philippine Energy Plan (PEP) 2016-2030 formulates comprehensive sectoral roadmaps to ensure a timely implementation of the energy agenda. The PEP provides more emphasis and focus on sustainability of all available energy sources, as well as the diversification of the country's energy mix.
Energy access action plan: 
Electrification Action Plan:  In achieving 100 percent electrification at the household level. The policy may entail specifying a reference base year and a base number of households to be targeted (such was applied in both barangay and sitio electrification programs).  Establishing a coordinated monitoring strategy for the attainment of 90 percent household electrification by 2017. One of the strategies is the provision of a monthly accomplishment report to keep track of program (including sub-program) accomplishments vs. targets.  Establishment of a household electrification information system (HEIS) that will aid in avoiding potential duplication of beneficiaries.  Establishment of Nationwide Off-grid database that will serve as baseline and target of all off-grid electrification program of the Government.  Assessment of previous off-grid electrification programs as this may serve as input to NEA’s BLEP.  Coordination with other government agencies that may assist in fast-tracking electrification.  Implementation of NEA’s Total Electrification Plan (TEP) by 2020.  Address the issues and challenges identified by NEA in its SEP implementation such as (i) delay in program implementation because of peace and order situation in isolated areas; (ii) frequent occurrence of natural calamities; and (iii) accessibility problems in constructing the electric distribution system.
EE action plans: 
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Action Plan: [...]  Demand Response and Demand Side Management Program  Paper on setting out the framework and regulatory steps necessary to implement a comprehensive Demand Response Strategy  Establish a Power Sector Energy Efficiency Strategy e) Cross-Sectoral  New Vehicle for public/private collaboration on energy efficiency  Gain agreement to establish a new entity: Philippine Energy Efficiency Advisory Board (PEEAB)  Formulate membership composition and activity plans of the PEEAB  Establish resources for ongoing operation Energy Efficiency Data Management, Monitoring and Evaluation Program  Establish responsibilities for energy efficiency data collection and sectoral frameworks containing agreed monitoring regime and stronger energy use data protocols  Report on Action Plan implementation
EE industry standards: 
b) Industrial Sector  Industry Energy Management and Opportunity Identification  Develop mechanism for DOE to have direct energy efficiency input in the Investment Priority Plan and assist the DTI to “green” industry roadmaps with energy efficiency measures  Scale-up and broaden the sectors targeted by the Phil. Industrial Energy Efficiency Project (PIEEP) and High Efficiency Motors (HEMS) projects to priority sectors of cement, steel, semi-conductor, manufacturing and sugar  Provide technical assistance to PEZA on qualifying energy efficiency service providers and technologies  Link energy efficiency incentive provision by DTI to the establishment of a compliant data collection regime  Update and refresh existing DOE reference material on industrial energy efficiency opportunities
EE building standards: 
c) Commercial Buildings  Government Buildings Efficiency Program  Strengthen and extend the Government Energy Management Program (GEMP)  Release of new guidelines for government procurement of energy efficiency services  Complete a model ESCO procurement and implementation project at a high-profile government building site  Building Codes Program  Establish a coordination body on energy efficiency input to the Green Building Code  Establish a Building Code Training Program for selected LGUs  Inclusion of energy efficiency in the three-year review process of Green Building Codes  Building Information and Ratings Program  Develop an annual performance information tool – benchmark for government building energy efficiency  Incentive mechanisms to link certification to eligibility for energy efficiency incentives  Mandatory disclosure of performance ratings on sale/lease of building d) Residential Buildings  Appliance Standards and Labeling Program  Reformulate mechanisms for energy efficiency input and cooperation on standards development  Increase post market surveillance programs  Large Employers Bulk Purchase and Staff Incentive Program  Undertake design of scheme for eligible organizations, products and scheme mechanisms  Roll-out scheme and establish DOE support activities  Behavioral information Program for low-income groups  Investigate greater utilization of billing information programs and pre-paid billing models  Continue awareness raising campaign on energy efficiency to include housing designs (insulation and cool roofs)
EE transport standards : 
a) Transport Sector  Vehicle Efficiency Improvement Program  Complete the baseline assessment for efficiency of new light duty vehicles  Roll-out new vehicle labeling for energy use  Vehicle inspection regimes to include fuel efficiency rating with emissions compliance testing and investigation of differentiated vehicles taxes for efficient vehicles  Vehicle conversion Program (auto-LPG and E-Trikes)  Transport and Urban Energy Efficiency Inter-Agency Committee  Vehicle Efficiency and Driver Awareness Program  Re-launch the Fuel Economy Initiative  Roll-out driver training program  Freight Transport Energy Efficiency Partnership  Development of a National Efficient Freight and Logistics Master Plan
Energy Service Companies (ESCOs): 
 ESCO Development Program  Create coordinated platform for ESCO sector training capacity building activities and consideration of guarantee support  Develop standard ESCO contracts for bidding  Develop Project Monitoring and Verification Guidelines  Strengthen ESCO accreditation  Create an ESCO pilot site for industry
EE financial incentives: 
 Energy Efficiency Revolving Fund and Finance Sector Capacity Building Program  Approach donors for assistance with EEC capacity building for the finance sector  Establish a revolving fund for energy efficiency projects  Create an Energy Efficiency Finance Program for the commercial bank sector  Coordinate an Energy Efficiency Finance Training Program for large energy users on investable projects
Renewable Energy
RE action plans: 
Geothermal Action Plan: To ensure success of the sector’s aspirational goal, the DOE, together with the industry stakeholders has intensified its efforts in the implementation of the following strategies:  The DOE will continuously pursue the conduct of OCSP where prospective geothermal areas will be offered and bid-out to private investors.  Assessment on the utilization of Low-Enthalpy Geothermal areas will also be a continuing activity to further assess the full potential of this type of geothermal resource.  Apart from large-scale geothermal resource development, the DOE is also pushing to develop the small-scale power and non-power application to maximize full potential of the country’s geothermal resources. Drafting of policy/guidelines for the direct use of small-scale geothermal energy will also be carried out during the planning period.  The DOE will also start conducting Research/ Feasibility Study on emerging technologies such as the Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS), Utilization of Acidic Reservoir and Geothermal Heat Pump. These advanced technologies offer the opportunity to access an enormous, local, clean energy resource. [...]  Continued improvement of database and networking for better data access of both internal and external clients  Continued exploration of identified underexplored/unexplored assessment of geothermal areas (high and low)  Encourage service contractors to undertake expansion and full utilization or optimization of the geothermal projects  Establishment of Geothermal Training Center in coordination with RE stakeholders. --- Biofuels Roadmap: The DOE has come up with a roadmap that will facilitate the implementation of the scheduled blending of biofuels from 2016 to 2030 in compliance with the “Biofuels Act of 2006” or R.A. 9367 [...] Accordingly, under the roadmap, for the short-term (2016-2019) period, biodiesel will maintain the current 2 percent blending level while bioethanol will be at 5 percent level. From medium to long-term planning period, the DOE together with the National Biofuels Board (NBB) will embark on revisiting/re-evaluating the blending requirement with due consideration on the availability of feedstock.
RE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
 IEC campaigns will be strengthened to address issues on environment and socio-cultural concerns especially those located in protected areas. Harmonization of government policies and regulations under the Republic Act No. 7586 or the “National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS) of 1992” and the Republic Act No. 8371 or the “indigenous People’s Rights Act (IPRA) of 1997” will facilitate implementation of energy projects. Close coordination with the LGUs and other concerned agencies will also speed up issuance of environmental permits and approval of SLUP, FLAG and TCP.  Optimization and Improvement of Geothermal Power Plant Efficiency and Energy Conversion
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
Power sector Action Plan: [...]  Advocate the passage of a legislative measure that will declare energy projects as projects of national significance to ensure timely implementation of power projects  Institutionalize an appropriate power portfolio (70-20-10 baseload, mid-merit and peaking categories) and reserve requirements  Provide policy guidance and directives to the energy family through formulation of more stringent and sound policies  Continuous updating, improvement and timely execution of the Power Development Plan, Transmission Development Plan, Distribution Development Plan, Missionary Electrification Development Plan and Household Electrification Development Plan  Continuous monitoring, inspection and conduct of technical performance audit of power facilities to ensure the security and reliability of supply  Continuous monitoring and implementation of EPIRA  Institutionalize performance standards to all energy regulatory and market related agencies of government  Publish synchronized maintenance schedule of power plants  Continuous conduct of capacity building activities for the energy family and industry stakeholders to increase technical competency  Continuous conduct of research, development and deployment of emerging and innovative technologies  Intensify public awareness through the conduct of information, education and communication campaigns. --- Downstream Oil Industry Action Plan A. Updating of the Oil Supply Contingency Plan [...] B. Promoting the development/establishment of a national oil stockpile program [...] C. Encouraging additional oil (and biofuels) infrastructure on storage and distribution [...] D. Oil refinery upgrading/expansion [...] E. Transparency of Oil Price Adjustments [...] F. Promoting awareness through IEC [...] G. Constant Monitoring of the industry [...] --- Downstream Natural Gas Action Plan: (1) Expand Supply Source [...] (2) Infrastructure Development [...] (3) Market Development [...] (4) Manpower Capacity/Skills Development [...] (5) Policy Development [...]
Энергетическая смесь: 
Based on the new energy mix policy for power generation, the power plant technologies considered per type of operation are as follows: • 70 percent baseload capacity from coal, geothermal, big hydropower, natural gas, nuclear and biomass (during availability of feedstocks) • 20 percent mid-merit capacities from natural gas • 10 percent of peaking capacities from oil-based plants and variable renewable energy such as solar photovoltaic (during daytime) and wind
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
Oil and gas Action Plan. The DOE strives to accomplish the short-, medium- and long-term goals through the following action plans:  More stringent monitoring of existing Service Contracts in both exploration and production phases to ensure compliance with the approved work program of the DOE and in accordance with the industry’s internationally-accepted safety standards  Continuous monitoring of (a) seismic data acquisition, processing and subsequent interpretation, (b) exploration and appraisal well drilling and testing operations and (c) lifting/off-taking activities of crude oil and condensate produced Oil and gas Action Plan. The DOE strives to accomplish the short-, medium- and long-term goals through the following action plans:  Active participation in geological and geophysical studies and assistance to the setting of Environmental Standards  Continuous improvement in the issuance process of Tax Exemption Certificates to SC operators, endorsement letters to LGUs and other government agencies, registration of technical and administrative sub-contracts and registration of performance bonds by SC operators  Conduct of more information, education and communication (IEC) campaigns for a more socially-accepted implementation of petroleum exploration, development and production activities. --- Coal Action Plan. As a continuing strategy, the DOE will carry on the following strategies, plans and programs to stimulate investors’ interest in coal exploration and development. • Continuing conduct of the PECR for coal to select the most qualified operators that will be able to explore and delineate coal deposits of commercial quantity that can be economically developed and mined. • Vigilant monitoring of coal mining operations to check compliance with the DOE approved work program to ensure that commitment of coal operating contract holders in the development and production phase is met. • The DOE, with the assistance of law enforcement agencies and LGUs will continue its campaign against unauthorized coal mining and trading activities through an intensified implementation of the DC-2015-0506 to efficiently account the country’s coal flow and to properly manage indigenous coal resources. • In a bid to reduce carbon footprint of coal generation, adoption of clean technologies will be promoted to maximize the use of coal for power generation. • While we apply multi-fuel policy, coal-fired power plants remain to be the least cost and immediately available option in the near term. As such, development of coal mine-mouth power projects is seen to facilitate the utilization of relatively low rank coals. • Continuous issuance of Certificate of Compliance for coal importation will be facilitated to meet the country’s coal demand and Small-Scale Coal Mining Permits to develop and mine marginalized coal deposits. • To resolve issues on health, environment and social acceptability, the government in collaboration with the stakeholders will strengthen its efforts in the conduct of IEC to facilitate implementation of coal exploration and mining, i.e. provincial resolutions which ban coal mining, LGUs opposition to mining. • Continuous capacity building with the ASEAN Forum on Coal (AFOC). • Continuous annual attendance to various relevant conventions and workshops, i.e. the Annual Clean Coal Technology, School of Coal, Coal Bed Methane, National Mine Safety and Environment Conference, Annual Geological Convention, among others.