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Ministry of Power
Сводный обзор: 
The Energy Conservation (Venture Capital Fund for Energy Efficiency) Rules, 2017 establish the Venture Capital Fund for Energy Efficiency to provide equity capital for energy efficiency projects.
EE financial incentives: 
(2) The fund shall provide last mile equity support to specific energy efficiency projects, limited to a maximum of fifteen per cent of total equity required, through special purpose vehicle or rupees two crore, whichever is less. (3) The fund shall not invest in projects of invested entities or special purpose vehicle of invested entities. (4) Each project shall meet the following criteria, namely:- (a) seek to achieve demonstrable energy savings and mitigating emissions of greenhouse gases and project sponsors or participants must offer a viable method to monitor and verify the same; (b) be a new project but shall not takeover of an existing project; and (c) use viable technologies and to be developed after energy audit or feasibility studies. (5) The period of investment of the fund shall be up to five years, with the option of early exit.