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All, Power, Gas, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar, Wind, Other
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
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The Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) 2021 aims to further mitigation actions that Bangladesh may take to tackle its growing emissions and play its role in global efforts. The NDC calls for a number of mitigation actions that will help limit the country’s GHG emissions. The updated NDC covers Energy, Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU), Agriculture, Forestry and other Land use (AFOLU) and Waste. For the NDC update, 2012 has been considered as the base year following the Third National Communication of Bangladesh, which details a comprehensive national GHG emission inventory for 2012.
EE action plans: 
Possible Mitigation Actions to deliver the Unconditional Contribution. Description: Power  Enhanced efficiency of existing power plants. Actions by 2030: [...]  Efficiency improvement of Existing Gas Turbine power plant (570 MW). [...] Description: Transport  Improvement of fuel efficiency for transport sub-sector. Actions by 2030: [...]  Improvement of road traffic congestion (5% improvement in fuel efficiency). [...] Description: Industry  Increase energy efficiency in the Industry sub-sector. Actions by 2030: [...]  Achieve 10% Energy efficiency in the Industry sub-sector through measures according to the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Master Plan (EECMP). [...] Description: Residential and Commercial  Enhanced use of energy-efficient appliances in household and commercial buildings. Actions by 2030: [...]  Use energy-efficient appliances in household and commercial buildings (achieve 5% and 12% reduction in emission respectively). --- Possible Mitigation Actions to deliver the Conditional Contribution. Description: Power  Enhanced efficiency of existing power plants. Actions by 2030: [...]  Efficiency improvement of Existing Gas Turbine power plant (570 MW). Description: Transport  Improvement of fuel efficiency for transport sub- sector. Actions by 2030: [...]  Improvement of road traffic congestion (15% improvement in fuel efficiency). [...] Description: Industry  Increase energy efficiency in Industry sub-sector. Actions by 2030: [...]  Achieve 20% Energy efficiency in the Industry sub-sector through measures according to the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Master Plan (EECMP)  Promote green Industry  Promote carbon financing. [...] Description: Residential and Commercial  Enhanced use of energy-efficient appliances in household and commercial buildings. Actions by 2030: [...]  Use energy-efficient appliances in household and commercial buildings (achieve 19% and 25% reduction in emission respectively).
Renewable Energy
RE action plans: 
Possible Mitigation Actions to deliver the Unconditional Contribution. Description: Power  Implementation of renewable energy projects. Actions by 2030: Power  Implementation of renewable energy projects of 911.8 MW  Grid-connected Solar-581 MW, Wind-149 MW, Biomass-20 MW, Biogas-5 MW, New Hydro-100 MW, Solar Mini-grid-56.8 MW  Installation of new Combined Cycle Gas based power plant (3208 MW)  Efficiency improvement of Existing Gas Turbine power plant (570 MW)  Installation of prepaid meter. --- Possible Mitigation Actions to deliver the Conditional Contribution. Description: Power  Implementation of renewable energy projects. Actions by 2030: Power  Implementation of renewable energy projects of 4114.3 MW.  Grid-connected Solar-2277 MW, Wind-597 MW, Biomass-50 MW, Biogas-5 MW, New Hydro-1000 MW, Solar Mini-grid-56.8 MW, Waste to Electricity- 128.5 MW.