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General Economics Division (GED) Planning Commission Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh 
Сводный обзор: 
The Eighth Five Year Plan (2020-2025) maps out the COVID-19 recovery strategies in the macroeconomic framework as well as developing sectoral strategies in the plan.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
The 8FYP strategy comprises of following components: [...] 7. Improve Energy Efficiency & Conservation through demand side management. [...]
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
[...] the strategic focus needs to not only having a generation pipeline that will be meeting the demand, but also to ensure better quality and efficiency in [...] (c) maximizing use of renewable energy and energy trade. --- The 8FYP strategy comprises of following components: [...] 5. Enhance the exploitation of gas, coal, renewable resources, increased energy imports particularly hydropower from neighbouring Bhutan and Nepal in order to optimize the energy mix and reduce the dependence on imported furnace oil and HSD. In this regard hydropower, given its abundance in the neighbouring countries and expected cheaper cost of production, will be given prime importance among other renewable resources. The other renewable resources include wind power, solar energy, biomass and waste to power, where the core strategic goal will be to make the energy available at optimum rate to all consumers.
RE targets: 
Government had also set target to generate 10% of the total generation from renewable energy sources by 2021 with total electricity generation capacity now being over 23,548 MW (including captive and offgrid renewables), and electricity coverage reaching 97% of the population with per capita generation increasing to 512 kwh.
Energy pricing: 
The 8FYP strategy comprises of following components: [...] 3. While moving to a least-cost power production system, have regular power tariff adjustments to ensure long term sustainability of power generation and moving away from budgetary subsidy that is now prevalent. [...]
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
The 8FYP strategy comprises of following components: [...] 2. Continue to enhance the generation capacity to match expansion of demand from all segments of the economy, particularly industry and manufacturing, so as to ensure supply of unhindered quality power from the grid, with 100% population connected to quality electricity supply. [...] 8. Establishment of supply line network for the transportation of petroleum in quick, safe, efficient and environment friendly way all over the country. 9. Establishment of a number of energy hubs in the country including Matarbari Ultra supercritical Coal-fired Power Plant centric energy hub.
Энергетическая смесь: 
[...] the strategic focus needs to not only having a generation pipeline that will be meeting the demand, but also to ensure better quality and efficiency in (a) generation through ensuring optimal primary fuel mix, including efforts to make increased use of domestic coal and gas through mining and exploration; [...] --- The 8FYP strategy comprises of following components: 1. Move to an efficient least-cost power production structure based on (a) an optimal and efficient primary fuel mix; and (b) transmission, and distribution of electricity through further reduction of T&D losses; [...] --- Move towards the strategy for achieving the least cost energy mix for generation during the 8th plan period.
Infrastructure development priorities: 
The 8FYP strategy comprises of following components: [...] 9. Establishment of a number of energy hubs in the country including Matarbari Ultra supercritical Coal-fired Power Plant centric energy hub.
Public Private Partnerships: 
There also needs to be reform of the PPP strategy with a view to achieving stronger progress with investments in primary energy during the Eighth Plan.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
The 8FYP strategy comprises of following components: [...] 4. In order to leverage higher levels of investments, undertake necessary reforms that can create a more conducive and healthier environment for the participation of private sector (IPPs and PPPs), domestic and foreign, in energy sector development under the supervision of effective regulatory authority. [...]