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Royal Government of Bhutan
Сводный обзор: 
Kingdom of Bhutan Second Nationally Determined Contribution charts a way for Bhutan to continue pursuing a low emission development pathway towards our national objectives for sustainable development while meeting our obligations under the Paris Agreement.
EE action plans: 
The manufacturing process related mitigation measures include: 1. Replacing fossil origin reductants with renewable charcoal 2. Cement blending Energy efficiency measures include: 1. Waste heat recovery 2. Refuse derived fuels in cement plants 3. Energy efficiency increases in production processes 4. Direct hot charging- integrated production 5. Energy efficiency improvement of electric motor systems 6. Conversion of diesel boilers to electric boilers. The mitigation potential from the LEDS for industries is estimated between 999 and 1,137 Gg CO2e per annum based on the grid emission factor or 9,990 -11,370 Gg CO2e cumulative mitigation potential till 2030. The LEDS for industries recommends establishment of a revolving fund mechanism, green loans, concessional financing, establishing a cleaner production centre (to be managed by the Association of Bhutanese Industries), technology transfer, and capacity building to realise the mitigation potentials. --- The National Energy Efficiency & Conservation Policy and the Energy Efficiency Roadmap (NEECP) were adopted in 2019. The roadmap establishes the impact of energy efficiency (EE) on the country’s GHG emission in line with the first NDC targets with about 0.59 million tCO2e emission reduction potential from implementation of EE&C measures. The action plan aims to contribute towards the NDC mitigation measures by enhancing demand side management through (i) promotion of EE in appliances, (ii) buildings and (iii) industrial processes and technologies. The NEECP 2019 will strive to realise the energy saving potential of 155 GWh annually using energy efficient equipment, appliances and construction materials in the building, appliance and industry sector and annual fuel cost saving of Nu.467 million with implementation of various EE measures in the transport sector. Several of the actions and measures in the EE policy and action plan are also being integrated into the different LEDS for human settlements, transport, and Industries.
EE transport standards : 
The LEDS for Surface Transport12 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains [...] 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards [...] 6. Private vehicle demand management through [...] import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system.
Renewable Energy
RE targets: 
Medium-term targets from 2020-2028 include: 1. 71.11 MW of utility scale solar and wind energy (17.38 MW solar in Sephu, 30.73 MW solar in Shingkhar and 23 MW wind in Gaselo). 2. Alternative renewable energy project to install roof mounted solar PV on 300 rural households to enable access to clean energy and displace fuelwood consumption. The regulatory policies and tariff structure for solar feed-in tariff will be prepared to encourage the growth of the prosumer market. 3. An 80-kW decentralised solar PV plant shall be developed to provide reliable and sustainable electricity supply to the Aja Ney community which is inside the Bumdeling Wildlife Sanctuary. This intervention is intended to enable access to clean energy for the communities while also curtailing their dependence on firewood. 4. More than 50 Solar Water Heating Systems (SWHS) of 1000 litres per day (LPD) capacity shall be installed in various public institutions (schools, monasteries, hospitals etc.), to curtail pressure on firewood which is otherwise deployed for heating water. 5. The remote Lunana community will be provided with a 500-kW mini-hydel to meet the energy demands of the community through a sustainable and reliable approach. This will eliminate the need for a 97km transmission line in a national protected area and avoid deforestation and degradation. 6. The feasibility of a waste to energy plant of utility scale in Thimphu will be undertaken and implemented to convert the organic waste to energy and reduce landfill emissions.
RE action plans: 
Future development of hydropower will be as per the revised Sustainable Hydropower Policy 2021 and enhances climate resilience through reservoir/pumped storage schemes to ensure energy and water security. Currently, there are four hydropower projects under construction that are anticipated to be commissioned before 2030 viz. Punatsangchuu-I (1200MW), Punatsangchhu-II (1020MW), Kholongchhu (600MW) and Nikachhu (118MW) hydroelectric projects (HEP). In addition, the Sankosh HEP (2585 MW), Dorjilung HEP (1125 MW) and Nyera Amari (404MW) are priority projects that will be pursued based on evolving national circumstances. ---