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Energy, Power, Industry, Transport, Building, Multi-Sector, Other
Виды энергоресурсов: 
Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, Wind, Other
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
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Сводный обзор: 
Indonesia Long-Term Strategy on Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Development 2050 (Indonesia LTS-LCCR 2050) aims to contribute to global goal and to achieve national development objectives, taking into consideration the balance between emission reduction, economic growth, justice and climate resilience development. Through LTS-LCCR 2050, Indonesia will increase ambition on GHG reduction by achieving the peaking of national GHG emissions in 2030 with net- sink of forest and land-use sector, reaching 540 Mton CO2e by 2050, and with further exploring opportunity to rapidly progress towards net-zero emission in 2060 or sooner.
EE transport standards : 
It is envisaged that Indonesian transport situation in 2050 under LCCP will be as follows: [...] • The breakdown of transport energy in 2050 are: biofuels (46%), oil fuels (20%), electricity (30%) and natural gas (4%). The biofuel (CPO-based) programme is considered successful and will be continued to 2050 by supplying biofuel with higher biodiesel proportions (B30, B40, B50), which will be produced from sustainable sources.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
It is envisaged that the power situation in 2050 under LCCP will be as follows: • Power generation mix are: renewables (43%), coal (38%), natural gas (10%). • The renewables include hydro, geothermal, solar PV, biomass, biofuel and wind. [...] • Due to significant portion of intermittent renewable (solar and wind) will be deployed in the future, it will require development of smart grid that can handle large supply intermittency. • Power plant with 100% renewable energy in remote areas will need Smart Micro Grid.
RE targets: 
It is expected that in 2050 the power sector will nearly decarbonised, through: (i) utilization of renewables (hydro, geothermal, solar, wind, biomass) in massive scale; [...] and (iii) biomass-coal cofiring power plants are connected to CCS (Biomass Energy with Carbon Capture and Storage or BECCS). --- It is envisaged that the power situation in 2050 under LCCP will be as follows: • Installed capacity of renewable power generation mix are: solar PV 113 GW, hydro 68 GW, geothermal 23 GW, wind power 17 GW, biomass 13 GW, biofuel 14 GW and BECCS 23 GW with negative emissions.
RE action plans: 
[...] large amount of solid biomass supply for the BECCS need to be prepared and developed, therefore, an integrated land use planning is crucial to ensure sustainable feedstock supply of biofuel and wood biomass for BECCS.
Energy environmental priorities: 
It is envisaged that the power situation in 2050 under LCCP will be as follows: [...] • Around 76% of the coal power plant are equipped with CCS to achieve zero emissions in coal power plants.
Pollution control action plans: 
The mitigation options in energy sector includes: (i) energy efficiency measures in all sub-sectors; (ii) substitution of fossil fuel by renewable in power generation and transport; and (iii) electrification of end use in building and in transportation (must be accompanied by decarbonisation of electricity).
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Энергетическая смесь: 
It is envisaged that the power situation in 2050 under LCCP will be as follows: • Power generation mix are: renewables (43%), coal (38%), natural gas (10%) and BECCS (8%).
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Since Indonesia is an archipelago, the power system will be developed in the form of distributed power, instead of large centralised system. Power system with various types of power plants and different degree of intermittency will have to cope with grid stability.
Деятельность органов власти
National policy structure: 
Four following guiding pillars were used to develop long-term low carbon strategy in energy sector taking into account past development and future projection of energy demand and supply : (i) implementation of energy efficiency measures; (ii) use of decarbonized electricity in transport and buildings; (iii) fuel shift from coal to gas and renewables in industry; and (iv) enhancement of renewable energy in power, transport and industry.