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Energy, Power, Transport, Multi-Sector, Other
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Power, Renewable, Other
Government of Nepal
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Сводный обзор: 
The Second Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) was communicated under the Paris Agreement for the period 2021-2030, following Articles 4.2 and 4.11 of the Paris Agreement, and Decision 1/CP.21 paragraph 23 and 24, and other relevant provisions of the Paris Agreement.
Clean cooking solutions: 
• By 2030, ensure 25% of households use electric stoves as their primary mode of cooking. • By 2025, install 500,000 improved cookstoves, specifically in rural areas. • By 2025, install an additional 200,000 household biogas plants and 500 large scale biogas plants (institutional/industrial/ municipal/community).
EE targets: 
Due to this e-vehicle sales target, fossil fuel energy demand for the transportation sector will decrease from approximately 40 million GJ in the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario in 2025 to 36 million GJ. This would be around a 9% decrease in fossil fuel dependency. This target will reduce emissions from a projected BAU of 2,988 Gg CO2 eq. in 2025 to 2,734 Gg CO2 eq., which is around 8% decrease in emissions. --- As a consequence, energy demand for fossil fuels will decrease from approximately 48 million GJ in the 2030 BAU scenario to 34.5 million GJ, which is around 28% decrease in fossil fuel dependency. This target will reduce emissions from a projected BAU of 3,640 Gg CO2 eq. in 2030 to 2,619 Gg CO2 eq., which is around 28% decrease in emissions.
Renewable Energy
RE targets: 
• By 2030, expand clean energy generation from approximately 1,400 MW to 15,000 MW, of which 5-10 % will be generated from mini and micro-hydro power, solar, wind and bio-energy. Of this, 5,000 MW is an unconditional target. The remainder is dependent upon the provision of funding by the international community. • By 2030, ensure 15% of the total energy demand is supplied from clean energy sources. • Sales of electric vehicles (e-vehicles) in 2025 will be 25% of all private passenger vehicles sales, including two-wheelers and 20% of all four-wheeler public passenger vehicle sales (this public passenger target does not take into account electric rickshaws and electric-tempos) in 2025. --- • By 2030, increase sales of e-vehicles to cover 90% of all private passenger vehicle sales, including two-wheelers and 60% of all four-wheeler public passenger vehicle sales (the public passenger target does not take into account electric-rickshaws and electric-tempos).
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
• By 2030, develop 200 km of the electric rail network to support public commuting and mass transportation of goods.