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Экономический сектор: 
Energy, Power, Industry, Transport, Multi-Sector, Other
Виды энергоресурсов: 
Power, Renewable, Other
The Philippine Government
Сводный обзор: 
The Republic of the Philippines Nationally Determined Contribution supports the country’s national development objectives and priorities of sustainable industrial development, poverty eradication and inclusive growth, energy security, and social and climate justice, and the transformation of its socio-economic sectors towards a climate and disaster-resilient and low carbon economy.
GHG emissions reduction targets: 
The Philippines commits to a projected GHG emissions reduction and avoidance of 75%, of which 2.71% is unconditional and 72.29% is conditional, representing the country’s ambition for GHG mitigation for the period 2020 to 2030 for the sectors of agriculture, wastes, industry, transport, and energy.