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Government of the Republic of Korea 
Сводный обзор: 
The Republic of Korea’s Update of its First Nationally Determined Contribution is set at the most ambitious level possible, considering the long-term temperature goal set out in Article 2 of the Paris Agreement. The updated target is to reduce 24.4% from the total national GHG emissions in 2017, which is 709.1 MtCO2eq, by 2030.
Renewable Energy
RE targets: 
In the transportation sector, the Republic of Korea has set the target of deploying 3 million units of electric vehicles and 850,000 hydrogen vehicles by 2030 with a view to scaling up the deployment of zero-emission vehicles. --- For the building sector, a total of KRW 20 trillion will be invested in green remodeling of 225,000 public rental homes and 2,000 public buildings (daycare centers, healthcare centers, etc.) used by vulnerable populations, and transformation of 2,890 units of school into green smart school. Also, the government will foster hydrogen-related businesses for the growth of the hydrogen industry. To this end, it will focus on the development of original technologies for hydrogen production, storage, and utilization and create 6 pilot hydrogen-based cities.
GHG emissions reduction targets: 
The updated target is to reduce 24.4% from the total national GHG emissions in 2017, which is 709.1 MtCO2eq, by 2030. --- Third, the Republic of Korea plans to reduce GHG emissions efficiently based on the market mechanism by utilizing Korea’s Emissions Trading Scheme (K-ETS), which covers 73.5% of the national GHG emissions.
Pollution control action plans: 
The following are the key updates of the Republic of Korea’s NDC. First, despite its energyintensive industry structure and export-driven economy, the Republic of Korea has set the ambitious target of reducing one-fourth of the total national GHG emissions within approximately 10 years from the base year 2017 in order to contribute to the global efforts to achieve the long-term temperature goal of the Paris Agreement. Second, pursuant to paragraph 4 of Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, the Republic of Korea has replaced its BAUbased reduction target with an economy-wide absolute emissions reduction target. Third, the Republic of Korea has increased its share of domestic reduction through its continued mitigation efforts such as the ban on construction of new coal-fired power plants. Fourth, the Republic of Korea has provided the information to facilitate clarity, transparency, and understanding of the NDCs, as indicated in Annex I of decision 4/CMA.1, earlier than required. Last but not least, the Republic of Korea plans to use voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement as a complementary measure to its domestic mitigation efforts including LULUCF to achieve its target.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
A total of KRW 73.4 trillion will be invested by 2025 and the Green New Deal will facilitate GHG emissions reduction and help sustaining climate-resilient recovery. The next 5 years of implementing the Green New Deal will serve as a lever for achieving the updated NDC including the 2030 national GHG reduction target and green transition toward carbon neutrality.