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Energy, Power, Multi-Sector, Other
Виды энергоресурсов: 
Power, Renewable, Other
Ministry of Environment, Government of Sri Lanka
Ссылка на документ: 
Сводный обзор: 
The Updated Nationally Determined Contributions of Sri Lanka represent a more ambitious (than INDC), quantified, and robust assessment of the mitigation potential and adaptation measures for the next decade (2021-2030) informed by up-to-date analysis, improved information and data, and an extensive stakeholder consultation process.
EE action plans: 
Key interventions envisaged for GHG emissions reduction up to the year 2030: [...]  Continue the loss reduction initiatives of the transmission and distribution network. [...]  Implement Demand Side Management activities through a five-year national Energy Efficiency Improvement and Conservation (EEI&C) programme.
Renewable Energy
RE targets: 
In order to realize this ambitious target, Sri Lanka further commits;  To achieve 70% renewable energy in electricity generation by 2030; [...]
RE action plans: 
Key interventions envisaged for GHG emissions reduction up to the year 2030:  Development of hydro-power base to its maximum potential through new large and small hydro-power plants amounting to around 300 MW.  Develop approximately 800MW of wind power generation in Northern and North-Western coastal areas of the island.  Develop approximately 2,000 MW of solar power capacity using different modalities such as solar rooftops, small scale, and large solar PV power plants.  Power generation through biomass and municipal solid waste will also be added with an expectation of a reasonable contribution to power generation.  Facilitate the implementation of pilot-scale projects using new renewable energy sources that have not yet reached commercial maturity and other grid supporting infrastructures including behind the meter (BtM) and grid-scale energy storage solutions to assist more renewable energy integration.  Pursue Pumped Storage Hydro Power Plant development to accommodate higher level of intermittent and weather-dependent renewable energy to the power generation system. [...]  Introduce policy supportive measures such as tax benefits, low-interest financing, etc. to expedite the implementation of renewable energy development and energy efficiency improvement programmes.  Engage in viable carbon trading mechanisms to promote the shift towards clean energy sources.
GHG emissions reduction targets: 
Sri Lanka commits to increase 32% forest cover by 2030 and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 14.5% for the period of 2021-2030 from Power (electricity generation), Transport, Industry, Waste, Forestry, and Agriculture. --- In order to realize this ambitious target, Sri Lanka further commits; [...]  To achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2050 in electricity generation; [...]
Carbon markets: 
Key interventions envisaged for GHG emissions reduction up to the year 2030: [...]  Engage in viable carbon trading mechanisms to promote the shift towards clean energy sources.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
In order to realize this ambitious target, Sri Lanka further commits; [...]  No capacity addition of Coal power plants. --- Key interventions envisaged for GHG emissions reduction up to the year 2030: [...]  Convert existing fuel oil-based combined cycle power plants to use natural gas and to develop new natural gas plants as an alternative to planned coal power plants (depending on infrastructure availability for natural gas).
Energy sector investment priorities: 
There are some concrete areas of investment Sri Lanka could potentially consider during post-Covid recovery situation, which have been discussed during the NDC revision process. These are: [...]  Enabling policies and incentives for renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste management, green industry and transportation initiatives etc. to reduce GHG emissions; [...]
Overseas investment support: 
In the next ten years, Sri Lanka will seek climate financing and technology transfer support towards exploiting more renewable energy resources, expanding energy storage systems and upgrading its electricity distribution network, efficient and effective waste to energy systems, modernizing public transportation, upgrading its road and railway network etc.