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Title in national language: 
Taiala mo le Atinae o Samoa 2008–2012: 'Atinae Manuia Nei ma ā Taeao'
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Экономический сектор: 
Energy, Power, Industry, Transport, Building, Multi-Sector, Other
Виды энергоресурсов: 
All, Oil, Power, Renewable, Solar, Other
Ministry of Finance
Сводный обзор: 
Strategy for the Development of Samoa (SDS) 2008-2012: Ensuring Sustainable Economic and Social Progress, presents Samoa’s development vision, its medium-term national development goals, and the strategies that will be implemented during the four financial years 2008/09–2011/12 to achieve these goals. The document is the result of an extensive consultative process, which informed the formulation of the national development goals and strategies for achieving them. These goals and strategies are organized into three priority areas: Priority Area 1: Economic Policies; Priority Area 2: Social Policies; and Priority Area 3: Public Sector Management and Environmental Sustainability.
Bi-, multi-lateral mechanisms to expand access: 
During SDS 2008–2012 the Power Sector Expansion Project, which is supported by the Asian Development Bank and the governments of Australia and Japan, will be implemented.
Energy access priorities: 
During SDS 2008–2012, the objective of efficient, reliable, affordable and sustainable electricity services will be pursued. --- Ensure access for all to reliable, affordable and safe petroleum products.
Energy access action plan: 
During SDS 2008–2012 the Power Sector Expansion Project, which is supported by the Asian Development Bank and the governments of Australia and Japan, will be implemented.
EE action plans: 
During SDS 2008–2012, demand-side management strategies will be developed to encourage increased energy efficiency amongst consumers.
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
During SDS 2008–2012, [...] demand-side management strategies [...] will include public awareness campaigns.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
During SDS 2008–2012, electricity generation from proven renewable energy technologies (hydro, wind, solar, biomass, geothermal) will be promoted. --- Recent high oil prices and scientific research that suggests fossil fuel will be exhausted within the next century make the promotion and use of alternative energy sources a priority. --- Reduce fossil fuel dependency through renewable energy investment and promotion.
RE action plans: 
During SDS 2008–2012, a reduction of dependency on fossil fuels in favour of renewable energy sources will be encouraged through implementation of five strategies: (1) promoting the sustainable use of indigenous energy resources and renewable energy technologies; (2) promoting partnerships with communities and all energy stakeholders, especially development partners, in the development of renewable energy programmes in Samoa; (3) exploring training opportunities to build up capacity in renewable energy technologies; (4) encouraging the commercial use of renewable energy research findings of the Institute of Research and Development; and, (5) enhancing public knowledge and understanding of renewable energy and its costs and benefits.
RE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
During SDS 2008–2012, a reduction of dependency on fossil fuels in favour of renewable energy sources will be encouraged through: enhancing public knowledge and understanding of renewable energy and its costs and benefits.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions through renewable energy use, energy efficiencies, sustainable transport and public education and awareness programmes.
Energy pricing: 
During SDS 2008–2012, [...] demand-side management strategies [...] will include tariff adjustments that encourage importation of efficient electrical equipment and appliances.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
During SDS 2008–2012, electricity generation from proven renewable energy technologies (hydro, wind, solar, biomass, geothermal) will be promoted.---Promote the use of fuel efficient, environmentally friendly transport and the use of bio-fuel and public transport.
Import taxes and fee exemptions: 
During SDS 2008–2012, [...] demand-side management strategies [...] will include tariff adjustments that encourage importation of efficient electrical equipment and appliances.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
Reduce fossil fuel dependency through renewable energy investment and promotion.
Investment climate development: 
Government will continue to improve economic infrastructure services as a means of creating a more attractive business environment and increasing public access to basic social services. The key service areas are energy [...].
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
During SDS 2008–2012 and beyond, the objective of an efficient and effective coordination and management of the energy sector will be pursued.
National policy structure: 
During SDS 2008–2012 and beyond, the objective of an efficient and effective coordination and management of the energy sector will be pursued. This requires: the formulation of an appropriate legal framework for energy sector management; and
Energy institutional structures: 
During SDS 2008–2012 and beyond, the objective of an efficient and effective coordination and management of the energy sector will be pursued. This requires: Institutional strengthening of the Energy Unit within the Ministry of Finance; the establishment of a Regulatory Body consisting of energy stakeholders from government and the private sector and with a mandate to govern the energy sector.
Statistics collection and management: 
During SDS 2008–2012 and beyond, the objective of an efficient and effective coordination and management of the energy sector will be pursued. This requires: the development of a reliable energy database management system.
R&D renewable energy: 
Support research and development work on agro-processing and renewable energy.