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Energy, Power, Transport, Building, Multi-Sector, Other
Виды энергоресурсов: 
All, Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar, Wind, Other
Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources
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Сводный обзор: 
The NESP updates the 1993 National Environment & Development Management Strategies, NEMS. The NESP is to be read in conjunction with the 2013 State of Environment (SOE) report and the NESP Report: Background & Process. Based on the Integrated Environmental Assessment ( IEA ) process, the state of the environment review and NEMS were designed to provide relevant answers to the 5 fundamental assessment questions on the state of Samoa's environment and to provide for effective communication of the assessment to policy makers and different stakeholders. I. What is happening to the environment and Why? II. What are the consequences for the environment and humanity? III. What is being done and how effective is it? IV. here are we heading? V. What actions could be taken for a more sustainable future?
Clean cooking solutions: 
Design and construct biomass energy efficiency stoves by 2013-14.
EE targets: 
Design and construct biomass energy efficiency stoves by 2013-14.
EE action plans: 
Promote the Green House Gas Abatement Strategy ( GHGAS ) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through Energy Efficiency (EE) and Renewable Energy (RE) from the following priority areas: - Land, marine, air transport and building sectors - Deforestation and land degradation - Promote and encourage energy conservation and efficient energy use [...]. --- Encourage and facilitate the implementation of the following energy efficiency strategies - Importation of energy efficient commercial/industrial and household technologies; - Promote the use of pre-paid electricity in all households with key stakeholders. --- Sustainable Infrastructure: Facilitate efforts towards the reduction of urban congestion and air pollution through [...]. alternative transport fuel, energy-efficient buildings ( green buildings ) [...].
EE financial incentives: 
Encourage and facilitate the implementation of the following energy efficiency strategies: - Public acceptance of energy conservation household practices through educational programs and others means including the use of incentives. --- Develop a Carbon tax or Green tax for marine and aviation sector to help with conservation efforts.
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Encourage and facilitate the implementation of the following energy efficiency strategies - Public acceptance of energy conservation household practices through educational programs and others means including the use of incentives. --- Price incentives: - MNRE to actively engage the public through tv advertisements to reduce energy consumption by switching to energy efficient light bulbs, house hold appliances, and through energy conservation by switching off appliances when not in use, and avoiding unnecessary use of vehicles. --- provision of results and analysis tested on Energy Efficiency Appliances for public and community awareness.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Encourage and facilitate the use of indigenous renewable energy sources: - Support and encourage local research into alternative and renewable energy sources.
RE targets: 
Encourage and facilitate the use of indigenous renewable energy sources: - Support Government initiatives to achieve the national target of 20% Renewable Energy by the year 2030. --- Encourage Investment in Renewable Energy to increase contribution in total energy up to 15 % by 2016. --- Develop at least three projects for rolling over of biogas digester systems for household and farmers by 2015-16.---Install at least 100 Renewable energy mitigation appliances at households and in communities by 2013-14. Install at least 100 Renewable energy mitigation appliances at households and in communities by 2014-15; Install at least 100 Renewable energy mitigation appliances at households and in communities by 2015-16.
RE action plans: 
Promote and encourage waste to energy conversion of municipal, organic and agricultural wastes. --- Promote the Green House Gas Abatement Strategy ( GHGAS ) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through Energy Efficiency (EE) and Renewable Energy (RE) from the following priority areas: - Land, marine, air transport and building sectors - Deforestation and land degradation - Replacement of fossil fuels with biofuel - Investigate and promote new sources of renewable energy [...]. --- Sustainable Infrastructure: Facilitate efforts towards the reduction of urban congestion and air pollution through [...] alternative transport fuel, [...] and renewable energy systems. --- Assist and support the development of renewable energy sources (biomass, solar, hydro, wind) on customary lands. --- Develop at least three projects for rolling over of biogas digester systems for household and farmers by 2015-16.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Provide environmental advisory to renewable energy developers and utilities to ensure maximize protection of the environment.---Sustainable Infrastructure: Develop alternative low carbon technologies with careful planning to avoid negative environmental impacts such as loss of food or forest land, biodiversity and water resources.
GHG emissions reduction targets: 
Reduced GHG from land, marine and air transport by 10%. --- HCFC consumption reduction by 10% of baseline on 1st January 2015. --- CO2 emissions total, per capita and per $1 GDP (PPP) - 1.96 by 2015-16.
Pollution control action plans: 
Develop a National Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) to integrate Renewable Energy (RE) and Energy Efficiency (EE) to other sectors plans for low carbon developments.
Decarbonization strategy: 
Promote Low Carbon Development in the Energy Sector through the establishment of a Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action Programme. --- -Develop a National Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) to integrate Renewable Energy (RE) and Energy Efficiency (EE) to other sectors plans for low carbon developments.---Facilitate and support the shift to a low-carbon and climate resilient path: - Provide wider awareness programmes to schools, private sector, communities etc promoting simple and practical tools to low carbon development. - Encourage partnership with the private sector to promote low carbon tools.---Sustainable Infrastructure: Facilitate efforts towards the reduction of urban congestion and air pollution through [...] alternative transport fuel, energy-efficient buildings ( green buildings ), [...] and renewable energy systems.---Promote the Green House Gas Abatement Strategy ( GHGAS ) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through Energy Efficiency (EE) and Renewable Energy (RE) from the following priority areas: - Land, marine, air transport and building sectors - Deforestation and land degradation - Replacement of fossil fuels with biofuel - Investigate and promote new sources of renewable energy - Strengthened regulatory framework to mitigate GHG emissions - Promote and encourage energy conservation and efficient energy use.---Sustainable Infrastructure: Develop alternative low carbon technologies with careful planning to avoid negative environmental impacts such as loss of food or forest land, biodiversity and water resources.
Energy-water nexus: 
Investing in improved water infrastructure such as reduced leaking water pipes which contribute to significant energy wastage.
Carbon tax: 
Develop a Carbon tax or Green tax for marine and aviation sector to help with conservation efforts.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Sustainable Infrastructure: Facilitate efforts towards the reduction of urban congestion and air pollution through [...] alternative transport fuel, energy-efficient buildings (green buildings), [...] and renewable energy systems. --- Investing in improved water infrastructure such as reduced leaking water pipes which contribute to significant energy wastage. --- Develop at least three projects for rolling over of biogas digester systems for household and farmers by 2015-16.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
Encourage and facilitate the use of indigenous renewable energy sources: - Support public investment in renewable energy generation.
Financial incentives for energy infrastructure: 
Encourage and facilitate the use of indigenous renewable energy sources: - Investigate possible incentives to encourage private investment in indigenous renewable energy generation.
Investment climate development: 
Encourage and facilitate the use of indigenous renewable energy sources: - Investigate possible incentives to encourage private investment in indigenous renewable energy generation.
Public Private Partnerships: 
Facilitate and support the shift to a low-carbon and climate resilient path: - Encourage partnership with the private sector to promote low carbon tools. --- Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Abatement Strategy: Develop close coordination between MNRE and key Ministries, Corporations and the Private Sector to promote the co-benefits for mitigation and transformation to more sustainable development paths through EE and RE. ( land, electricity, building, maritime etc ); Promote Waste-to-Energy initiatives towards an environmentally clean environment with key stakeholders ( MoF, EU WSSSP, SPREP, MNRE, Private Sector ).
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
Review present production of energy to promote sustainable cost recovery.
National policy structure: 
Promote Low Carbon Development in the Energy Sector through the establishment of a Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action Programme. --- Promote the Green House Gas Abatement Strategy ( GHGAS ) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through Energy Efficiency (EE) and Renewable Energy (RE) from the following priority areas: - Strengthened regulatory framework to mitigate GHG emissions [...]. --- Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Abatement Strategy: Develop a National Appropriate Mitigation Action ( NAMA ) to integrate Renewable Energy ( RE ) and Energy Efficiency ( EE ) to other sectors plans for low carbon developments; Develop Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Policy and ACT for monitoring of renewable energy development and technologies to assure no practices, equipments, products and residuals endangers the environment; Promote Waste-to-Energy initiatives towards an environmentally clean environment with key stakeholders ( MoF, EU WSSSP, SPREP, MNRE, Private Sector ). --- Develop national policies for alternative energy sources.
Energy institutional structures: 
Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Abatement Strategy: Develop close coordination between MNRE and key Ministries, Corporations and the Private Sector to promote the co-benefits for mitigation and transformation to more sustainable development paths through EE and RE. ( land, electricity, building, maritime etc ). --- Support MNRE as the leading coordinating agency for overall coordination of Renewable Energy and Energy efficiency developments. --- Promote multi-agency coordination to ensure cross-cutting issues are not duplicated, but to complement other sector strategies with environmental related issues by identifying specific areas of concern that need addressing in those sectors (agriculture, water and sanitation, infrastructure and energy, tourism).
Statistics collection and management: 
Monitoring of renewable energy production ( collect and analyse data for reporting ); - Consolidate the periodic compilation and preparation of the GHG emission from Energy production and Energy Efficiency related activities; Provides Annual Reports for GHG Emission from all Energy Producers and Users; - Develop and manage Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Information Database and Energy GHG emission.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Sustainable Infrastructure: Develop alternative low carbon technologies with careful planning to avoid negative environmental impacts such as loss of food or forest land, biodiversity and water resources.
R&D renewable energy: 
Encourage and facilitate the use of indigenous renewable energy sources: Support and encourage local research into alternative and renewable energy sources.