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Energy, Power, Industry, Transport, Multi-Sector, Other
Виды энергоресурсов: 
Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, Wind, Other
United Nations, General Assembly
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Сводный обзор: 
The SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway is part of the Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 14 November 2014 during the Sixty-ninth session. "The Heads of State and Government and high-level representatives, having met in Apia from 1 to 4 September 2014 at the third International Conference on Small Island Developing States, with the full participation of civil society and relevant stakeholders, reaffirm [their] commitment to the sustainable development of small island developing States."
Bi-, multi-lateral mechanisms to expand access: 
We strongly support actions: [...] (d) To promote international collaboration to ensure the access of small island developing States to energy by, inter alia, strengthening their integration with regional and international energy markets and increasing the use of locally available sources of energy in the energy mix, joint infrastructure development projects and investment in production and storage capacities, in accordance with national legislation.
Energy access priorities: 
We strongly support actions: [...] (h) To work on an integrated approach to establishing and strengthening innovative energy road maps in small island developing States, with detailed resource planning, which takes into account social, environmental and economic considerations, as well as access to energy for the poor and people in remote areas.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
We are committed to continuing and enhancing support for the efforts of small island developing States: (d) To increase energy efficiency in the transport sector.e) To fulfill their bold and ambitious renewable energy and energy efficiency targets in small island developing States for the next decade, taking into account national circumstances, the diversification of energy systems and the provision of funds and technology on mutually agreed terms.
EE action plans: 
We strongly support actions: [...] (c) To support investment in initiatives by and for small island developing States, in particular the “SIDS DOCK” indicative project pipeline of renewable energy and energy efficiency and conservation projects, as well as in the areas of capacity-building and human resources development and public education and awareness.
EE financial incentives: 
b) To facilitate access to existing financing mechanisms to increase capital flows for the implementation of sustainable energy projects in small island developing States on renewable energy and energy efficiency.
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
We strongly support actions: [...] (c) To support investment in initiatives by and for small island developing States, in particular the “SIDS DOCK” indicative project pipeline of renewable energy and energy efficiency and conservation projects, as well as in the areas of capacity-building and human resources development and public education and awareness.
Cooperation in EE: 
We strongly support actions: (a) To develop a strategy and targeted measures to promote energy efficiency and foster sustainable energy systems based on all energy sources,[...];
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
We strongly support actions: (a) To develop a strategy and targeted measures to [...] foster sustainable energy systems based on all energy sources, in particular renewable energy sources, in small island developing States, such as wind, sustainable biomass, solar, hydroelectric, biofuel and geothermal energy;
RE capital subsidy, grant, or rebate: 
(b) To facilitate access to existing financing mechanisms to increase capital flows for the implementation of sustainable energy projects in small island developing States on renewable energy [...];
Cooperation in RE: 
(e) To fulfil their bold and ambitious renewable energy and energy efficiency targets in small island developing States for the next decade, taking into account national circumstances, the diversification of energy systems and the provision of funds and technology on mutually agreed terms.
Energy environmental priorities: 
We recognize that [...] sustainable energy, including enhanced accessibility to modern energy services, energy efficiency and use of economically viable and environmentally sound technology, plays a critical role in enabling the sustainable development of small island developing States.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
We strongly support actions: [...] (c) To support investment in initiatives by and for small island developing States, in particular the “SIDS DOCK” indicative project pipeline of renewable energy and energy efficiency and conservation projects, as well as in the areas of capacity-building and human resources development and public education and awareness; (d) To promote international collaboration to ensure the access of small island developing States to energy by, [...] joint infrastructure development projects and investment in production and storage capacities, in accordance with national legislation.
Regional integration priorities: 
We strongly support actions: [...] (c) To support investment in initiatives by and for small island developing States, in particular the “SIDS DOCK” indicative project pipeline of renewable energy and energy efficiency and conservation projects, as well as in the areas of capacity-building and human resources development and public education and awareness; (d) To promote international collaboration to ensure the access of small island developing States to energy by, [...] joint infrastructure development projects and investment in production and storage capacities, in accordance with national legislation.
Cooperation in connectivity: 
We strongly support actions: [...] (d) To promote international collaboration to ensure the access of small island developing States to energy by, [...] joint infrastructure development projects and investment in production and storage capacities, in accordance with national legislation.
Financial incentives for energy infrastructure: 
We strongly support actions: [...] (b) To facilitate access to existing financing mechanisms to increase capital flows for the implementation of sustainable energy projects in small island developing States on renewable energy and energy efficiency; (c) To support investment in initiatives by and for small island developing States, in particular the “SIDS DOCK” indicative project pipeline of renewable energy and energy efficiency and conservation projects, as well as in the areas of capacity-building and human resources development and public education and awareness.
Investment climate development: 
We urge the international community, including regional and international development banks, bilateral donors, the United Nations system, the International Renewable Energy Agency and other relevant stakeholders to continue to provide adequate support, including in the areas of capacity-building and technology transfer, on mutually agreed terms, for the development and implementation of national, regional and interregional energy policies, plans and strategies to address the special vulnerabilities of small island developing States.
Деятельность органов власти
National policy structure: 
We strongly support actions: [...] (h) To work on an integrated approach to establishing and strengthening innovative energy road maps in small island developing States, with detailed resource planning, which takes into account social, environmental and economic considerations, as well as access to energy for the poor and people in remote areas.
Public database availability: 
We strongly support actions: [...] (g) To access existing mechanisms, or, in regions with no existing mechanism, to encourage the establishment of user-friendly, accurate and comprehensive regional data repositories as online databases on energy [...].
Clean energy technology transfer: 
We urge the international community, including regional and international development banks, bilateral donors, the United Nations system, the International Renewable Energy Agency and other relevant stakeholders to continue to provide adequate support, including in the areas of capacity-building and technology transfer, on mutually agreed terms, for the development and implementation of national, regional and interregional energy policies, plans and strategies to address the special vulnerabilities of small island developing States.
R&D renewable energy: 
We strongly support actions [...] to conduct technical studies and gather information on grid stability and management, including maximizing the integration of renewable energy and innovative storage mechanisms.
Technology collaboration with other member States: 
We strongly support actions: [...] (f) To enhance international cooperation and cooperation among small island developing States for research and technological development and for the implementation of appropriate renewable energy and energy-efficient and environmentally sound technologies for small island developing States, including cleaner fossil fuel technology and smart grid technology, through the provision of, inter alia, financing from a variety of sources, the exchange of best practices and access to efficient technologies on mutually agreed terms.