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Power, Renewable, Geothermal, Solar, Wind, Other
Pacific Islands Forum
Ссылка на документ: 
Сводный обзор: 
The Majuro Declaration of Climate Leadership was adopted by the Leaders of the Pacific Islands Forum in 2013. In a concise and focused way, the Declaration captures the Pacific’s political commitment to be a region of Climate Leaders, and to spark a “new wave of climate leadership” that can deliver a safe climate future for all.
Energy access priorities: 
Palau: Deliver clean, secure and affordable energy for all citizens of Palau while treating the environment responsibly.
Energy access targets: 
Republic of Marshall Islands: Electrification of 100% of urban households and 95% of rural outer atoll households by 2015. ---Solomon Islands: Increase access to reliable, affordable and stable electricity grid by 50% from the current 12% by Year 2030. ---Solomon Islands: Increase access to Solar-Home-Systems by remote rural dwellers located far from electricity grid from current 8.7% to 30% by Year 2020. ---Tonga: All Tongans shall access to clean, reliable and affordable energy services by the end of TERM implementation period.
Consumer subsidies: 
Palau: Supporting consumers through the transition towards renewable energy.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
Palau: 3. Maximizing cost efficient energy efficiency and renewable energy resources and conservation of energy while safeguarding the environment.
EE targets: 
Palau: 30% reduction in energy consumption though energy efficiency and conservation. ---Republic of Marshall Islands: Improved efficiency of energy use in 50% of households and businesses, and 75% of government buildings by 2020; A 20% efficiency improvement in transportation sector fuel use by 2020. ---Tuvalu: Energy Efficiency – improvements of 30% of current annual demand of Funafuti.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Recognizing our unique vulnerability to climate change, the predicted catastrophic impacts on the security and livelihoods of our people, and the significant benefits that come with our transition to renewable, clean and sustainable energy sources, we, the Leaders of the Pacific Islands Forum, confirm our climate leadership in the form of the commitments listed at the end of this Declaration.
RE targets: 
Australia: 20% of electricity generation from renewables by 2020. ---Cook Islands: 50% of inhabited islands electricity needs to be provided by renewable energy in 2015, and 100% by 2020. ---Federated States of Micronesia: 10% of electricity in urban centres and 50% in rural areas will be generated using renewable energy sources by 2020. ---Fuel reduction target for electricity generation in Kiribati by 2025: 1. South Tarawa: 45% 2. Kiritimati: 60% 3. Rural public infrastructure: 60% 4. Rural public and private institutions: 100%. ---Nauru: 50% of electricity generation to by provided by renewable energy by 2020. Long-term milestone - Viable power generating capacity including alternative renewable energy sources by 2025. ---New Zealand quantitative renewable energy targets are: 1. 90% of electricity generation from renewable sources by 2025 (in an average hydrological year), providing this does not affect security of supply 2. By 2025, utilise up to 9.5 PJ per year of energy from woody biomass or direct use geothermal additional to that used in 2005. ---Niue: 100 % of electricity generation from renewables by 2020. ---Palau: 20% contribution of renewable energy to the energy mix by 2020. ---Republic of Marshall Islands: The provision of 20% of energy through indigenous renewable resources by 2020. ---Samoa: Increase in the contribution of RE to total energy consumption by 10% by 2016; Increase in the supply of RE for energy services by 10% by 2016. ---Solomon Islands: Renewable energy - Increase access to reliable, affordable and stable electricity grid by 50% from the current 12% by Year 2030. [...] 50% of electricity generation from renewables by 2015. ---Tuvalu: Power Generation – 100% renewable energy between 2013 and 2020. Implementation Principles - Solar PV 60 – 95% of demand - Wind 0 – 40% of demand (if feasible) - Biodiesel 5% of demand (import). ---Vanuatu: 100% of energy from renewables - 40% of power generation through renewables by 2015 - 65% of power generation through renewables by 2020.
RE action plans: 
Palau: 3. Maximizing cost efficient energy efficiency and renewable energy resources and conservation of energy wile safeguarding the environment [...] 5. Supporting consumers through the transition towards renewable energy. ---Republic of Marshall Islands: Feasibility studies and internationally supported financing plans for innovative ‘game-changing’ renewable energy and sustainable development opportunities including Majuro atoll waste-to-energy and Kwajalein/Ebeye atoll OTEC plants undertaken by 2015.
RE capital subsidy, grant, or rebate: 
Palau: [...] 5. Supporting consumers through the transition towards renewable energy.
Energy environmental priorities: 
[...] we recognize that the necessary energy revolution and economic transformation to low-carbon development is an unprecedented opportunity to enhance our security, protect and ensure the sustainability of our natural resources and environment, and to improve our people’s health. ---We confirm the responsibility of all to act to urgently reduce and phase down greenhouse gas pollution in order to avert a climate crisis for present and future generations.---Palau: Deliver clean, secure and affordable energy for all citizens of Palau while treating the environment responsibly.
GHG emissions reduction targets: 
Australia will unconditionally reduce its emissions by 5% below 2000 levels by 2020, and by up to 15% by 2020 if there is a global agreement which falls short of securing atmospheric stabilisation at 450 ppm carbon dioxide equivalent. [...] Australia will reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 25% on 2000 levels by 2020 if the world agrees to an ambitious global deal capable of stabilising levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at 450 ppm CO2-eq or lower.---New Zealand: Reduce emissions by 5 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020. [...] New Zealand is prepared to take on a GHG emissions reductions target of between 10 per cent and 20 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020, if there is a comprehensive global agreement. Papua New Guinea: Decrease GHG emissions at least 50% before 2030 while becoming carbon neutral before 2050.---Republic of Marshall Islands: A 40% reduction in CO2 emissions below 2009 levels by 2020. ---Tonga: To reduce Tonga’s greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy security through 50% renewable energy mix in the Energy Transformation sector by the end of the Tonga Energy Roadmap 2010-2020 [TERM] implementation period.
Pollution control action plans: 
Palau: Respond to the risk of climate change by adaptation to changes and by mitigation through reducing greenhouse gases caused by the production and use of energy. [...] A vision for a reliable and resilient energy sector delivering sustainable low emission energy services by: 1. Providing clear policy direction on the future of Palau’s energy sector [...]3. Maximizing cost efficient energy efficiency and renewable energy resources and conservation of energy wile safeguarding the environment 4. Promoting environmentally sustainable energy technologies with the aim to substitute fossil fuels 5. Supporting consumers through the transition towards renewable energy.
Decarbonization strategy: 
Palau: [...] A vision for a reliable and resilient energy sector delivering sustainable low emission energy services by: 1. Providing clear policy direction on the future of Palau’s energy sector.
Energy pricing: 
Solomon Islands: Reduce the price of electricity by half the Efficiency present tariff rate by 2020.
Energy trade priorities: 
Federated States of Micronesia: Decrease the import and use of imported petroleum fuels by 50% by 2020. ---Samoa: To reduce the growth rate in the volume of imported fossil fuels by 10% by 2016. ---Solomon Islands: Replace current use of imported fossil fuel for electricity generation by 100% by Year 2030.
Public Private Partnerships: 
Samoa: Increase Public and Private investment on Renewable Energy in transport fuels and electricity generation.
Деятельность органов власти
National policy structure: 
Palau: A vision for a reliable and resilient energy sector delivering sustainable low emission energy services by: 1. Providing clear policy direction on the future of Palau’s energy sector.
R&D renewable energy: 
Republic of Marshall Islands: Feasibility studies and internationally supported financing plans for innovative ‘game-changing’ renewable energy and sustainable development opportunities including Majuro atoll waste-to-energy and Kwajalein/Ebeye atoll OTEC plants undertaken by 2015.