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Виды энергоресурсов: 
Department of Energy
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Сводный обзор: 
The IMEM Rules establish the basic rules, requirements and procedures that govern the operation of the Interim Mindanao electricity Market (“IMEM”). In particular, the IMEM Rules seek to: (a) Facilitate the efficient operation of the IMEM; (b) Specify the terms and conditions to which entities may be authorized to participate in the IMEM; (c) Specify the authority and governance framework for the IMEM; (d) Provide for adequate sanctions in cases of breaches of the IMEM Rules; and (e) Provide a timely and cost-effective framework for resolution of disputes among IMEM Members, the Mindanao System Operator and the IMEM Operator.
Energy taxation: 
The cost of administering and operating the IMEM shall be recovered by the IMEM Operator through a charge imposed on IMEM Trading Participants and/or IMEM transactions.
Electricity wholesale markets: 
The IMEM is an interim wholesale electricity market for the trading of electricity in the Mindanao Power System.--- Registration in the IMEM is mandatory for all generation capacities within the Mindanao Power System, all Mindanao Distribution Utilities and all End-Users that are directly connected to the Mindanao Grid.---The [...] “IMEM Objectives” are: To facilitate the transparent and efficient utilization of all available capacities in Mindanao in order to minimize the perennial power shortages in the region; To reflect the true cost of electric power in order to attract investment in new generating capacities in Mindanao; and To ensure free and fair competition and public accountability.---The IMEM will be administered and conducted by the IMEM Operator.---The cost of administering and operating the IMEM shall be recovered by the IMEM Operator through a charge imposed on IMEM Trading Participants and/or IMEM transactions.---The ultimate governance of the IMEM is the responsibility of the PEM Board.
Деятельность органов власти
Public database availability: 
The IMEM Operator shall regularly maintain a Market Information Website in which it will publish information for access by IMEM Members or for the general public.