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Тип документа: 
Rule/Regulation, Other
Экономический сектор: 
Energy, Power
Виды энергоресурсов: 
Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar, Wave and Tidal, Wind
Department of Energy
Ссылка на документ: 
Сводный обзор: 
These Rules and Regulations were issued and adopted in 2009 by the Department of Energy, in consultation with the Senate and House of Representatives Committees on Energy, relevant government agencies, and all Renewable Energy (RE) stakeholders.---Note: RPS Renewable Portfolio Standards.
Energy access action plan: 
Within one (1) year from the effectivity of the Act, the NPC-SPUG or its successors-in-interest, DUs concerned, and/or qualified third parties in off-grid areas shall, [...] to provide missionary electrification, source a minimum percentage of its total annual generation from available RE Resources.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
The DOE shall, where practicable, encourage the adoption of waste-to-energy facilities such as, but not limited to, biogas systems.
RE action plans: 
Within one (1) year from the effectivity of the Act, the NPC-SPUG or its successors-in-interest, DUs concerned, and/or qualified third parties in off-grid areas shall, [...] provide missionary electrification, source a minimum percentage of its total annual generation from available RE Resources.
RE prioritization, portfolio standards: 
RPS shall be imposed on the electric power industry participants, serving on-grid areas, on a per grid basis, as may be determined by the NREB (National Renewable Energy Program).
RE feed-in tariffs: 
A FiT system shall be mandated for wind, solar, ocean, run-of-river hydropower, and biomass energy resources.
Net metering: 
The Net-Metering program shall be implemented to encourage end-users to participate in renewable electricity generation.---Mandate: Upon request by distribution end-users, the DUs ( Distribution Utilities) shall, without discrimination, enter into Net-Metering agreements with qualified end-users who will be installing an RE System, subject to technical and economic considerations, such as the DU’s metering technical standards for the RE System.
Tradeable REC: 
[...] the DOE shall establish the Renewable Energy Market (REM). The REM shall be a sub-market of the WESM where the trading of RE Certificates may be made.
RE capital subsidy, grant, or rebate: 
Other Incentives and Privileges: B. Financial Assistance Program; D. Cash Incentive of Renewable Energy Developers for Missionary Electrification.
RE investment or production tax credit: 
DOE-certified existing and new RE Developers of RE facilities, including Hybrid Systems, [...] shall be entitled to the following incentives:[...] I. Tax Credit on Domestic Capital Equipment and Services Related to the Installation of Equipment and Machinery.------All manufacturers, fabricators, and suppliers of locally-produced RE equipment and components shall be entitled to the privileges set forth below: [...] B. Tax Credit on Domestic Capital Components, Parts, and Materials.
RE reductions in taxes: 
DOE-certified existing and new RE Developers of RE facilities, including Hybrid Systems, [...] shall be entitled to the following incentives: A. Income Tax Holiday (ITH); B. Exemption from Duties on RE Machinery, Equipment, and Materials; C. Special Realty Tax Rates on Equipment and Machinery; D. Net Operating Loss Carry-Over (NOLCO); E. Corporate Tax Rate; F. Accelerated Depreciation; G. Zero Percent Value-Added Tax Rate; H. Tax Exemption of Carbon Credits.---All manufacturers, fabricators, and suppliers of locally-produced RE equipment and components shall be entitled to the privileges set forth below: A. Tax and Duty-free Importation of Components, Parts, and Materials; C. Income Tax Holiday and Exemption; D. Zero-Rated Value-Added Tax Transactions.---Other Incentives and Privileges: A. Tax Rebate for Purchase of RE Components; C. Exemption from the Universal Charge; E. Payment of Transmission Charges..
Public investment loans or grants: 
Other Incentives and Privileges: B. Financial Assistance Program.
Carbon markets: 
DOE-certified existing and new RE Developers of RE facilities, including Hybrid Systems, [...] shall be entitled to the following incentives: [...] H. Tax Exemption of Carbon Credits.
Renewable energy subsidies: 
Other Incentives and Privileges: B. Financial Assistance Program; D. Cash Incentive of Renewable Energy Developers for Missionary Electrification.
Import taxes and fee exemptions: 
All manufacturers, fabricators, and suppliers of locally-produced RE equipment and components shall be entitled to the privileges set forth below: A. Tax and Duty-free Importation of Components, Parts, and Materials.
Financial incentives for energy infrastructure: 
Other Incentives and Privileges: B. Financial Assistance ProgramC. Exemption from the Universal Charge; D. Cash Incentive of Renewable Energy Developers for Missionary Electrification.---the RETF (Renewable Energy Trust Fund) is hereby established to enhance the development and greater utilization of renewable energy.
Tax and duty exemptions for energy equipment: 
DOE-certified existing and new RE Developers of RE facilities, including Hybrid Systems, [...] shall be entitled to the following incentives: A. Income Tax Holiday (ITH); B. Exemption from Duties on RE Machinery, Equipment, and Materials; C. Special Realty Tax Rates on Equipment and Machinery; D. Net Operating Loss Carry-Over (NOLCO); E. Corporate Tax Rate; F. Accelerated Depreciation; G. Zero Percent Value-Added Tax Rate; H. Tax Exemption of Carbon Credits.---All manufacturers, fabricators, and suppliers of locally-produced RE equipment and components shall be entitled to the privileges set forth below: A. Tax and Duty-free Importation of Components, Parts, and Materials; C. Income Tax Holiday and Exemption; D. Zero-Rated Value-Added Tax Transactions.---Other Incentives and Privileges: A. Tax Rebate for Purchase of RE Components; C. Exemption from the Universal Charge; E. Payment of Transmission Charges.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
The DOE shall, where practicable, encourage the adoption of waste-to-energy facilities such as, but not limited to, biogas systems.