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Power, Renewable, Hydropower
Department of Energy
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An Act granting incentives to mini-hydroelectric power developers and for other purposes.
Renewable Energy
RE capital subsidy, grant, or rebate: 
mini-hydroelectric power developers shall be granted the necessary incentives and privileges to provide an environment conducive to the development of the country's hydroelectric power resources to their full potential.---Objectives: (4) To apportion a part of the realty and special privilege taxes and other economic benefits of the hydroelectric power potential to the respective localities where they are established.
RE investment or production tax credit: 
Any person, natural or judicial, authorized to engage in mini-hydroelectric power development shall be granted the following tax incentives or privileges: [...] 3) Tax Credit on Domestic Capital Equipment. - equivalent to one hundred percent (100%) of the value of the value-added tax and customs duties [...].
RE reductions in taxes: 
Any person, natural or judicial, authorized to engage in mini-hydroelectric power development shall be granted the following tax incentives or privileges: (1) Special Privilege Tax Rates: The tax payable by grantees to develop potential sites for hydroelectric power and to generate, transmit and sell electric power shall be two percent (2%) of their gross receipts from the sale of electric power and from transactions incident to the generation, transmission and sale of electric power [...]; (2) Tax and Duty-free Importation of Machinery, Equipment and Materials. (4) Special Realty Tax Rates on Equipment and Machinery. (5) Value-added Tax Exemption. – Exemption from the ten percent (10%) value-added tax . (6) Income Tax Holiday. – For seven (7) years from the start of commercial operation.
Public investment loans or grants: 
Objective: (5) To provide a contractual framework wherein some stability of conditions can be relied upon for long-term financing purposes.
Renewable energy subsidies: 
[...] mini-hydroelectric power developers shall be granted the necessary incentives and privileges to provide an environment conducive to the development of the country's hydroelectric power resources to their full potential.---Objectives:[...] (2) To encourage entrepreneurs to develop potential sites for hydroelectric power existing in the country by granting the necessary incentives which will provide a reasonable rate of return; (4) To apportion a part of the realty and special privilege taxes and other economic benefits of the hydroelectric power potential to the respective localities where they are established.---Any person, natural or judicial, authorized to engage in mini-hydroelectric power development shall be granted the following tax incentives or privileges: (1) Special Privilege Tax Rates: The tax payable by grantees to develop potential sites for hydroelectric power and to generate, transmit and sell electric power shall be two percent (2%) of their gross receipts from the sale of electric power and from transactions incident to the generation, transmission and sale of electric power [...]; (2) Tax and Duty-free Importation of Machinery, Equipment and Materials. (3) Tax Credit on Domestic Capital Equipment. - equivalent to one hundred percent (100%) of the value of the value-added tax and customs duties. (4) Special Realty Tax Rates on Equipment and Machinery. (5) Value-added Tax Exemption. – Exemption from the ten percent (10%) value-added tax . (6) Income Tax Holiday. – For seven (7) years from the start of commercial operation,
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
[...] Strengthen and enhance the development of the country's indigenous and self-reliant scientific and technological resources and capabilities and their adaptation to the country in order to attain energy self-sufficiency and thereby minimize dependence on outside source of energy supply. In pursuance thereof, it is further declared that mini-hydroelectric power developers shall be granted the necessary incentives and privileges to provide an environment conducive to the development of the country's hydroelectric power resources to their full potential.
Import taxes and fee exemptions: 
Any person, natural or judicial, authorized to engage in mini-hydroelectric power development shall be granted the following tax incentives or privileges: [...] (2) Tax and Duty-free Importation of Machinery, Equipment and Materials.
Financial incentives for energy infrastructure: 
Any person, natural or judicial, authorized to engage in mini-hydroelectric power development shall be granted the following tax incentives or privileges: (1) Special Privilege Tax Rates: The tax payable by grantees to develop potential sites for hydroelectric power and to generate, transmit and sell electric power shall be two percent (2%) of their gross receipts from the sale of electric power and from transactions incident to the generation, transmission and sale of electric power [...];
Tax and duty exemptions for energy equipment: 
Any person, natural or judicial, authorized to engage in mini-hydroelectric power development shall be granted the following tax incentives or privileges: [...] (2) Tax and Duty-free Importation of Machinery, Equipment and Materials. (4) Special Realty Tax Rates on Equipment and Machinery.
Independent power producers: 
Objectives: (1) To encourage entrepreneurs to develop potential sites for hydroelectric power existing in their respective localities;
Деятельность органов власти
National policy structure: 
Objectives: [...] 3) To facilitate hydroelectric power development by eliminating overlapping jurisdiction of the many government agencies [...].
Energy institutional structures: 
Objectives: [...] 3) To facilitate hydroelectric power development by vesting in one agency the exclusive authority and responsibility for the development of mini-hydroelectric power.---The Office of Energy Affairs, hereinafter referred to as the OEA, shall be the [...] authority responsible for the regulation, promotion and administration of mini-hydroelectric power development and the implementation of the provisions of this Act.