KAZAKHSTAN: Presidential Address 'Strategy Kazakhstan-2050: New Political Course of the Established State' delivered on December 14, 2012

Meta Data
Title in national language: 
Послание Президента Республики Казахстан - Лидера Нации Нурсултана Назарбаева народу Казахстана "Стратегия "Казахстан-2050": новый политический курс состоявшегося государства". 14 декабря 2012 г.
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Plan/Strategy, Other
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power, Industry, Transport, Multi-Sector
Energy Types: 
All, Coal, Oil, Power, Gas, Renewable, Solar, Wind, Other
Issued by: 
Office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Overall Summary: 
In 2012, the Republic of Kazakhstan announced a long-term strategy that will determine the direction of national environmental and energy policies to 2050. While highlighting the main outcomes of the Strategy ‘Kazakhstan 2030’, the document aims to assess progress towards the stated targets of the previous period. The policy proposes adoption of a package of measures in response to a number of crucial issues of national development, and is composed of the three main chapters: 1) Post-crisis Kazakhstan: the state, national economy, civil society, leadership in the region and positions in international community; 2) Ten major challenges for the 21st century; 3) Strategy ‘Kazakhstan 2050’ – a new political course for new Kazakhstan in the fast changing world. Among priority issues given considerable attention to in chapter 2 are water-related issues, energy security challenges and depletion of natural resources.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Maintaining the status of a big player on hydrocarbon commodity market, we must develop the production of alternative energy sources, actively seeking to introduce technologies using solar and wind power.
RE targets: 
By 2050 alternative and renewable energy sources must provide for at least a half of country’s total energy consumption.
Energy environmental priorities: 
All extracting enterprises must use only ecologically sound production techniques, and by 2025 we must satisfy our own internal market with fuels and lubricants, in line with new ecological standards
Decarbonization strategy: 
Stated objectives include proliferation of finance mechanisms and increasing investments in environmentally conscious technologies.
Cooperation in env.: 
The upcoming EXPO 2017 in Astana will provide a powerful impetus for the country’s transition towards the “green” path of development. The world’s greatest achievements in the fields of science and technology will be presented in our capital, allowing our citizens to witness first-hand the “energy of the future”.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
Kazakhstan is one of the key elements of global energy security. Having world-class oil and gas reserves, our country will not depart from its policy of reliable strategic partnerships and mutually beneficial international cooperation in the energy sector.---[B]y 2025 we must satisfy our own internal market with fuels and lubricants, in line with new ecological standards.--- In the interests of the nation’s future and state security, we must create a strategic “reserve” of hydrocarbon commodities. The reserve will serve as the foundation of the country’s energy security, providing another line of defence in troubled economic times.
Energy mix: 
By 2050 alternative and renewable energy sources must provide for at least a half of country’s total energy consumption.
Regional integration priorities: 
The upcoming EXPO 2017 in Astana will provide a powerful impetus for the country’s transition towards the “green” path of development. The world’s greatest achievements in the fields of science and technology will be presented in our capital, allowing our citizens to witness first-hand the “energy of the future”.---The best way to stabilise the region is through interregional integration. In doing this we can decrease the conflict potential of our region, resolve vital social and economic problems and address shared concerns on water, energy and other potentially difficult issues.
Energy trade priorities: 
Kazakhstan is one of the key elements of global energy security. Having world-class oil and gas reserves, our country will not depart from its policy of reliable strategic partnerships and mutually beneficial international cooperation in the energy sector.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
Stated objectives include proliferation of finance mechanisms and increasing investments in environmentally conscious technologies. --- The comprehensive economic pragmatism means the creation of a favorable investment climate in order to increase the economic potential, return on investment and to create an effective private sector and public-private partnerships, to promote state export.
Tax and duty exemptions for energy equipment: 
It is necessary to introduce a favorable tax regime for production (including oil and gas) and new technologies. The work on it has begun. But all existing tax abatements should be analysed in order to be made as efficient as possible. The policy of tax liberalization and the system of customs administration should be continued. It is necessary to simplify and minimize tax reporting. Pragmatic reduction of tax supervision must minimize the dialogue of economic entities with the tax authorities. In the next five years all must go to the mode of electronic reporting online. From the year 2020 we have to introduce the practice of a tax credit. This measure should stimulate investment activity of entrepreneurs.
Local content requirement: 
We must attract investors to our country on the condition that these partnerships bring the transfer of modern technology for extraction and processing. We must allow investors to extract and use our raw materials only in exchange for the creation of new production facilities in our country.
Project permitting: 
To ensure that regions are able to attract investments, we need to ban the moratorium on subsurface use permits.
Investment climate development: 
Creating a favourable investment climate to help build economic capacity, profitability and return on investments. ---We must attract investors to our country on the condition that these partnerships bring the transfer of modern technology for extraction and processing. We must allow investors to extract and use our raw materials only in exchange for the creation of new production facilities in our country.---Kazakhstan must become a magnet for investment in the region. Our country must become the most attractive place in Eurasia for investment and technology transfer. This is crucially important. To do this we must demonstrate our advantages to investors.
Public Private Partnerships: 
Creating an effective private sector economy and developing public private partnerships. We must do this by stimulating exports with state support.
Clean energy technology transfer: 
We must move from the simple delivery of commodities of forming partnerships in the area of energy resource processing and the exchange of new technologies.---We must attract investors to our country on the condition that these partnerships bring the transfer of modern technology for extraction and processing. We must allow investors to extract and use our raw materials only in exchange for the creation of new production facilities in our country.---[...]Our country must become the most attractive place in Eurasia for investment and technology transfer. This is crucially important. To do this we must demonstrate our advantages to investors.---We must transfer the necessary technologies and train specialists in their implementation. EXPO 2017 must give an impetus to this process and help us to choose the newest technologies for development of future energy.
Technology collaboration with other member States: 
In addition, we can actively partici pate in large-scale international R&D projects. This will enable us to integrate the efforts of our scientists with foreign R&D specialists on strategic innovative directions. Our aim is to become a part of the global technological revolution.