Meta Data
Title in national language: 
Стратегияи миллии рушди Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон барои давраи то соли 2015 / Национальная стратегия развития Республики Таджикистан на период до 2015 года
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Power, Multi-Sector
Energy Types: 
All, Power, Renewable, Hydropower, Other
Issued by: 
Parliament of the Republic of Tajikistan
Unofficial Source
Overall Summary: 
The National Development Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan for the period to 2015 (further – NDS) is adopted to achieve long-term national development objectives. The NDS is the principal strategic document that defines the priorities and general thrust of government policy, which is focused on achieving sustainable economic growth, expending the public’s access to basic social services and reducing poverty. In the framework of the NDS the National Development System is envisaged to be created, the system is expected to have a clearly defined and vertically organized structure of strategic documents, programmes and plans (programme goals and tasks, planning and plan implementation, quality oversight and performance monitoring) on the one hand, and corresponding administrative structures for the management of this process – both vertically and horizontally, on the other hand. The NDS is the basis for all the state, sectoral and regional conceptual frameworks, strategies, programmes and plans for the country’s development currently in place and under development, as well as the activities of all government agencies. The NDS serves as a tool for engaging in a dialogue with the business community and non-governmental organizations. The National Development Strategy envisages the development and implementation of technical and financial programmes in the Republic of Tajikistan.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Seeking to reach the objective of advancing renewable energy, the policy supports hydropower construction initiatives (the Rogunskaya and Sangutdinskaya HPP-1 and HPP-2), a number of small HPPs.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Art. 7.5. The article brings to the fore a number of vulnerabilities requiring specific actions in the field of environment. Formulation and implementation of coordinated environmental policies if the Republic of Tajikistan targets developing solutions to the most acute issues, comprising soil degradation, improving existing waste management systems, air pollution issues. National policy initiatives focus on strengthening institutional capacities for environmental protection, building resilience to natural disasters through effective natural resources management systems, biodiversity conservation and protection (according to the Art. 7.5.3).
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Stable, sufficient and robust infrastructure for power generation, transportation and dispatch will be developed; efforts are required to support the development of high-voltage transmission system.
International trade association membership: 
A great deal of work remains to be done for accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), which will require a change in trading conditions in Tajikistan. Domestic producers are not prepared to function under the conditions required by the WTO, and a special package of measures to prepare them for operating in the new environment has not been developed. Not enough is being done to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the global partnership for development called for in Goal 8 of the MDGs. ------ Lack of transparent and effective mechanisms for border and customs controls on the movement of goods, work, services and capital hampers national efforts to facilitate regional trade. ------ Art. 10. Integration into the global partnership system. Steps will be taken to bring domestic legislation into conformity with the standards and rules of the multilateral trade system and to improve the mechanism for the practical enforcement of laws. Action is required to promote Tajikistan’s proper participation in global economic relations through intensification of the WTO accession process and preparing domestic producers for functioning in an open market environment. ----- There are plans to eliminate discriminatory requirements that restrict the participation of foreign suppliers in Tajikistan’s market by upgrading mechanisms for the internal regulation of businesses in the service sector.
Energy management principles: 
The National Development Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan gives particular consideration to sustainable energy development as a key prerequisite for overall economic growth. In accordance with the Strategy energy sustainability needs to become entrenched in Tajikistan’s development pattern, due consideration has to be given to existing energy risks and vulnerabilities, specifically, energy deficits, high energy intensity of the economy, lack of renewable energy projects, necessity for diversifying the energy mix. Another priority area is the development of hydropower potential.