Meta Data
Title in national language: 
Барномаи истифодаи самараноки захираҳои обии энергетикӣ ва сарфаҷуии нерӯи барқ барои солҳои 2012-2016 / Программа по эффективному использованию гидроэнергетических ресурсов и энергосбережению на 2012-2016 годы
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Plan/Strategy, Programme
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power
Energy Types: 
Power, Renewable, Hydropower, Other
Issued by: 
Government of the Republic of Tajikistan
No official English translation available
Overall Summary: 
The Program was adopted pursuant to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan №551 of 2 November 2011. Adoption of the document is a result of the process that began in 2009 upon request of the President made to the Parliament of Tajikistan (the Address to the Parliament of 15 April 2009). The policy sets a comprehensive framework for the development hydropower in the republic and aims to improve energy efficiency at the national level. Implementation of this wide-scale policy is proposed with a view to strengthen Tajikistan’s energy security and achieve the objective of energy self-sufficiency. The policy represents an integrated approach to accomplishing the tasks of accelerated economic and social development, as transition to a sustainable and efficient energy system is expected to bring numerous economy-wide benefits including enhanced quality of life, poverty reduction, and social stability.
EE priorities: 
Objectives of the Program include improving economy-wide energy efficiency performance, reducing the loss of energy in major sectors, developing schemes and incentives for promotion of energy conservation. --- Given that hydropower is the primary source of energy in Tajikistan, the policy aims to facilitate the sustainable use of abundant – but inefficiently managed - hydropower resources, with that, cope with the issue of energy self-sufficiency.
EE targets: 
Art. 16. The policy sets energy efficiency targets and aims to track progress towards implementation of the stated goals. In 2012-2016, with implementation of a comprehensive plan of action, conservation of energy is projected to reach 2.650 bln. kWh, along with that electricity consumption will be reduced by 3.2 bln. kWh. Significant energy efficiency improvements are expected to be made in key sectors and areas: industrial processes – 20 per cent, public utilities and electric transportation systems – 20 per cent, water sector (water pump stations) – 25 per cent, agriculture – 10 per cent, based on 2011 level.
EE action plans: 
The Program is supplemented with a comprehensive plan of action outlining major activities on energy conservation in Tajikistan. Priority areas of action include deployment of energy-conserving technologies, development of renewables, increasing energy efficiency in residential sector, transport and agriculture.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
The Program includes a long-term vision for the development of energy sector in Tajikistan, focuses on the following objectives: [...] increasing the uptake of renewable energy in power generation.
RE targets: 
Art.16. By 2016, the installed capacity of hydropower utilities is projected to reach 6694 MWt, electricity generation in Tajikistan will achieve 24495 mln. kWh.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Art. 7 addresses the issue of infrastructure deficit and in response to existing challenges, proposes measures for developing stable, efficient and reliable energy infrastructure.--- Persistent inequities in infrastructure development across the country is another complex issue specifically addressed by the policy. --- The Program focuses on continuous technical innovation and modernization of existing power generation facilities. With a view to enhance the seamlessness of the national energy infrastructure, the policy proposes construction of high-voltage substations and power transmission lines with total capacity of 500kW and 220kW. Table 6 contains the detailed data on projects implemented in the framework of the present Program. ---The Program includes a long-term vision for the development of energy sector in Tajikistan, focuses on the following objectives: 1) refurbishment of existing power generation capacities, 2) construction of new plants and power transmission lines[...].
Energy trade priorities: 
Tajikistan is on track to meet the established targets for export and import of electricity by 2015. The primary objective of the Program is to achieve improvements in the national power sector to meet fully the domestic demands for energy, along with that accelerate electricity export growth with the region. Estimates show that by 2016 export of electricity will reach 7400 mln. kWt/h.
National policy structure: 
The Program on the Sustainable Use of Hydropower Resources and Conservation of Energy for 2012-2016 complies with provisions of the Energy Act of the Republic of Tajikistan (29 November 2000), the Law on Energy Conservation (10 May 2002), the Law on Investment (12 May 2007), the Law on the Use of Renewable Sources of Energy (7 January 2010), the National Development Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan until 2015, Concept of the Fuel and Energy Sector Development for 2003-2015. The policy reiterates the objectives stated in the Address of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan to the Parliament of 15 April 2009.
Energy institutional structures: 
The following bodies are responsible for Program implementation: the Ministry of Energy and Industry, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the Ministry of Melioration and Water Resources, the State Committee on Investment and State Property Management, the Coordination Council under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
The Program includes a long-term vision for the development of energy sector in Tajikistan, focuses on the following objectives: [...] supporting measures on introduction of energy saving technologies and appliances.