This English translation of the Basic Act on Energy Policy (Effective June 14, 2002) has been prepared in compliance with the Standard Bilingual Dictionary (March 2006 edition.
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エネルギー政策基本法(平成十四年六月十四日法律第七十一号) Basic Act on Energy Policy (Act No. 71 of June 14 of 2002)
第一条(目的) Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of this Act is, given that energy is essential for improving the stability of citizens' lives and for maintaining and developing the national economy and that its use has a major impact on the local and global environment, to promote measures on energy supply and demand on a long-term, comprehensive and systematic basis by laying down the basic policy and clarifying the responsibilities of the State and local public entities with respect to measures on energy supply and demand and by prescribing matters that form the basis of measures on energy supply and demand, thereby contributing to the preservation of the local and global environment and to the sustainable development of the Japanese and global economy and society.
第二条(安定供給の確保) Article 2 (Securing of stable supply )
1 With regard to the matter of securing a stable supply of energy, given that the international situation regarding world energy involves unstable factors and for other reasons, measures shall be taken with the basic aim of diversifying energy supply sources, increaseeing energy self-sufficiency and achieveing stability in the energy sector by undertaking such measures as reducing excessive dependence on specific geographic regions for the import of primary energy sources such as oil, promoting the development of energy resources that are important to Japan, provideng for energy transportation systems, promoting the stockpiling of energy and energy use efficiency, and implementing appropriate crisis management concerning energy.
2 With regard to the matter of supplying an energy source that is extremely difficult to either substitute with other energy resources or to store, measures shall be taken to specially secure its reliability and stability.
第三条(環境への適合) Article 3 (Environmental suitability)
With regard to energy supply and demand, measures shall be promoted to realize energy supply and demand that allow for the prevention of global warming and the preservation of the local environment, as well as to contribute to the formation of a recycling society by improving energy consumption efficiency,by such measures as promoting the conversion to non-fossil-fuel energy use such as solar and wind power and the efficient use of fossil fuels.
第四条(市場原理の活用) Article 4 (Utilization of market mechanisms) エネルギー市場の自由化等のエネルギーの需給に関する経済構造改革については、前二条の政策目的を十分考慮しつつ、事業者の自主性及び創造性が十分に発揮され、エネ
With regard to economic structural reforms concerning energy supply and demand such as the liberalization of energy markets, deregulation and other similar measures shall be promoted in a manner such that business operators can fully demonstrate their initiative and such that creativity and the interests of energy consumers are sufficiently secured, while giving due consideration to the policy objectives prescribed in the preceding two Articles.
第五条(国の責務) Article 5 (Responsibilities of the State) 1国は、第二条から前条までに定めるエネルギーの需給に関する施策についての基本
1 The State shall be responsible for comprehensively formulating and implementing measures on energy supply and demand in conformance with the basic policy on measures on energy supply and demand prescribed in Article 2 to the preceding Article inclusive (hereinafter referred to as the “Basic Policy" ).
2 When using energy, the State shall endeavor to reduce the environmental load by using goods that contribute to reducing the environmental load associated with energy use and taking other relevant measures.
第六条(地方公共団体の責務) Article 6 (Responsibilities of local public entities) 1地方公共団体は、基本方針にのっとり、エネルギーの需給に関し、国の施策に準じ
1 The local public entities shall be responsible for taking measures complying with the measures of the State as well as formulating and implementing measures that suit the actual situation of their districts with regard to energy supply and demand, in conformance to the Basic Policy.
2 When using energy, the local public entities shall endeavor reduce the
() to environmental load by using goods that contribute to reducing the environmental load associated with energy use and taking other relevant measures.
第七条(事業者の責務) Article 7 (Responsibilities of business operators)
When conducting their business activities, business operators shall be responsible for endeavoring to use energy efficiently and to use energy in a manner that gives consideration to stable supply of energy and preservation of the local and global environment, by demonstrating their initiative and creativity, and for cooperating with the measures on energy supply and demand implemented by the State and local public entities.
第八条(国民の努力) Article 8 (Role of citizens) 国民は、エネルギーの使用に当たっては、その使用の合理化に努めるとともに新エネルギーの活用に努めるものとする。
When using energy, citizens shall endeavor to make rational use of such energy and to utilize new energy resources.
第九条(相互協力) Article 9 (Mutual cooperation) 国及び地方公共団体並びに事業者、国民及びこれらの者の組織する民間の団体は、エネルギーの需給に関し、相互に、その果たす役割を理解し、協力するものとする。
The State, local public entities, as well as business operators, citizens and private organizations set up by business operators or citizens shall understand each other's respective roles concerning energy supply and demand and cooperate with each other.
第十条(法制上の措置等) Article 10 (Legislative arrangements, etc.) 政府は、エネルギーの需給に関する施策を実施するため必要な法制上、財政上又は金融上の措置その他の措置を講じなければならない。
The government shall make legislative, fiscal or financial arrangements or other arrangements that are necessary for implementing measures on energy supply and demand.
第十一条(国会に対する報告) Article 11 (Report to the Diet) 政府は、毎年、国会に、エネルギーの需給に関して講じた施策の概況に関する報告を
Every year, the government shall submit to the Diet a report on the general situation regarding the measures it has taken in relation to energy supply and demand.
Article 12 (Basic Energy Plan)
1 The government shall formulate a basic plan on energy supply and demand (hereinafter referred to as the “Basic Energy Plan" ) in order to promote measures on energy supply and demand on a long-term, comprehensive and systematic basis.
2The Basic Energy Plan shall prescribe the following matters:一エネルギーの需給に関する施策についての基本的な方針 i Basic policy on measures on energy supply and demand ()二エネルギーの需給に関し、長期的、総合的かつ計画的に講ずべき施策
ii Measures that should be taken in relation to energy supply and demand on a long-term, comprehensive and systematic basis
iii Technologies related to energy where intensive measures should be taken for their research and development in order to promote measures on energy supply and demand on a long-term, comprehensive and systematic basis, and measures that should be taken in connection with such technologies
iv In addition to what are listed in the preceding three items, any matters necessary for promoting measures on energy supply and demand on a long-term, comprehensive and systematic basis
3 By hearing the opinions of the heads of the relevant administrative organs and hearing the opinions of the Advisory Committee for Natural Resources and Energy, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry shall formulate a draft of the Basic Energy Plan and seek a cabinet decision thereon.
4When the cabinet decision prescribed in the preceding paragraph has been made, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry shall promptly report the Basic Energy Plan to the Diet and publicize the plan.
5 The government shall review the Basic Energy Plan at least once every three years by taking into consideration the changes in the situation concerning energy and based on an evaluation of the effects of measures concerning energy, and if it finds necessary, make changes to the plan.
6The provisions of paragraph 3 and paragraph 4 shall apply mutatis mutandis to making changes to the Basic Energy Plan.
7 The government shall endeavor to make necessary arrangements for the smooth implementation of the Basic Energy Plan by, for example, appropriating in its budget each fiscal year, -to the exant permitted within the limits of the nation's finances, funds necessary to ensure payment of the expenses required for implementation of the plan.
第十三条(国際協力の推進) Article 13 (Promotion of international cooperation)
In order to contribute to stability of world energy supply and demand and to preservation of the global environment such as prevention of global warming associated with energy use, the State shall endeavor to make the necessary arrangements for promoting cooperation with international energy organizations and environmental preservation organizations, international interchanges of researchers and other relevant persons, participation in international research and development activities, proposal of international joint actions, bilateral and multilateral cooperation in energy development and other international cooperation.
Article 14 (Dissemination of knowledge regarding energy)
The State shall endeavor to actively disclose information on energy for allowing citizens to increase their understanding of and interest in energy through all kinds of opportunities, and shall endeavor to make the necessary arrangements for raising public awareness of appropriate energy use and disseminating knowledge of energy, while considering utilization of nonprofit organizations.
Supplementary Provisions (Extract)
第一条(施行期日) Article 1 (Effective date)
This Act shall come into force as from the day of promulgation.