Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power, Transport
Energy Types: 
All, Coal, Oil, Power, Gas, Nuclear, Renewable, Bioenergy, Solar, Wind, Other
Issued by: 
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Overall Summary: 
This Strategy was formulated in light of the domestic and international changes of the energy market environment with the aim to focus on the energy security. The three objectives the Strategy mentions are: "Establishment of energy security measures that our people can trust and rely on"; "Establishment of the foundation for sustainable development through a comprehensive approach for energy issues and environmental issues all together"; "Commitment to assist Asian and world nations in addressing energy problems ".
EE priorities: 
Improving efficiency in energy utilization. Maintaining or upgrading our status as the world’s most advanced energy-saving-conscious country by taking advantage of our technological strengths.
EE targets: 
At least another 30% improvement of efficiency will be attained by 2030.---Establish new fuel efficiency standards that promote fuel efficiency of passenger vehicles by 2006, and make steady improvements of automobile fuel consumption.
Cooperation in EE: 
Strengthening the relationship with Asian countries: Making commitment to the improvement of their energy supply-demand conditions through cooperation in energy saving programs.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Establishment of the foundation for sustainable development through a comprehensive approach for energy issues and environmental issues all together.---[O]ur country should take the initiative in building various international frameworks to address the global environmental issues.
Energy pricing: 
We will build the state-of-the art energy supply-demand structure under the new energy price system which is expected to continue on a medium and long term basis due to the structural tightness of the global energy supply and demand.
Public Private Partnerships: 
[T]he government and the private sector must work together hand-in-hand on a medium to long term basis on reforming the supply-demand structure, such as the further improvement of energy use efficiency, the diversification and decentralization of energy sources such as the promotion of nuclear power generation, and the promotion of the effective use of fossil resources by utilizing our country’s superior technical capabilities.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Improving efficiency in energy utilization. Maintaining or upgrading our status as the world’s most advanced energy-saving-conscious country by taking advantage of our technological strengths.---[T]he government and the private sector must work together hand-in-hand on a medium to long term basis on reforming the supply-demand structure, such as the further improvement of energy use efficiency, the diversification and decentralization of energy sources such as the promotion of nuclear power generation, and the promotion of the effective use of fossil resources by utilizing our country’s superior technical capabilities.--- [T]he government will concurrently formulate a comprehensive energy technology strategy with a medium and long term view.---The ratio of nuclear power to all power production will be maintained or increased at the level of 30 to 40% or more up to 2030 or later.
Technology collaboration with other member States: 
Commitment to assist Asian and world nations in addressing energy problems: [W]e should introduce global viewpoints and world-level visions to our New National Energy Strategy under the fundamental policy to maintain a symbiotic relationship with the Asian and world economy, so that our technological strengths and experiences in the field of energy issues can be utilized internationally to assist Asian and world nations in addressing various problems and forming the foundation for future development.