Meta Data
Title in national language: 
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power
Energy Types: 
Power, Renewable, Other
Issued by: 
Office of the President of the Republic of Armenia
Unofficial translation into English
Overall Summary: 
Taking into full account national development priorities and internationally agreed development goals, the policy aims to support the implementation of programs on energy efficiency and introduction of renewable sources of energy in the Republic of Armenia. It is underscored that sustainable energy sector is an important driver of sustainable economic growth.
EE priorities: 
Implementation of energy saving, as well as development and enforcement of legal and economic mechanisms for the promotion of renewable energy.---Ensuring high priority of efficient use of energy given the increasing volumes of imported and extracted energy resources.
EE action plans: 
Promotion of energy efficient production of electric and/or heat energy, including for autonomous energy producers.--- Implementation of energy saving and renewable energy state (national) targeted programs.---Organization and coordination of state program envisaged activities aimed at the efficient use of energy carriers.---Incorporation of energy saving related requirements in the state programs on the economic development of the Republic of Armenia.--- State administration bodies of the Republic of Armenia shall participate in the state administration of the energy saving and renewable energy area within the competence vested to them by rules.
EE standards for appliances: 
Development and enforcement of energy efficiency and energy saving standardization documents.---Incorporation of voluntary certification system on energy device conformity.---Standardization National Body shall adopt in the manner established by the Republic of Armenia Law “On Standardization” the energy saving national standards, which shall classify a. Energy efficiency indicators of energy devices [...].
EE lighting and mechanical system standards: 
Development and enforcement of energy efficiency and energy saving standardization documents; ---Incorporation of voluntary certification system on energy device conformity.---Standardization National Body shall adopt in the manner established by the Republic of Armenia Law “On Standardization” the energy saving national standards, which shall classify c. Energy efficiency indicators of technical complexes for heating, lighting, ventilation, water supply and sewerage in buildings and constructions; [...].
EE industry standards: 
Establishment and development of new industry infrastructure and organization of services promoting energy saving and renewable energy.---Incorporation of voluntary certification system on energy device conformity.---Standardization National Body shall adopt in the manner established by the Republic of Armenia Law “On Standardization” the energy saving national standards, which shall classify [...] d. Energy efficiency indicators of production/industrial processes.
EE building standards: 
Incorporation of voluntary certification system on energy device conformity.---Establishment of energy examination/audit system for the existing and planned buildings and constructions aimed at efficient use of energy resources;--- The government shall define the requirements on energy efficiency planning, technologies and technical solutions as well as use of renewable energy resources in the building and constructions developed within the state reservations, national parks and preservations.
EE transport standards : 
Incorporation of voluntary certification system on energy device conformity.---Standardization National Body shall adopt in the manner established by the Republic of Armenia Law “On Standardization” the energy saving national standards, which shall classify b. Energy efficiency indicators of energy resource development, production, processing, transformation, transportation, storage and consumption; [...].
EE financial incentives: 
Provision of support in financing energy saving and renewable energy development projects and programs;
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Organization of education, promotion of research and development activities, awareness and propaganda aimed at the development of energy saving and renewable energy area; ---For the purposes of organization of education and training in the area of energy saving and renewable energy, the state administration authorized body in the area of education shall: a. Incorporate energy saving and renewable energy classes in the curricula of elementary, secondary, graduate, supplementary and post-graduate education institutions, plan appropriate research-methodical activities; b. Develop educational programs for the training of engineering staff on energy saving and renewable energy basics and technologies.---Information dissemination on the energy saving and renewable energy by the authorized bodies of the government shall be implemented through: a. Public hearings/discussions on energy saving and renewable energy area objectives; and broadcasting and propaganda of their environmental, economic and social benefits; b. Information on the existing energy efficient energy devices and energy efficiency pilot/model projects; c. Organization of exhibitions of energy saving technologies, machinery and energy devices; d. Propaganda of the national requirement for and purposefulness of the efficient use of energy resources and development of renewable energy.
Cooperation in EE: 
Promotion of international cooperation in the energy saving programs and area of renewable energy. ---The main directions for international cooperation of the Republic of Armenia in the energy saving and renewable energy areas are: [...] b. Mutual recognition of standards and certification results in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.c. Exchange of information in the areas of energy saving and renewable energy; d. Participation of legal and physical persons of the Republic of Armenia in the international energy saving and renewable energy programs; e. Development and implementation of joint energy saving and renewable energy programs and projects.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Implementation of energy saving, as well as development and enforcement of legal and economic mechanisms for the promotion of renewable energy.--- Ensuring increase of renewable energy resources usage as well as application and development of renewable energy new technologies aimed promoting that.
RE action plans: 
Ensuring competitiveness of renewable energy resources and protection/enforcement of rights of businesses engaged in the area of renewable energy.---Development, adoption and implementation of state (national, targeted) programs in the area of energy saving and renewable energy; --- Ensuring development and implementation of economic and legal mechanisms aimed at the efficient and prioritized promotion/exploitation of indigenous renewable energy resources in the manner defined by the legislation;
RE capital subsidy, grant, or rebate: 
Provision of support in financing energy saving and renewable energy development projects and programs;
Public competitive bidding/tendering: 
Promotion of integrated activities between the autonomous energy producers, using renewable energy resources, and the energy system aimed at the exchange of electric energy.
RE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Organization of education, promotion of research and development activities, awareness and propaganda aimed at the development of energy saving and renewable energy area; ---For the purposes of organization of education and training in the area of energy saving and renewable energy, the state administration authorized body in the area of education shall: a. Incorporate energy saving and renewable energy classes in the curricula of elementary, secondary, graduate, supplementary and post-graduate education institutions, plan appropriate research-methodical activities; b. Develop educational programs for the training of engineering staff on energy saving and renewable energy basics and technologies.---Information dissemination on the energy saving and renewable energy by the authorized bodies of the government shall be implemented through: a. Public hearings/discussions on energy saving and renewable energy area objectives; and broadcasting and propaganda of their environmental, economic and social benefits; b. Information on the existing energy efficient energy devices and energy efficiency pilot/model projects; c. Organization of exhibitions of energy saving technologies, machinery and energy devices; d. Propaganda of the national requirement for and purposefulness of the efficient use of energy resources and development of renewable energy.
Cooperation in RE: 
Promotion of international cooperation in the energy saving programs and area of renewable energy. ---The main directions for international cooperation of the Republic of Armenia in the energy saving and renewable energy areas are: [...] c. Exchange of information in the areas of energy saving and renewable energy; d. Participation of legal and physical persons of the Republic of Armenia in the international energy saving and renewable energy programs; e. Development and implementation of joint energy saving and renewable energy programs and projects.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Ensuring high priority of issues of environmental protection and efficient (economic) usage of natural resources while implementing measures/activities aimed at the development of the energy saving and renewable energy.
Land use change for energy production purposes: 
c. The government shall approve the small hydro power plant development scheme upon submission by the state administration authorized body in the area of energy saving and renewable energy and adopt relevant decisions aimed simplification of procedures for land allocations and other required permission granting;
Energy-water nexus: 
Capacities have to be developed to address energy-water nexus for achieving the established objectives. --- Art. 20. 1 (c). Government of the Republic of Armenia shall approve the small hydropower plant development scheme submitted by the national authorized body dealing in the area of energy conservation and renewable sources of energy.
Renewable energy subsidies: 
Provision of support in financing energy saving and renewable energy development projects and programs.
Energy pricing: 
Within six months after the present law enters into force, The Public Utilities Regulatory Commission of the Republic of Armenia shall adopt the decisions on the application of long-term tariff policy for the promotion of accelerated renewable energy development, required for the implementation of state policy principles provided in article 5 of the present law.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Increasing level of supply of indigenous renewable energy carriers to satisfy the energy demand of the economy.--- Ensuring development and implementation of economic and legal mechanisms aimed at the efficient and prioritized promotion/exploitation of indigenous renewable energy resources in the manner defined by the legislation.
Import taxes and fee exemptions: 
The state administration authorized body in the area of energy saving and renewable energy shall submit proposal to the Government to make required additions to the Customs Code of the Republic of Armenia and Republic of Armenia law “On the Approval of List of Products imported by organizations and individual entrepreneurs eligible for zero (0) rate customs duty and excise duty exemption, for which the customs service does not calculate or charge value added tax”.
Advance rulings: 
Legal (physical) persons using, producing and importing energy devices can submit those in the manner established by the Republic of Armenia law “On Certification of Compliance of Goods and Services with Normative Requirements” for voluntary certification based on energy efficiency indicators. ---The state administration authorized body in the area of energy saving and renewable energy shall submit proposal to the Government to make required additions to the Customs Code of the Republic of Armenia and Republic of Armenia law “On the Approval of List of Products imported by organizations and individual entrepreneurs eligible for zero (0) rate customs duty and excise duty exemption, for which the customs service does not calculate or charge value added tax”;
Financial incentives for energy infrastructure: 
Provision of support in financing energy saving and renewable energy development projects and programs; ---Incorporation of energy saving related requirements in the state programs on the economic development of the Republic of Armenia;
Independent power producers: 
Promotion of integrated activities between the autonomous energy producers, using renewable energy resources, and the energy system aimed at the exchange of electric energy. ---Within one year after the present law enters into force: a. The Public Utilities Regulatory Commission of the Republic of Armenia shall define the conditions for integrated operation/activities between the autonomous producers using renewable energy resources and the electric energy network with the pre-condition of electric energy exchange;
Project permitting: 
c. The government shall approve the small hydro power plant development scheme upon submission by the state administration authorized body in the area of energy saving and renewable energy and adopt relevant decisions aimed simplification of procedures for land allocations and other required permission granting;
Bidding and Tendering: 
Promotion of integrated activities between the autonomous energy producers, using renewable energy resources, and the energy system aimed at the exchange of electric energy.
Energy management principles: 
Strengthening the economic and energy independence of the Republic of Armenia.---Increasing the economic and energy security; and energy systems safety level of the Republic of Armenia.
National policy structure: 
Within one year after the present law enters into force: a. The Public Utilities Regulatory Commission of the Republic of Armenia shall define the conditions for integrated operation/activities between the autonomous producers using renewable energy resources and the electric energy network with the pre-condition of electric energy exchange; ---Within six months after the present law enters into force, The Public Utilities Regulatory Commission of the Republic of Armenia shall adopt the decisions on the application of long-term tariff policy for the promotion of accelerated renewable energy development, required for the implementation of state policy principles provided in article 5 of the present law.
Energy institutional structures: 
State administration bodies of the Republic of Armenia shall participate in the state administration of the energy saving and renewable energy area within the competence vested to them by rules.
Statistics collection and management: 
Ensuring record-keeping of and statistical data on energy carriers; ---The statistics national body shall carry out recording [counting] of developed, produced, imported, processed, transformed, transported, stored and consumed energy carriers for the purposes of submission of energy balances in the manner established by the Republic of Armenia law “On State Statistics”.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Ensuring increase of renewable energy resources usage as well as application and development of renewable energy new technologies aimed promoting that.---Promotion of consumer choices and use of different energy carriers and energy efficiency technologies;
Clean energy technology transfer: 
The main directions for international cooperation of the Republic of Armenia in the energy saving and renewable energy areas are: a. Exchange of energy efficient technologies and devices manufacturing.