Meta Data
Title in national language: 
Договор о Евразийском экономическом союзе (ЕЭС) (с изм. на 01.10.2019 г.)
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power, Multi-Sector
Energy Types: 
Oil, Power, Gas
Issued by: 
Eurasian Economic Commission
Overall Summary: 
The policy outlines mutually agreed principles pursued by the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union to transform the existing pattern of growth towards a more balanced and resilient economic system placing an emphasis on trade implications and addressing the crucial issues of energy security. Highlighting main drivers and challenges to speeding up economic and social development, the policy elaborates on options to obtain considerable progress on the way to steering EEC members towards a sustainable energy future. Present Agreement builds on the underlying principles of the Declaration on the Eurasian Economic Integration of 18 November 2011 ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Belarus, and the Russian Federation. ----------- Pursuant to ratification of the Agreement, the Eurasian Economic Commission started its operation in 2015.
Cooperation in energy pricing: 
It is stressed that common market of oil and oil products shall be formed to promote free trade in oil.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Chapter XX. Pursue a systematic and long-term approach to facilitate the development of transboundary energy infrastructure.
Cross-border energy infrastructure: 
Chapter XX. Pursue a systematic and long-term approach to facilitate the development of transboundary energy infrastructure.
Regional integration priorities: 
With a view to harness fully the potential of regional cooperation, the Agreement envisages the establishment of a common market of goods, labor, services, and capital.---Under art. 81, obstacles to the expansion of trade in electricity shall be removed with the establishment of a common power market.---Art. 83 stipulates that pursuant to para 4 and 5 art. 104 of the present Agreement, member states shall take efforts to establish a common gas market within the Union, shall set relevant regulatory frameworks developing the Concept and Program on the Common Gas Market.---Art. 66. Concerted actions shall be taken by member states towards liberalization of national trade regimes. It is thereby stipulated that implementation of non-discrimination principles will be critical for maintaining the trend of expanding investment.
Cooperation in connectivity: 
Art. 83 stipulates that pursuant to para 4 and 5 art. 104 of the present Agreement, member states shall take efforts to establish a common gas market within the Union, shall set relevant regulatory frameworks developing the Concept and Program on the Common Gas Market.
Energy trade priorities: 
Chapter XX ‘Energy sector’. A complex array of incentives and measures shall be implemented to remove existing barriers to energy trade and enhance integration mechanisms. The policy examines the opportunities for redesigning conventional trade strategies to enable a competitive energy market environment.--- Art. 83 stipulates that pursuant to para 4 and 5 art. 104 of the present Agreement, member states shall take efforts to establish a common gas market within the Union, shall set relevant regulatory frameworks developing the Concept and Program on the Common Gas Market.
International trade association membership: 
The focus is made on strategic analysis, policy options and capacity development to ensure coherent approaches to addressing regional trade priorities. Setting out a long-term vision for the development of trade sectors of the EEC member states, the Agreement reaffirms the guiding principles of the World Trade Organization.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
Art. 66. Concerted actions shall be taken by member states towards liberalization of national trade regimes. It is thereby stipulated that implementation of non-discrimination principles will be critical for maintaining the trend of expanding investment.
Investment climate development: 
Chapter XX. Remove obstacles and create an enabling policy environment for attracting investments to energy sectors of member states.
Energy management principles: 
Barriers have to be removed to improve access to natural monopoly electricity sector.