Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Programme, Other
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power
Energy Types: 
Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Geothermal, Solar, Wind, Other
Issued by: 
Government of Mongolia - Ministry of Energy
Overall Summary: 
The National Renewable Energy Program (2005-2020) aims to promote and extend renewable energy development in Mongolia. In particular, the objective is to create conditions for ensuring ecological balance, to reduce unemployment and poverty, and to promote social and economic sustainable development. Enabling measures consist of increasing percentage of renewable energy share in the total energy supply of Mongolia, improving the structure of energy supply, and diffusing the use of renewable energy in rural areas power supply. The Plan shall be implemented in two stages: The First stage for 2005-2010 /near term and the Second stage for 2011-2020 /mid term. The document provides for details on the Programme, policies and measures to support it and final expected outcomes.
Bi-, multi-lateral mechanisms to expand access: 
Include and realize of funds required for implementation of the Program in the annual government centralized budget, maintaining the support policy in the use of long term, soft loans, technical assistance and grants provided by international financial institutions and donor countries and private investors, and take necessary measures to raise funds to achieve the Program objectives.
Energy access priorities: 
The Government of Mongolia attaches great importance to the use of renewable energy for improving power supply through research and use of environmentally friendly and new sources of energy for the benefit of rural households who are not fully provided with power and soums and settlements that would require significant amount of resources to get connected to centralized power grids.
Energy access action plan: 
The Program aims to create conditions for ensuring ecological balance, unemployment and poverty reduction, and sustainable social and economic development by [...] improving structure of energy supply, and by wide application of renewable energy in rural areas power supply.--- Provide power to all distant soums and settlements, which require significant amount of resources to be connected to centralized power grid system, by introduction of renewable energy generating systems.---Develop and implement step by step sub-programs to provide schools, hospitals and public service institutions in remotely located soum centers from the centralized energy grid system with renewable energy sources.---Near Term Tasks: [...] 5. Perform feasibility studies of hydropower plant construction for electrification of selected 16 soum centers and electrify following 8 soum centers: Bulgan soum of Bayan-Olgii aimag, Batshireet soum of Khentii aimag, Most soum Khovd aimag, Erdenebulgan soum of Khovsgol aimag, Baruunturuun soum of Uvs aimag, Tosontsengel, Tsetsen-Uul, and Zavkhanmandal soums of Zavkhan aimag using hydro energy resource. [...] 7. Widely use solar heating equipment to provide distant soum centers with commercial hot water supply.---Term Development Tasks: [...] 3. Expand the use of renewable energy technology to improve energy supply in rural areas and widely use renewable energy to improve power supply of farmer stations, border guarding and defense forces, tourist camps and public service providers.
Energy access targets: 
Near Term Tasks: [...] 3. Reach full achievement of objectives raised in the National Program titled "100,000 Solar Gers" to supply all herding household in rural area with renewable energy sources. 4. Provide and electrify at least 8 soum centers remotely located from the centralized power grids, [...] by wind-diesel or wind-solar-diesel hybrid power stations, and electrify at least 5 soum centers using solar and diesel hybrid powered systems. ---Term Development Tasks: 2. Electrify all remotely located soum centers and settlements, which not connected to the centralized power grid, using renewable energy technique and technology.
EE targets: 
Decrease losses in overall energy system by 3-5% of current level by the year 2010 and not less than by 10% by the year 2020 by [...] increasing conservation and increase efficiency in production, transmission, distribution and operation.
Energy Service Companies (ESCOs): 
Introduce energy Service Company (ESCO) activity structure based on concession and/or leasing agreement to create conditions for efficient activity of the organizations, which use renewable energy technology, and to improve their management.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
The Government of Mongolia attaches great importance to the use of renewable energy for improving power supply through research and use of environmentally friendly and new sources of energy for the benefit of rural households who are not fully provided with power and soums and settlements that would require significant amount of resources to get connected to centralized power grids.
RE targets: 
Gradually implement goal in increasing percentage share of renewable energy in the total energy production and reach 3-5 percent share in the national energy by the year 2010, 20-25 percent share by 2020.
RE action plans: 
The Program is aims to create conditions for ensuring ecological balance, unemployment and poverty reduction, and sustainable social and economic development by increasing percentage of renewable energy share in the total energy supply of Mongolia, improving structure of energy supply, and by wide application of renewable energy in rural areas power supply.---Constitute conditions for reliable, independent and effective operation of centralized energy grids and regional power supply systems by increased use of renewable energy.--- Provide power to all distant soums and settlements, which are require significant amount of resources to be connected to centralized power grid system, by introduction of renewable energy generating systems.---Develop and implement step by step sub-programs to provide schools, hospitals and public service institutions in remotely located soum centers from the centralized energy grid system with renewable energy sources; to present wide application solar and wind energy in water pumping, irrigation of crops fields and grasslands, and establish basic conditions for future development of local electronic governance and promote knowledge based production in rural areas.---To reduce air pollution in urban areas of Ulaanbaatar and other cities and towns expand activities to penetrate renewable energy generators to centralized power grid system and increase the percentage share of renewable energy in the total supply stage by stage.---Term Development Tasks: 2. Electrify all remotely located soum centers and settlements, which not connected to the centralized power grid, using renewable energy technique and technology. 3. Expand the use of renewable energy technology to improve energy supply in rural areas and widely use renewable energy to improve power supply of farmer stations, border guarding and defense forces, tourist camps and public service providers. [...] 5. Construct medium capacity (30-50 megawatts) wind parks in sites with proven wind energy potential and connect to the centralized power grid system creating efficient operation condition.
RE feed-in tariffs: 
Create economic leverages, price and tariff mechanisms, legal and regulatory environment for fostering and supporting sales of excessive electricity to the centralized power grids by energy producers, [...].
RE heat obligation/mandate: 
Near Term Task: 7. Widely use solar heating equipment to provide distant soum centers with commercial hot water supply.
Cooperation in RE: 
Extend bilateral and international cooperation in renewable energy development.---Include and realize of funds required for implementation of the Program in the annual government centralized budget, maintaining the support policy in the use of long term, soft loans, technical assistance and grants provided by international financial institutions and donor countries and private investors, and take necessary measures to raise funds to achieve the Program objectives.
Pollution control action plans: 
To reduce air pollution in urban areas of Ulaanbaatar and other cities and towns expand activities to penetrate renewable energy generators to centralized power grid system and increase the percentage share of renewable energy in the total supply stage by stage.---Term Development Tasks: [...] 4. Construct small and medium capacity energy complexes in Ulaanbaatar and other cities and towns to reduce air pollution in these areas using solar, wind, hydrogen and geothermal resources.---Prioritize renewable energy application and develop to reduce air pollution [...].
Decarbonization strategy: 
Term Development Tasks: [...] 4. Construct small and medium capacity energy complexes in Ulaanbaatar and other cities and towns to reduce air pollution in these areas using solar, wind, hydrogen and geothermal resources.---Prioritize renewable energy application and develop to reduce air pollution [...].
Energy pricing: 
Create economic leverages, price and tariff mechanisms, legal and regulatory environment for fostering and supporting sales of excessive electricity to the centralized power grids by energy producers, [...].
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Constitute conditions for reliable, independent and effective operation of centralized energy grids and regional power supply systems by increased use of renewable energy.--- Provide power to all distant soums and settlements, which are require significant amount of resources to be connected to centralized power grid system, by introduction of renewable energy generating systems.--- Near Term Tasks: 1. Complete construction and launch Durgun, Taishir hydropower plants. 2. Launch construction of 100MW Orkhon hydropower plant in the Central Region.---Term Development Tasks: 1. Complete construction and launch 100MW Orkhon hydro power plant. [...] 5. Construct medium capacity (30-50 megawatts) wind parks in sites with proven wind energy potential and connect to the centralized power grid system creating efficient operation condition.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
Include and realize of funds required for implementation of the Program in the annual government centralized budget, maintaining the support policy in the use of long term, soft loans, technical assistance and grants provided by international financial institutions and donor countries and private investors, and take necessary measures to raise funds to achieve the Program objectives. ---Include in annual government centralized budget and funding of expenditures related to research, development, innovation and testing activities for study and introduction of modern and recent achievements, techniques and technologies in renewable energy utilizations.
Independent power producers: 
Create economic leverages, price and tariff mechanisms, legal and regulatory environment for fostering and supporting sales of excessive electricity to the centralized power grids by energy producers, [...].
Investment climate development: 
Prioritize renewable energy application and develop to reduce air pollution, improve rural development, promote international and local investment initiatives, establish favorable legal environment to encourage state and private organizations and institutions’ renewable energy market involvement. ---The Government of Mongolia will organize and implement the Program through extensive involvement of international banking and financial institutions, donors, private international and domestic investors and cooperation between the government and non government organizations.
Energy management principles: 
[E]stablish basic conditions for future development of local electronic governance and promote knowledge based production in rural areas.---Systematically prepare national specialists of renewable energy field in domestic and foreign universities, and train highly qualified technicians and egineers in developed countries.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Based on the results of detailed study of renewable energy (solar, hydro, geothermal, hydrogen, and biomass etc.) potentials of Mongolia develop and implement Master Plan to use these sources.---Widely exploit solar water heating technologies and equipments for heating, hot water supply and other purposes to building and constructions.---Perform research and introduce of modern techniques and technologies to produce heat and power using hydrogen, fuel cell elements and other new sources of energy.---Near Term Tasks: [...] 5. Perform feasibility studies of hydropower plant construction for electrification of selected 16 soum centers and electrify following 8 soum centers: Bulgan soum of Bayan-Olgii aimag, Batshireet soum of Khentii aimag, Most soum Khovd aimag, Erdenebulgan soum of Khovsgol aimag, Baruunturuun soum of Uvs aimag, Tosontsengel, Tsetsen-Uul, and Zavkhanmandal soums of Zavkhan aimag using hydro energy resource. 6. Conduct detailed survey of medium sized wind parks in sites with high wind energy potentials [...] and perform detailed study of use these parks in the centralized power grid system.---Set up and operate scientific, technological and production parks of renewable energy to create conditions for extensive introduction of modern technological and scientific achievements for production, storage and transmission of energy using new energy sources such as renewable energy, hydrogen, and fuel cell elements.
Clean energy technology deployment: 
Decrease losses in overall energy system by 3-5% of current level by the year 2010 and not less than by 10% by the year 2020 by introducing advanced renewable energy technology [...].---Take measures to perform technical economical feasibility studies of large hydropower stations [...] and to implement these studies.---Perform surveys to determine locations with significant applicable geothermal resources, develop technical economical feasibility study to utilize geothermal resources for urban areas energy supply and implement these studies.---Term Development Tasks: 6. In the scope of international research activities in very large scale PV power generation system, gradually implement pilot project in Gobi region of the country.
R&D renewable energy: 
Perform research and introduce of modern techniques and technologies to produce heat and power using hydrogen, fuel cell elements and other new sources of energy.---Include in annual government centralized budget and funding of expenditures related to research, development, innovation and testing activities for study and introduction of modern and recent achievements, techniques and technologies in renewable energy utilizations.
Technology collaboration with other member States: 
Extend bilateral and international cooperation in renewable energy development.