Meta Data
Title in national language: 
Сэргээгдэх Эрчим Хучний Тухай Монгол Улсын Хууль
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power
Energy Types: 
Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, Wind
Issued by: 
Government of Mongolia - Ministry of Energy
Unofficial Translation
Overall Summary: 
This Law aims to regulate relations concerning generation and use of energy utilizing renewable energy sources. It applies to legal entities, which buy and/or sell electricity and/or heat generated by using renewable energy sources within the territory of Mongolia. Unless otherwise stated, this law shall not apply to renewable energy power sources, which are designed for consumer′s own use only.
Energy access priorities: 
Price and tariffs shall be affordable.
Renewable Energy
RE action plans: 
The State Great Hural shall approve strategy documents for promoting a renewable energy sector[...].
RE feed-in tariffs: 
[G]enerator of renewable energy using an independent renewable energy power source shall have the following rights and duties: [...]To be compensated for a difference between end-user tariff approved by the regulatory boards of aimags and the capital city and cost from the Renewable Energy Fund.---Regulatory Boards of Aimags and the Capital City shall set prices and tariffs of energy generated and supplied by Independent renewable energy power source in the following frame of limitation: 11.3.1.Price of electricity generated and supplied by wind power source is USD 0.10- 0.15/kWh 11.3.2. Price of electricity generated and supplied by hydro power station with capacity up to 500 kW is USD 0.08-0.10/kWh 11.3.3. Price of electricity generated and supplied by hydro power station with capacity of 501-2 000 kW is USD 0.05-0.06kWh 11.3.4.Price of electricity generated and supplied by hydro power station with capacity of 2 001-5 000 kW is USD 0.045-0.05kWh 11.3.5. price of electricity generated and supplied by solar power resource is USD 0.2-0.3/kWh. ---Prices and tariffs of renewable energy shall be followed consistently for a period of not less than 10 years after coming into force date of this law.
Energy pricing: 
Price and tariffs shall be affordable.---The Energy Regulatory Authority shall set tariffs and prices of energy generated and supplied by renewable energy power source to be connected to a transmission network in the following frame of limitation: [...]price of electricity generated and supplied by wind power source is USD 0.08- 0.095/kWh ;[...].Price of electricity generated and supplied by hydropower station with capacity up to 5 000 kW is USD 0.045-0.06/ kWh; [...] Price of electricity generated and supplied by solar power source is USD 0.15-0.18/kWh.---Regulatory Boards of Aimags and the Capital City shall set prices and tariffs of energy generated and supplied by Independent renewable energy power source in the following frame of limitation: [...] Price of electricity generated and supplied by wind power source is USD 0.10- 0.15/kWh; [...] Price of electricity generated and supplied by hydro power station with capacity up to 500 kW is USD 0.08-0.10/kWh; [...] Price of electricity generated and supplied by hydro power station with capacity of 501-2 000 kW is USD 0.05-0.06kWh; [...] Price of electricity generated and supplied by hydro power station with capacity of 2 001-5 000 kW is USD 0.045-0.05kWh [...]; price of electricity generated and supplied by solar power resource is USD 0.2-0.3/kWh.---Prices and tariffs of renewable energy shall be followed consistently for a period of not less than 10 years after coming into force date of this law.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Renewable energy fund: relation concerning to establish, generate, disburse, and report performance of renewable energy fund shall be regulated by the law of Special Purpose Fund of Government
Independent power producers: 
The Cabinet shall organize implementation of laws and legislation on renewable energy promotion, and approve a list of soums to be supplied with electricity and heat generated by an independent renewable energy power source.--- [G]enerator of renewable energy using an independent renewable energy power source shall have the following rights and duties: 7.3.1 To deliver its produced electricity to local networks using a calibrated meter, and; 7.3.2. To be compensated for a difference between end-user tariff approved by the regulatory boards of aimags and the capital city and cost from the Renewable Energy Fund.---Regulatory Boards of Aimags and the Capital City shall set prices and tariffs of energy generated and supplied by Independent renewable energy power source in the following frame of limitation: 11.3.1.Price of electricity generated and supplied by wind power source is USD 0.10- 0.15/kWh 11.3.2. Price of electricity generated and supplied by hydro power station with capacity up to 500 kW is USD 0.08-0.10/kWh 11.3.3. Price of electricity generated and supplied by hydro power station with capacity of 501-2 000 kW is USD 0.05-0.06kWh 11.3.4.Price of electricity generated and supplied by hydro power station with capacity of 2 001-5 000 kW is USD 0.045-0.05kWh 11.3.5. price of electricity generated and supplied by solar power resource is USD 0.2-0.3/kWh. ---Prices and tariffs of renewable energy shall be followed consistently for a period of not less than 10 years after coming into force date of this law.
National policy structure: 
The Cabinet shall organize implementation of laws and legislation on renewable energy promotion, and approve a list of soums to be supplied with electricity and heat generated by an independent renewable energy power source.