Meta Data
Title in national language: 
Эрчим хүчний хэмнэлттэй тухай хууль
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy Types: 
All, Other
Issued by: 
Energy Regulatory Commission
Overall Summary: 
This Law serves to provide for the efficient use of energy and its conservation and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. It deals, among others, with powers given to the States Authorities; with the rights and obligations of energy consumers; and with energy conservation services.
EE priorities: 
Organize implementation of the state policy and legislation on energy conservation; Approve the national energy conservation program; [...] Approve the list of the energy-saving equipment to import.
EE action plans: 
Governors of aimags, the capital city, soums and districts shall organize implementation of legislation on energy conservation and decisions issued by the authority in charge, in conformity with this legislation, develop a policy on energy conservation in their respective territories;
Energy Service Companies (ESCOs): 
Energy service company shall operate the following activities related with promotion of efficient use of energy on bases of accreditation. Energy service company shall provide professional services to the designated consumers by a contract; Energy service company shall invest and take the full responsibility of the risk during providing energy efficient services;
EE financial incentives: 
Those designated consumers, citizens and entities shall have incentives, who are constructed energy-efficient building, or planned energy-efficient design, or manufactured or imported energy-efficient machinery, equipment, products and materials, or implemented energy efficient measures.