Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy Types: 
Issued by: 
Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA)
Overall Summary: 
The objective of this Regulation is to set forth the principles and procedures regarding balancing of the active electricity demand and supply and settlement. It covers duties, powers and responsibilities of the parties involved in balancing mechanism and settlement, and the principles and procedures applicable to the balancing of active electricity supply and demand as well as the financial settlement of the receivables and payables of licence holder legal entities arising from participation in balancing mechanism and settlement.
Energy trade priorities: 
For each settlement period and each trade zone, market participants shall ensure balance between supply to the system, electricity energy purchases and imports on the one hand, and withdrawal from the system, electricity energy sales and exports on the other hand.
Standard power production and purchasing agreements: 
Balancing mechanism shall complement bilateral agreements and cover activities that consist of day ahead planning and real-time balancing.---Market Participants shall consist of the following legal entities: a) Generation licensee, b) Autoproducer licensee, c) Autoproducer group licensee, ç) Wholesale licensee, d) Retail licensee. The consumption units of eligible consumers purchasing electricity from market participants shall be registered in the name of market participants.
Electricity wholesale markets: 
Market Participants shall consist of the following legal entities: a) Generation licensee, b) Autoproducer licensee, c) Autoproducer group licensee, ç) Wholesale licensee, d) Retail licensee. The consumption units of eligible consumers purchasing electricity from market participants shall be registered in the name of market participants.---In addition to its responsibilities regarding organized wholesale electricity market and system operation, TEIAS shall execute other activities regarding balancing and settlement [...].---Market Participants shall register to the Market Operator within the timeframe specified in this Regulation.
Bidding and Tendering: 
The market participants participating in day ahead planning shall submit block offers and bids to the Market Operator[...].---In Settlement of Balancing Power Market activities, following items shall be considered; a) Offers and bids related to the energy purchase from the system and sales to the system of the relevant market participants, [...] b) Offers and bid volumes accepted in the context of instructions given by System Operator [...].
Energy management principles: 
For each settlement period and each trade zone, market participants shall ensure balance between supply to the system, electricity energy purchases and imports on the one hand, and withdrawal from the system, electricity energy sales and exports on the other hand.---Market Operator shall be MFSC (Market Financial Settlement Center).---System Operator shall be the NLDC (National Load Dispatch Center).[...] The System Operator is responsible for serving existing transmission capacity so as to ensure maximum energy transmission within the system transmission constraints and system operation security criteria. The System Operator and the Market Operator shall cooperate to ensure the optimal utilization of the national transmission capacities