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Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy Types: 
Power, Renewable
Issued by: 
Government of Turkey - Council of Ministers
Overall Summary: 
The purpose of the electricity market law is to ensure the establishment of a financially sound, stable and transparent electricity market operating in a competitive environment under, and subject to, private law provisions as well as to ensure the independent regulation and supervision of this market for purposes of providing sufficient, good quality, uninterrupted, low cost and environment-friendly electricity to consumers.
Energy pricing: 
The procedures and principles regarding the tariffs, implementation of tariffs and consumer support as indicated in this Law are as follows: [...] Connection and use of system tariffs shall establish non-discriminatory prices, terms and conditions for connection to and use of a transmission system or a distribution system which shall be included in the relevant connection and use of system agreements. ---Within the context of generation activities: The sale price of the electricity generated by the generation facilities operated by the Electricity Generation Co. Inc., including its affiliates, shall cover the costs of equity, loans, principal, interest and foreign exchange rate differences as well as the management expenses of the Electricity Generation Co. Inc. T.
Standard power production and purchasing agreements: 
Turkish Electricity Trading and Contracting Co. Inc. shall be transferred the existing energy sale and purchase agreements from TEAS and TEDAS signed within the framework of existing contracts. It may also enter into energy purchase and sales agreements, implement and terminate the agreements it has been transferred and/or signed [...].--- The generation of electricity shall be performed by Electricity Generation Co. Inc. and private sector generation companies, excluding the electricity generation by autoproducers and autoproducer groups. Electricity Generation Co. Inc. and private sector generation companies, in accordance with their licenses, shall be entitled to sell electricity and/or capacity to real persons and legal entities.
Electricity wholesale markets: 
Wholesale activities shall be conducted by the Turkish Electricity Trading and Contracting Co. Inc. and private sector wholesale companies in accordance with the provisions of this Law, relevant regulations, their respective licenses, the grid code, the balancing and settlement code and bilateral agreements. --- Private Sector Wholesale Companies; Private sector wholesale companies shall engage in wholesale of electricity.
Public Private Partnerships: 
All private sector legal entities subject to civil law operating in the market shall be established as incorporated or limited liability companies in accordance with the provisions of the Turkish Commercial law [...].--- The generation of electricity shall be performed by Electricity Generation Co. Inc. and private sector generation companies, excluding the electricity generation by autoproducers and autoproducer groups. Electricity Generation Co. Inc. and private sector generation companies, in accordance with their licenses, shall be entitled to sell electricity and/or capacity to real persons and legal entities. --- Private Sector Generation Companies are private sector legal entities subject to civil law that are engaged in generation and sale of electricity at generation facility(ies) they own or have acquired through financial leasing or transfer of operating rights (TOOR). ---The Ministry shall provide the Privatization Administration with proposals and opinions regarding the privatization of the assets belonging to the Turkish Electricity Distribution Company (TEDAS) and Electricity Generation Co. Inc., their subsidiaries, affiliates, partnerships and operational units and facilities.
Energy management principles: 
Legal entities to be engaged in Transmission Activities: The Turkish Electricity Transmission Co. Inc shall conduct the electricity transmission activities.[...] Turkish Electricity Transmission Co. Inc. shall be responsible for the development and implementation of an infrastructure required for implementing new trade methods and sales channels in line with the Board decisions and market developments.---The import and/or export of electricity to or from countries that fulfill the requirement of international interconnection [...] shall be conducted by Turkish Electricity Trading and Contracting Co. Inc., private sector wholesale companies, retail companies and distribution companies holding retail licenses, subject to Board approval, in accordance with the provisions of this applicable regulations, their respective licenses, grid code and distribution code.
Energy institutional structures: 
An independent, administratively and financially autonomous public institution, namely the Energy Market1 Regulatory Authority, is hereby established to perform the duties assigned to it by this law. --- All tasks and obligations assigned to the Electricity Generation Co. Inc., Turkish Electricity Transmission Co. Inc. and Turkish Electricity Trading and Contracting Co. Inc. shall be assumed by TEAS until these companies are actually established. --- In addition to the duties set out in other provisions this Law, the Board shall also have the following duties: [...] p) With regard to the environmental effects of the electricity generation operations, to take necessary measures for encouraging the utilization of renewable and domestic energy resources and to initiate actions with relevant agencies for provision and implementation of incentives in this field.