Bi-, multi-lateral mechanisms to expand access:
Community involvement in providing rural electrification will be promoted. The Government will explore collaborations with relevant communities to ensure sustainability of rural electrification systems. Partnerships with NGOs will be formed to provide electricity supply for the rural communities using micro hybrid and RE sources.
Energy access priorities:
Ensuring effective sourcing and delivery of energy---Strategy E4: Managing supply diversity for security of the electricity subsector [...]augmenting rural electrification.---Extending provision of rural basic infrastructure by streamlining rural infrastructure planning and increasing the provision of road, water and electricity supply.
Energy access action plan:
Electricity supply would be provided through off-grid generation for areas which are too far from the grid. The development
of alternative systems such as solar hybrid, mini and pico hydro will be supported by off-grid networks to ensure wider coverage.---The Rural Electricity Supply programme will continue to focus on offgrid generation for remote and isolated areas. The alternative system of solar hybrid and mini hydro will be supported by micro- and picogrid to increase coverage.---The implementation of IBR will be continued to ensure utility companies provide efficient services. The IBR framework is designed to incentivise utility companies to reduce costs and improve service levels. The separation of generation, transmission, and distribution tariffs with automatic adjustments to take into account changes in fuel prices will increase transparency and efficiency of electricity supply.---The efficiency and reliability of electricity supply will be further improved through continued investment in generation, transmission, and distribution projects by utility providers.
Energy access targets:
Rural electrification in Malaysia: Households with electricity supply (%): Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak: 99,9% by 2020.---Focus areas: 36,800 additional houses will be supplied with electricity.---In energy sector, 7,626 MW new generation
capacity will be installed in Peninsular Malaysia, along with 300,000 bpd refining capacity at PIPC, providing security to Malaysia’s energy needs.
Energy service quality targets:
Reliabilty of electricity supply in Malaysia: System Average Interruption Duration Index - minutes per customer: Peninsular
Malaysia 50; Sabah 100; Sarawak 157 by 2020.
Consumer subsidies:
[T]o ensure that electricity tariffs are affordable for consumers, the generation fuel mix needs to be balanced to optimise
the cost of supply. The Special Industrial Tariff will be abolished by 2020. In addition, future tariff increases will take into consideration the availability of safety nets for low-income households.