Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Overarching Policy, Decree
Economic Sector: 
Energy Types: 
Power, Renewable, Hydropower
Issued by: 
Government of Lao PDR, Ministry of Energy and Mines
Overall Summary: 
This policy aims at providing policy guidance and reference to the agencies responsible for overseeing the implementation of investment projects in the hydropower sector as well as to inform and encourage project developers/investors to be aware of the Government policy on sustainable development in Lao PDR. The policy is not catered only for large scale projects but to all scales as necessary. Hydropower development project stages include: planning, construction, operation and transfer of the project. Agencies responsible shall work closely and effectively under the guidance of the Inter-ministerial Committee at the Ministry level formed by Ministry of Energy and Mines to ensure effective implementation of the updated Policy on Sustainable Hydropower Development.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Hydropower Development Plans shall be undertaken in collaboration with relevant stakeholders in the management, utilization of water and water resources for the optimal benefits.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Overall objectives of the Policy on Sustainable Hydropower Development Hydropower development shall be implemented based on the principles of economic, social and environmental sustainability.
Land use change for energy production purposes: 
All hydropower development shall conduct a comprehensive feasibility study before the project can be approved to ensure [...] that potential negative impacts on the environment and social can be prevented and or mitigated. ---All hydropower projects shall undertake a comprehensive Environmental and Social Impact Assessment. ---In order to safeguard the statutory interests of the project affected people due to resettlement and compensation cases, the hydropower project developer shall provide a progress report on the social impact assessment, develop a resettlement and livelihoods’ improvement plan, an ethnicity development plan, a gender development plan and so forth before the construction and implementation of the project to ensure that any potential negatives impacts to the people and other social related impacts are mitigated.---All hydropower development projects shall be undertaken on the basis of transparency and openness. In addition, in the process of information disclosure, ethnic minority’s language needs to be taken into consideration.---Natural conserved habitat area losses due to hydropower development projects shall be avoided and mitigated as much as possible. Where avoidance is not possible, it must be compensated and restored by the project developer as well as provide funding to help manage and effectively conserve the watershed area as well as nearby watersheds and other important conservation areas. Must also develop a sustainable biodiversity management plan, consider compensation or help mitigate the impact on the local natural resources base.
Energy-water nexus: 
In order to achieve economic, social and environmental sustainability in hydropower development, detailed data collection, planning and implementation is required. Hydropower Development Plans shall be undertaken in collaboration with relevant stakeholders in the management, utilization of water and water resources for the optimal benefits. ---Natural conserved habitat area losses due to hydropower development projects shall be avoided and mitigated as much as possible. Where avoidance is not possible, it must be compensated and restored by the project developer as well as provide funding to help manage and effectively conserve the watershed area as well as nearby watersheds and other important conservation areas. Must also develop a sustainable biodiversity management plan, consider compensation or help mitigate the impact on the local natural resources base.
Independent power producers: 
Any hydropower development of private or public sector shall be implemented on the basis of either build-operate-transfer (BOT), build and transfer (BT), build-own-operate (BOO) and those that are developed by stated-owned enterprises.
Energy management principles: 
In order to achieve economic, social and environmental sustainability in hydropower development, detailed data collection, planning and implementation is required. Hydropower Development Plans shall be undertaken in collaboration with relevant stakeholders in the management, utilization of water and water resources for the optimal benefits. ---All hydropower development projects shall be undertaken on the basis of transparency and openness. In addition, in the process of information disclosure, ethnic minority’s language needs to be taken into consideration.