Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy Types: 
Power, Renewable, Hydropower
Issued by: 
Ministry of Energy and Mines and the World Bank
Overall Summary: 
This document is the Policy Guideline on the Implementation of the Government Decree on Policy on Sustainable Hydropower Development (PSHD) in Lao PDR which was approved by the Prime Minister on 12 January 2015 (Decree Nº 02/GOL dated 12/1/2015). The Guideline aims to provide policy guidance to the agencies responsible for overseeing the implementation of investment projects in the hydropower sector as well as to inform and encourage project developers/investors to be aware of the Government policy toward achieving sustainable development in Lao PDR. Four elements of hydropower sustainability represent the Vision of the Government of Lao PDR. These elements consist of “3-E and 1-S”: • Engineering – guarantee safety, ensure the use of modern technology and equipment and prevent or mitigate damage to natural resources and third parties during the survey, design, construction and operation stages; • Economic – reliance upon the maintenance of the renewable resource base, and the use of non-renewable resource rents support the development of other factors of production; • Environment – relies upon the avoidance if irreversible environmental impacts such as the loss of biodiversity, accumulation of persistent pollutants, or disruption of ecological cycles; • Social – based upon the better-off of project affected people from the projects development through the process of public participation.
Land use change for energy production purposes: 
The GOL will promote[...] that hydropower operation is consistent with the national socioeconomic development plan, safe, effective, economic, and sustainable, and that the potential adverse impacts on affected people, natural resources, and environment are effectively mitigated.[...]---To achieve environmental and social sustainability, the Government will ensure that negative environmental and social impacts associated with hydropower projects are managed.[....] To maintain sustainability of water resources, integrity of water storage, and safety of downstream communities protection, conservation, and/or restoration of upstream watershed and capacity on emergency preparedness of communities located in the downstream area will be priority for the sector and actions from project developers will be required.[...].---All hydropower projects larger than 15 MW will comply with, at a minimum, consultation with the affected population and the public in line with the technical guideline on public involvement issued by the DESIA[...].---Any loss of natural terrestrial habitat will be offset, where possible, by funding and implementing effective conservation management in nearby protected and/or critical watershed areas. A watershed adaptive management and participatory planning strategy will be developed to stabilize land use, maintain vegetation cover and manage National and Provincial Protected Areas within the catchment area, and to enhance the productivity and sustainability of aquatic resources within the reservoir and its tributaries. Sustainable biodiversity management plans will be conducted taken into account the need to compensate populations residing within protected areas for eventual restriction to the resource base on which they depend and to develop alternative means of livelihoods.
Energy-water nexus: 
The GOL will promote all individuals, legal entities, and organizations, both domestic and foreign entities, to invest in hydropower development in conjunction with watershed protection[...].---The GOL acknowledges the right to use water resources for all major purposes including human consumption, hydropower, irrigation, industry, navigation, flood control, fisheries and wildlife, and ecological maintenance and will encourage active engagement of responsible agencies in all levels and other key entities to discuss, cooperate, and reach agreements on water allocation, water users, and/or trade-offs [...].The integrated river basin management approach will be applied for multiple hydropower projects planned to dam a single river and this approach will also include addressing cumulative impacts [...].---The integrated water resources management (IWRM) principle will be applied.---The DEPP will also investigate opportunity for maximizing the benefit of water resource utilization and reservoir management (including domestic consumption, flood control, irrigation, fisheries, industry, and other major water users) as well as for sharing benefits of the project with the local communities and provinces that bear social and environmental costs.---All hydropower projects larger than 15 MW will comply with the Protection Forest Decree (2010), the water law or its revision, the National Protected Area Decree (draft), and other concerned regulations. Law and regulations regarding water and watershed protection and management including water use and water pollution control will be applied[...]
Energy pricing: 
The electricity prices will be stable and suitable for economic conditions of the country and for the target and type of electricity users. The Government will determine the electricity prices for import purchase and export sale as well as for domestic purchase and sale.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
To achieve socio-economic sustainability, the GOL will develop hydropower as an export commodity as well as to meet electricity needs for the national socio-economic development and contributing to the national security and improving living conditions of the people.
Energy trade priorities: 
To achieve socio-economic sustainability, the GOL will develop hydropower as an export commodity as well as to meet electricity needs for the national socio-economic development [...].---The electricity export will ensure sufficiency for domestic use, including industrial expansion and national socio-economic development. Import of electricity can be made only when it is necessary for the country’s socioeconomic development and is approved by the GOL.
Independent power producers: 
Internal procedures and regulations during the planning, construction, and operation stages of large hydropower projects including clarity on the independent power production (IPP) process will be established by the agencies of the Ministry of Energy and Mines in line with the legal provision of the Electricity law (2012).
Investment climate development: 
The GOL will promote all individuals, legal entities, and organizations, both domestic and foreign entities, to invest in hydropower development in conjunction with watershed protection[...].
M&E of policy implementation: 
Compliance monitoring of the specific laws and regulations will be carried out by the responsible agencies while compliance monitoring of the policy will be carried out by the Department of Energy Policy and Plan in close coordination with concerned agencies as appropriate.