Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy Types: 
Power, Renewable, Hydropower
Issued by: 
Government of The Lao People's Democratic Republic
Unofficial translation into English
Overall Summary: 
The Law on Electricity (2017 Ed.) establishes specific standards in the administration, transmission, distribution and trade of electricity in line with the national social and economic growth of the Lao people. In particular, it sets out the principles to use the natural resource potentials in an economical and sustainable manner.
Energy access priorities: 
The State develops all potentials to meet the electricity need for the national socio-economic development [...] and to improve the living conditions of the multi-ethnic people.
Energy access action plan: 
The electricity development plan shall: [...] 3. ensure the safe and regular supply of electricity. --- The State encourages the establishment of the Fund for Rural Electricity Development in order to contribute in the construction and installation to be gradually and thoroughly expanded aiming at poverty eradication and improvement of the living conditions of the multi-ethnic people.
Consumer subsidies: 
The State encourages the establishment of the Fund for Rural Electricity Development in order to contribute in the construction and installation to be gradually and thoroughly expanded aiming at poverty eradication and improvement of the living conditions of the multi-ethnic people.
EE priorities: 
The electricity development plan shall: Ensure the principles of the use of natural resources source, energy source in appropriated, economical and highly effective manner.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
The State promotes all individuals, legal entities and organizations, both domestic and foreign entities, to invest in electricity activities, such as production, transmission, distribution and services, particularly the hydropower. --- Article 43. Promotion of Rural Electricity Individuals, legal entities or organizations investing in electricity generation, distribution, electricity purchase and sale, investment in construction of electrical transmission lines and distribution line, electrical services or in electrical generation sources by new energy ,renewable energy in order supply the electricity to the remote areas and upland areas, shall receive special promoted policies relating to investment, the same as of other investment promotion activities in accordance with other law on investment and other relevant laws and regulations.
Energy environmental priorities: 
The State promotes the electricity activities development through the use of electricity energy in economical, effective and sustainable manner and through the use of modern technique and technology in electricity business with mitigation of social and environmental impacts. --- Operation of electricity activities and business shall comply with the following principles: [...] 3. Protection of environment, society and nature (community, forest and water source). --- The electricity development plan shall: [...] 2. [...] mitigate social and environmental impacts in electricity business development. --- The electricity generation [...] shall restrict and mitigate the social and environmental impacts. ---The establishment of the transmission line system through the Lao PDR shall ensure the reduction of the environmental impacts and harmful effects to the people and, shall pay the fees for the transit through the Lao territory and other service fees [...].
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
The establishment of the transmission line system through the Lao PDR shall ensure the reduction of the environmental impacts and harmful effects to the people and, shall pay the fees for the transit through the Lao territory and other service fees [...].
Regional integration priorities: 
State broadens the relation and foreign, regional and international cooperation by exchange experiences and information of electricity activities, such as: generation, transmission, distribution, export-import, transit, development and service of electricity business.
Energy trade priorities: 
The State develops all potentials to meet the electricity need for the national socio-economic development, [...] including the development of electricity as export commodity. --- The electricity development plan shall: [...] 4. Determine the electricity export based on the priority of electricity consumption and needs in neighboring countries.---The electricity export of as exporting goods shall ensure sufficient supply priority for domestic use, including industrial expansion and national socio-economic development. Electricity can be imported into the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, provided that it is necessary for the country's socio-economic development and with the approval of the government.
Financial incentives for energy infrastructure: 
The State promotes all individuals, legal entities and organizations, both domestic and foreign entities, to invest in electricity activities, such as production, transmission, distribution and services, particularly the hydropower, in junction with the protection of forest-protected water sources and in remote areas where favorable conditions existed by granting appropriated policies, such as duty or tax policy, rights of use of natural resources in accordance with the laws and regulations. --- Individuals, legal entities or organizations investing in electricity generation, distribution, electricity purchase and sale, investment in construction of electrical transmission lines and distribution line, electrical services or in electrical generation sources by new energy ,renewable energy in order supply the electricity to the remote areas and upland areas, shall receive special promoted policies relating to investment [...]. --- The State encourages the establishment of the Fund for Rural Electricity Development in order to contribute in the construction and installation to be gradually and thoroughly expanded aiming at poverty eradication and improvement of the living conditions of the multi-ethnic people.
Independent power producers: 
Investment in electricity business may be operated in the following forms: 1. Build, operate and transfer (BOT); 2. Build and transfer (BT); 3. Build, own and operate (BOO); 4. State solely operates and represented by the State electricity company.---Electricity transit will be transmitted through the National Electricity Transmission Grid with service charges. In the case that the National Electricity Transmission Grid are not able to be transmitted through, the Government shall allow the transmitters to establish the transmission lines system by themselves [...].
Investment climate development: 
The State promotes all individuals, legal entities and organizations, both domestic and foreign entities, to invest in electricity activities, such as production, transmission, distribution and services, particularly the hydropower, in junction with the protection of forest-protected water sources and in remote areas where favorable conditions existed by granting appropriated policies, such as duty or tax policy, rights of use of natural resources in accordance with the laws and regulations. --- Individuals, legal entities or organizations investing in electricity generation, distribution, electricity purchase and sale, investment in construction of electrical transmission lines and distribution line, electrical services or in electrical generation sources by new energy, renewable energy in order supply the electricity to the remote areas and upland areas, shall receive special promoted policies relating to investment [...].--- The State protects the legitimate rights of all economic sectors which have invested and paid their contributions in electricity business operation in equal manner.
Public Private Partnerships: 
All electricity activities provided for in Article 9 of this Law can be operated in the form of electricity business. Electricity business is divided into two types i.e., general electricity business and electricity business in the form of concession. [...] Electricity business in the form of concession includes: generation and electricity transmission by the public and private sectors.
Energy management principles: 
Sources of electricity energy throughout the country are the property of the national community that the State centrally and unanimously manages and grants the right of use to individuals, legal entities and organizations. --- Operation of electricity activities and business shall comply with the following principles: 1. Conformity with the national economic and social development; 2. Productiveness, economization and endurance; 3. Protection of environment, society and nature (community, forest and water source); 4. Safety. --- The electricity development plan shall: 1. Ensure the principles of the use of natural resources source, energy source in appropriated, economical and highly effective manner; 2. Determine the targets, directions, mechanisms and methods in developing the technical and economical base for the electricity project; ensure the safe and regular supply of electricity, and mitigate social and environmental impacts in electricity business development; 3. Ensure the domestic consumption based on economic and social growth in each period and policy on national socio-economic development; 4. Determine the electricity export based on the priority of electricity consumption and needs in neighboring countries. --- The electricity generation shall ensure to use of modern equipments with quality and international standards and shall restrict and mitigate the social and environmental impacts. --- Electricity distribution shall be carried out based on the following principles: 1. Continuous and regular electricity distribution; 2. Broad-based, sufficient and economical distribution of electricity; 3. Safe distribution of electricity; 4. Distribution of electricity to ensure socio-economic development; 5. Distribution of electricity to ensure national defense and public security protection activities. --- The Government centrally and unanimously manages the electrical activities throughout the country by assigning the energy and mines sector to be the principal in coordinating with other relevant sectors [...].---Individuals, legal entities or organizations undertaking the construction, installation, expansion, repair and maintenance of the electrical facilities hall strictly comply with the Lao Electric Power Technical Standards.
National policy structure: 
The Ministry of Energy and Mines is responsible to establish the Electricity Technical Standards (...).---Individuals, legal entities or organizations undertaking the construction, installation, expansion, repair and maintenance of the electrical facilities hall strictly comply with the Lao Electric Power Technical Standards.
Energy institutional structures: 
Ministry of Energy and Mines is the principal in coordination with the concerned organizations in setting up the electricity development plans and then, submit them to the Government for consideration and approval. --- The electricity activities management organizations are comprised of: 1. Ministry of Energy and Mines; 2. Provincial, City Divisions of Energy and Mines; 3. District, Municipality Offices of Energy and Mines.
Rural energy agency or equivalent: 
The province, Capital, or District, municipality is responsible for the approval of the rural electrification projects which are under its responsibility.
Statistics collection and management: 
The survey of collection of initial information on the socio-economy, environment, geology, hydrology and their impacts shall be the responsibility of the energy and mine sector in collaboration with other relevant sectors and local administrations [...]. --- Individuals, legal entities or organizations operating the electricity business shall regularly submit their report on the design, construction, operation and safety relating to electricity to the Energy and Mines sector and relevant local administrations in accordance the applicable regulations.