Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Overarching Policy
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power
Energy Types: 
All, Power, Renewable, Hydropower, Solar, Other
Issued by: 
Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification
Overall Summary: 
The National Energy Policy outlines the priorities of the government and the strategic directions for key initiatives in the energy sector over the next ten years to facilitate sustainable economic development. This policy is an improvement on the 2007 policy and is closely linked to the National Development Strategy of Solomon Islands 2011–2020 and its vision of a ‘united and vibrant Solomon Islands’. The 2014 Solomon Islands National Energy Policy (SINEP) will provide an enabling platform that will inform decision makers on policy directions and strategies for improving the effectiveness of the Solomon Island energy sector and achieving the NDS 2011–2020 through increased access to reliable, affordable and clean sources of electricity.The Solomon Islands energy sector is divided into six sub-sectors (thematic areas) that have been identified as important. These include: planning, coordination, leadership and partnership; electric power (urban); electric power (rural); renewable energy; petroleum and alternative liquid and gaseous fuels; and energy efficiency and conservation. Each sub-sector is supported with a policy outcome, policy statement, policy details and key priorities. The strategies and investment plans for the energy sub-sectors are developed as separate documents. All are aligned to the policy vision, mission and goals. The target is set to replace current use of imported fossil fuel for electricity generation by 100% by year 2030.
Bi-, multi-lateral mechanisms to expand access: 
Promote and strengthen partnerships with relevant financing and investing in the energy sector through presentations at annual investment/development partners’ forums.
Energy access priorities: 
Increase access to affordable electricity in the urban and semi-urban areas.---Establish an appropriate, reliable, affordable and sustainable renewable energy-based power supply.---Increase access of safe, affordable and reliable petroleum fuels to outer islands and remote rural locations.---Improve the supply of petroleum products to outer islands and remote locations.
Energy access action plan: 
Improve the capacity and condition of the Honiara and outstation networks.---Extend existing networks to surrounding rural communities where feasible.--- Increase the supply of modern energy services in rural schools, telecommunication and health centres. Strategies: 3.2.1 Improve and increase the use of solar and hydro power. 3.2.2 Encourage the use of other renewable energy sources, including geothermal. 3.2.3 Work with communities and townships to establish electrification for rural communities.---Improve SIEA energy services through off grids (hydro and solar) and generating plants.---Replicate successful and scaling-up of deployment of solar PV home systems in rural households
Energy access targets: 
Increase access to electricity in urban areas to 100% by 2020. Increase access to electricity in rural households to 35% by 2020.---A reliable supply of quality petroleum products at landed cost is supplied to all people in Solomon Islands
Energy service quality targets: 
Sustain a 24-hour electricity service to Honiara and the outstations.
Clean cooking solutions: 
Promote the use of LPG for cooking and lighting.
EE priorities: 
Promote energy conservation and efficiency measures at government, residential, commercial and businesses sectors. Encourage energy efficiency in appliances, equipment and technologies.
EE targets: 
Improve energy efficiency and conservation in all sectors by 10.7% by 2019.---Reduce electricity consumption in Government services by 20% in 2019, while increasing efficiency of service delivery by 2019 Reduce electricity consumption in the residential services by 10% in 2019 Reduce electricity consumption in commercial services by 5% in 2019 Reduce electricity consumption in industrial services by 5% in 2019.---By 2019, realise electricity savings of 2.56 GWh from mandatory implementation of minimum energy performance standards and energy labelling for freezers, refrigerators, lights and air conditioning units
EE action plans: 
Improve on the cooling system of the Lungga generators (gain 2.5 MW) by December 2013.---Build a sufficient body of expertise within government in order to implement energy efficiency and enegy conservation strategy targets.---Residential, Commercial and Industrial sector initiatives: Carry out demand-side management activities. Conduct energy audits of commercial and industrial buildings.---Government led activities: Conduct energy audits of government-owned buildings. Replace inefficient lights. Reduce overall electricity consumption.---Promote energy labelling and standards for freezers, refrigerators, lights and air conditions.--- Investigate non-technical losses and implement actions.---Resolve and implement street – lighting issues
Energy Service Companies (ESCOs): 
Encourage Renewable Energy Services Company (RESCO’s) involvement in productive uses of renewable energy sources
EE financial incentives: 
By 2019, fully realise incentives for the purchase and use of efficient vehicles and cooking technologies.---Offer tax incentives for the use of energy efficient vehicles including LPG vehicles.
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Include as mandatory course materials on energy efficiency and conservation at all levels of the education systems by 2019.---Government led activities: [...] Conduct government energy awareness programmes.---Conduct energy awareness programmes in Honiara and outer islands. Develop and adapt course materials for use in schools.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Sustainability of renewable energy technologies in rural areas.---Establish an appropriate, reliable, affordable and sustainable renewable energy-based power supply.
RE targets: 
Increase the use of renewable energy sources for power generation in urban and rural areas to 79% by 2030.---Use of renewable energy sources for power generation in urban and rural areas increased to 50% by 2020.---Promote the use of renewable energy technologies in rural schools. Promote the use of renewable energy technologies in health centres.
RE action plans: 
Install renewable energy technologies for demonstrations (head office and solar farm).---Assess, cost, promote and enhance the potential for renewable energy resources.---Increase productivity in rural communities with the use of renewable energy services.---Develop renewable energy policy instruments (standards and regulations, net metering policies, market-based instruments, procurement strategies) to meet the renewable energy targets.---Monitor and maintain renewable energy projects (Tina River Hydropower and Savo Geothermal schemes and provincial centres RE projects).--- Increase the supply of modern energy services in rural schools, telecommunication and health centres. Strategies: 3.2.1 Improve and increase the use of solar and hydro power. 3.2.2 Encourage the use of other renewable energy sources, including geothermal. [...]---Replicate successful and scaling-up of deployment of solar PV home systems in rural households.---Promote the use of bio-fuel for power generation and transportation.
Net metering: 
Develop clear policies and legislations/regulation on net metering
RE capital subsidy, grant, or rebate: 
Promote legislation and fiscal incentives to encourage wide use of renewable energy.
RE reductions in taxes: 
Develop a clear policy on fiscal incentives e.g tax holiday incentives and duty tax exemptions including loans for renewable energy technology deployment*.
RE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Create awareness and include training opportunities for renewable energy opportunities and technologies on wind, biomass and hydro resources.---Develop targeted training programmes and awareness campaigns for communities on the operation and maintenance of renewable energy projects.
Cooperation in RE: 
Facilitate partnerships in development of renewable energy developments.
Energy environmental priorities: 
The energy sector strives to ensure that the environment is protected through the proper management, storage and disposal of renewable energy accessories and parts, energy efficient technologies and parts, and petroleum fuel wastes. [...] Climate change is a risk to the development of the nation and therefore efforts to reduce the carbon footprint through the use of renewable energy technologies and energy efficient measures are considered an important part of this energy policy.---[E]nergy sector management should be improved through a stronger emphasis on sustainability principles: economic growth, social development and environmental protection. ---Ensure that petroleum storage and handling facilities conform to local and international safety andnenvironmental standards.
Pollution control action plans: 
Petroleum storage and handling facilities conform to local and international safety and environmental standards.---Suppliers and users of petroleum products dispose of petroleum-related wastes in an environmentally sound manner.
Decarbonization strategy: 
Offer tax incentives for the use of energy efficient vehicles including LPG vehicles.
Land use change for energy production purposes: 
[...] Promoting energy service systems should consider where land access has been secured and that the resource used should benefit only those communities in order to minimise conflicts over land/resource issues.
Renewable energy subsidies: 
Promote legislation and fiscal incentives to encourage wide use of renewable energy.
Energy pricing: 
Regulate and monitor the electricity tariff as related to increased fuel prices.---Regulate the price of petroleum and power/electricity. ---The monitoring and regulating of petroleum prices is done through transparent and coordinated ways.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
Increase the development and penetration of gaseous fuels and alternative liquid fuels from indigenous raw materials.---Build capacity in the areas of petroleum storage, and regulating and monitoring petroleum supply and demand.---A reliable supply of quality petroleum products at landed cost is supplied to all people in Solomon Islands.---Encourage the use of alternative liquid fuels in power generation and transport through Support private sector to establish professional alternative fuel producers; Supporting primary producers that can supply raw materials; and Construct infrastructure as necessary to support new alternative fuel industry
Energy mix: 
Increase the use of renewable energy sources for power generation in urban and rural areas to 79% by 2030.
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Improve the capacity and condition of the Honiara and outstation networks: Progress the Lungga Expansion Project Complete the 33kV cable, 11kV Switchgear (Honiara), Network Upgrades (Honiara) Projects under the SISEP programme---Install 2 x 1.5 Mw diesel generators at Honiara Power Station by August/September 2013. Install 2 x 5.0 Mw Diesel Generators at Lungga Power station by 2015/2016. Install new diesel generators at Noro, Munda, Tulagi.---Support the development and implementation of the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP). 4.1.2 Support the development and implementation of the Savo Geothermal Project.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
Financing the investment plan is required for implementing the policy with its strategies and activities. The energy sector is a high capital infrastructure and therefore all avenues for sourcing funding should be a priority.---The Ministry of Commerce, Industry, Labor and Immigration (MCILI) is the lead one-stop agency responsible for the formulation and implementation of economic and industrial development strategies for Solomon Islands. The energy sector is currently one of the priority areas for government and this has encouraged investments in both the Savo Geothermal and the Tina River Hydro Development projects.---Promote and strengthen partnerships with relevant financing and investing in the energy sector through presentations at annual investment/development partners’ forums.---Invite private sector companies to identify markets and invest in land transport fuels and power generation capacity in addition to SIEA.
Independent power producers: 
Create a regulatory framework (under the proposed Energy Act) to regulate the participation of independent power producers and integrate power purchase agreements.
Investment climate development: 
A conducive and enabling environment for investors is required to increase the uptake of renewable energy technologies. [...].---Encourage the use of alternative liquid fuels in power generation and transport through Support private sector to establish professional alternative fuel producers;
Public Private Partnerships: 
Encourage public / private partnership for power generation.
Energy management principles: 
Instigate a whole-of-energy-sector approach and foster partnerships between the relevant institutions and stakeholders. --- Capacity building, training and research in all aspects of the energy sector are continuous efforts that should be integrated into all sub-sector strategies and activities.---Gender is to be recognised as an important element for sustainability of energy programmes and provision of efficient and affordable energy services.--- Updating of legislation and regular review of regulations to align to changes and needs for effective governance and management of the energy sector.---The energy sector is provided with the appropriate level of legal authority and resources (financial and human) to perform its leadership role. Partnerships are established and strengthened at local, national, regional and international levels for the development of energy programmes and projects.---Deployment of energy services that will create paid jobs at the community level.
National policy structure: 
Establish guidelines on the sustainability of renewable energy technologies in rural areas, schools, telecommunications and health centres in partnership with communities and government sectors.---Support the regulation of the energy sector – off-grid and on-grid electrification.---Support and review the energy legislation (The Petroleum Act and the recommendations on the study of the review of the Electricity Act).
Energy institutional structures: 
The Ministry of Commerce, Industry, Labor and Immigration (MCILI) is the lead one-stop agency responsible for the formulation and implementation of economic and industrial development strategies for Solomon Islands. The energy sector is currently one of the priority areas for government and this has encouraged investments in both the Savo Geothermal and the Tina River Hydro Development projects.---Establish an Energy Advisory Commitee (EAC) to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the SINEP.---Reform SIEA to operate commercially to deliver reliable, affordable and efficient electricity services---Build a sufficient body of expertise within government in order to implement energy efficiency and enegy conservation strategy targets.---Achieve government leadership and effective coordination and partnership through the Energy Advisory Committee.---Develop and strengthen collaboration between Ministry of Lands and SIEA to address land access for transmission and distribution. Establish an independent body to regulate electricity supplies and standards to maintain quality. Establish an independent body to regulate the independent power producers and power purchase agreements.
Rural energy agency or equivalent: 
Encourage the establishment of rural centres including ICT powered by renewable energy at provincial level
M&E of policy implementation: 
To monitor the progress of the 2014 SINEP, a log-frame matrix is to be put together with strategies and activities, performance indicators, means of verification and time-lines. [...]
Statistics collection and management: 
The availability, accessibility and quality of data and information for all key strategic areas are critical in order to make informed decisions and policy interventions. Continued efforts are needed across all sub-sectors for effective and efficient data collection and management.
Public database availability: 
Develop a national energy balance database.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Establish and regulate renewable energy resources and technology standards, e.g. biofuel and solar PV home systems.---Research in alternative liquid and gaseous fuels is promoted, supported and well coordinated.---Promote the use of low-cost specific renewable energy technologies (e.g. solar charging stations, solar lanterns).---Research in alternative sources of liquid and gaseous fuels is promoted, supported and wellcoordinated.
Clean energy technology deployment: 
Develop a clear policy on fiscal incentives e.g tax holiday incentives and duty tax exemptions including loans for renewable energy technology deployment*.
Low-emission and cleaner oil technology: 
Promote the use of bio-fuel for power generation and transportation
R&D renewable energy: 
Encourage research and development, and demonstrations (RD&D).