Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power, Industry, Transport, Building, Multi-Sector
Energy Types: 
Oil, Gas, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Other
Issued by: 
Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification
Overall Summary: 
The third volume of the Solomon Islands National Energy Policy and Strategic Plan presents the priorities of the government and the strategic directions for the petroleum sub-sector over the next five years. The Petroleum and Alternative Liquid Fuels Strategy and Investment plan (PET- ALT SIP) is one of the Solomon Islands Government Strategic Plan which is aligned to the 2014 National Energy Policy vision and goals. Petroleum use will continue for a long time and its use for electricity and transport has increased over the past years. Therefore coordination to monitor and regulates the safety and standards of imported petroleum products as well as providing fair prices to all people of the Solomon Islands is vital. This strategy provides complementary activities to improving the implementation of existing regulations relating to the petroleum pricing, safety and standards. The strategy has four outcomes, which are also taken from the SINEP petroleum sector priorities. 1) Supply and affordability of petroleum products to outer islands and remote rural locations are improved. 2) Petroleum storage and handling facilities conformed to local and international safety, health and environmental standards. 3) Regulated petroleum prices effectively monitored in the nine provinces. 4) Alternative fuel projects coordinated.
Energy access priorities: 
Supply and affordability of petroleum products to outer islands and remote rural locations are improved;---To increase access to safe, affordable and reliable petroleum products and alternative liquid fuels and gaseous fuels.
Energy access targets: 
A reliable supply of quality petroleum products at landed cost is provided to all people in Solomon Islands.
Clean cooking solutions: 
Promote the use of cleaner fuels for cooking: Research and demonstrations on appropriate design of biogas; Develop a Cooking for Life strategy to promote the use of LPG as a cleaner cooking fuel and efficient cooking technologies.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Promote the use of biofuel for power and transportation.
Biofuels obligation/mandate: 
Establish and regulate the biofuel standards, including training, testing and equipment. --- Assess and submit tax/financial incentives and policy options for biofuel use in power generation
RE capital subsidy, grant, or rebate: 
Assess and submit tax/financial incentives and policy options for biofuel use in power generation.---Assess and submit tax/financial incentives and policy options for biofuel use and LPG for transport.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Petroleum storage and handling facilities conform to local and international safety, health and environmental standards;---Suppliers and users of petroleum products dispose of petroleum-related waste in an environmentally sound manner.
Pollution control action plans: 
Ensure the draft contingency oil spill plan is finalised and implemented. Ensure there is regulation for disposal of petroleum-related waste.
Fossil fuel subsidies: 
Assess and submit tax/financial incentives and policy options for [...] LPG for transport.
Renewable energy subsidies: 
Assess and submit tax/financial incentives and policy options for biofuel use in power generation.---Assess and submit tax/financial incentives and policy options for biofuel use [...] for transport.
Energy taxation: 
Ensure an appropriate and effective regulatory framework is in place: [...] Develop proper or legal mechanisms on the use of the 1 cent per litre levy to be used for effective monitoring of rural and outer island fuel prices.
Energy pricing: 
Regulated petroleum prices in the nine provinces are effectively monitored; ---The monitoring and regulating of petroleum prices is done in transparent and coordinated ways: Ensure an appropriate and effective regulatory framework is in place: Review and update the Price Control Act 1982 to allow provincial councils to monitor and enforce petroleum prices. Annual review of supply chain mechanism with recommendations implemented. Develop proper or legal mechanisms on the use of the 1 cent per litre levy to be used for effective monitoring of rural and outer island fuel prices.---Ensure compliance to regulated oil and gas prices at urban and provincial level: Training and capacity development of provincial officers to monitor prices in rural provinces over a 6 years period).
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
Supply and affordability of petroleum products to outer islands and remote rural locations are improved;---Alternative fuel projects are coordinated.---To increase access to safe, affordable and reliable petroleum products and alternative liquid fuels and gaseous fuels.---Develop appropriate technical guidelines and standards for petroleum storage permits.
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Construct infrastructure as necessary to support new alternative fuel industry through private investors.
Public Private Partnerships: 
Enhance private sector participation in production and supply of alternative fuels: Support the private sector to establish professional alternative fuel producers; Supporting primary producers that can supply raw materials through developing fiscal incentives; Construct infrastructure as necessary to support new alternative fuel industry through private investors.
National policy structure: 
Facilitate the development and regulations on fuel, safety and environmental standards.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Promote the use of biofuel for power and transportation.---Research and demonstrations on appropriate design of biogas
Low-emission and cleaner oil technology: 
Research in alternative liquid and gaseous fuels is promoted and supported.
Natural gas transportation technology: 
Assess and submit tax/financial incentives and policy options for biofuel use and LPG for transport.