Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power, Industry, Transport
Energy Types: 
Power, Gas, Renewable, Hydropower, Other
Issued by: 
Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification
Overall Summary: 
The EC-EC-SIP presents the priorities of the government and the strategic directions for the energy efficiency and conservation sub-sector over the next five years. This volume is aligned to the 2014 National Energy Policy vision and goals. EE-EC-SIP provides tactics and planned activities to reduce electricity demands in residential, government, industrial and commercial buildings, with a focus on lighting, refrigeration and air conditioning units, the major energy consumers. These activities will pursue the overall national energy policy goal on energy efficiency and improving energy conservation in all sectors by 2019.
Energy access targets: 
At least 4,000 households are using energy efficient biomass stoves in urban centres (indicator of achievement 2019).
Clean cooking solutions: 
Collaborate with relevant agencies on the use of efficient cooking and heating technologies: Construction of efficient biomass cooking stoves is taught at vocational rural training centres ➢ A pilot biogas demonstration is constructed.
EE priorities: 
Promote energy efficiency and conservation measures in the electricity sector
EE targets: 
Reduce electricity consumption in domestic services by 10% from 2012 kWh 13,141,960 kWh saved 1,775,483 = 2.1%; ➢ Reduce electricity consumption in government services by 20% from 2012 level kWh 7,214,272 kWh saved 1,949,300 = 2.3%; ➢ Reduce electricity consumption in commercial services by 5% from 2012 kWh 36,866,547 kWh saved 2,490,340 2.9; ➢ Reduce electricity consumption in industrial services by 5% from 2012 kWh 5,898,450 kWh saved 398,441 = 0.5%; ➢ Reduce electricity consumption through other initiatives by 5% from 2012 kWh 751,964 kWh saved 50,795 = 0.1%.---Annual electricity savings (kWh) from labelling and standards kWh 2,561,642 = 3.0%.---Reduce electricity consumption in government services by 20% in 2019, while increasing efficiency of service delivery by 2019; Reduce electricity consumption in residential services by 10% in 2019; O2.3 Reduce electricity consumption in commercial services by 5% in 2019; O2.4 Reduce electricity consumption in industrial services by 5% in 2019.---Indicator of achievement in 2019: Government-led initiatives: 11076 tube lights replaced as part of the lighting improvement programme; Commercial and industry-led initiatives: 943 4 ft tube lights replaced as a result of the programme ➢ 786 2 ft tube lights replaced as a result of the programme; Residential sector: 18,614 free CFL bulbs distributed by 2019.---Improvement in generation efficiency: ➢ Station losses (%) 2.89 (2012) <2.89 (2019); 1.2 Improvement in the distribution line losses ➢ Technical losses (%) 5.85 (2012) <4 (2019) ➢ Non-technical losses (%) 17.05 (2012) <4 (2019).---Improve diesel power generation efficiency by at least 4 kWh/l from 2009 level.---Reduce electricity consumption in government services by 20% from 2012 level, while increasing efficiency of service delivery by 2019
EE action plans: 
Energy audit equipment procured.---Collect and collate relevant energy consumption data to identify energy trends and inefficiencies and develop EE targets / Planned outputs: Support from oil companies, Customs Department, government ministries ➢ Realistic EE targets developed and implemented.---Conservation efforts in government buildings; EE efforts in government buildings: Replacement of 4 ft tube lights to LED type undertaken ➢ Cooling load improvements in government buildings undertaken ➢ Office appliance improvement and retrofits undertaken.---Energy survey of major commercial and industrial buildings.---Workshop on enabling financial initiatives and mechanisms for EE improvements.---Energy audit of commercial and industrial buildings.---initiatives in the commercial and industrial sector: Lighting replacement programme– 4 ft and 2 ft tube lights endorsed and implemented ➢ Cooling load improvement programmed endorsed and implemented ➢ Office appliance improvements and retrofit programme endorsed and implemented.---[...] Review of the existing legislation to integrate energy-efficient appliances, equipment and technologies.---Collaborate with relevant agencies on the use of efficient cooking and heating technologies [...].---Supply side activities (relevant to the electric sector urban sub-sector) - ongoing.---Commerical and industrial sector initiatives: Energy auditing, cooling load improvements – building insulation and AC unit retrofits, monitoring and EC efforts, EE improvements – equipment retrofits and lighting improvements and capacity development.---Build a sufficient body of expertise within government in order to develop and achieve national energy efficiency targets by 2019.
EE standards for appliances: 
Develop through legislation of minimum energy performance standards and labelling for electrical appliances, such as fridges, freezers, air conditioning units and lights: Relevant acts (Electricity Act & Customs Act) amended and enforced ➢ Record of imports of energyefficient products at Customs Department.
EE building standards: 
EE efforts in government buildings: Replacement of 4 ft tube lights to LED type undertaken ➢ Cooling load improvements in government buildings undertaken ➢ Office appliance improvement and retrofits undertaken
EE financial incentives: 
Identify and implement tax incentives for energy-efficient appliances, equipment and technologies: Assessment of government taxes on energy-efficient appliances and technologies[...].
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Increase nationwide levels of awareness, leading to strong demand for energy efficiency products andservices---Inception and planning workshop on EE initiatives: Workshop on EE & EC initiatives undertaken. ---Capacity development of energy officers in EE initiatives Energy staff including personnel from the private sector trained in energy auditing.---Conservation efforts in government buildings: Half-day workshop on EE initiatives undertaken, targeting government ministries; ➢ Awareness materials disseminated; ➢ Government competition on EE initiatives undertaken.---Workshop on enabling financial initiatives and mechanisms for EE improvements.---Residential sector: Conduct energy EE and EC workshops and advocacy activities in communities: EE and EC workshops undertaken ➢ Demonstration audits undertaken at households as part of the workshop ➢ Contributed to provincial and national events in advocating EE and EC initiatives.---Integrate EE & EC in school curriculum at primary and secondary levels: EE & EC concepts is part of the school curriculum ➢ Demonstration audits in selected schools undertaken;---EE & EC advocacy activities: Hosted awareness day activities in celebration of global events – Earth Day, Earth Hour, Environment Day, etc. ➢ Contributed to national and provincial seminars, symposiums and workshops ➢ TV ads and radio spots on EE and EC initiatives aired.---Buy one get one free CFL promotion: Funding acquired ➢ Programme endorsed and implemented.---Household electricity bill rebate initiative: Programme endorsed and implemented. ---Household energy efficient retrofit loans: Programme endorsed and implemented.---Collaborate with relevant agencies on the use of efficient cooking and heating technologies: Construction of efficient biomass cooking stoves is taught at vocational rural training centres ➢ A pilot biogas demonstration is constructed.
Cooperation in EE: 
Collaborate with relevant agencies on the use of efficient cooking and heating technologies: Construction of efficient biomass cooking stoves is taught at vocational rural training centres ➢ A pilot biogas demonstration is constructed.
Energy management principles: 
Build a sufficient body of expertise within government in order to develop and achieve national energy efficiency targets by 2019
M&E of policy implementation: 
Governmen-led initiatives: Extensive data collection and collation Energy audits of government-owned buildings ➢ Government energy awareness programmes ➢ Lighting improvements ➢ Mentoring and strengthening capacity of government officials on implementation of this strategy.