Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power, Industry, Transport, Building, Multi-Sector
Energy Types: 
Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar, Other
Issued by: 
Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification
Overall Summary: 
The document lays out the renewable energy targets and policy outcome and strategies and financial requirements for achieving a sustainable energy future for all Solomon Islanders. The RE-SIP has three main objectives: 1. To provide guidance including funding requirement in utilising the renewable energy potentials and therefore increasing the access to appropriate, reliable, sustainable and affordable energy services in the urban and rural areas. 2. To identify and provide plans on how each of the un-electrified rural and urban households of the Solomon Islands will be served with an appropriate and affordable renewable energy technology. 3. To provide policy guidance and instruments (standards, regulations, net –metering policies) to enhance the use of renewable energy resources and their potentials. The Solomon Islands government has set a 50% renewable energy use for power generation by 2020 to be achieved through its Tina Hydro Development Project and the Savo Geothermal projects, both developments will be commissioned by the end of 2017.
Energy access action plan: 
Replicate successful and scaling-up of deployment of solar PV home systems in rural households
Energy access targets: 
Rural Households Electrification Targets: Diesel self-generation 5% in 2015 5% in 2020, 3% in 2030. Hydro mini-grid 1% in 2015, 5% in 2020, 10% in 2030. Solar home systems 5 % in 2015, 20% in 2020, 42% in 2030, Biomass / CNO 0% in 2015, 5%in 2020, 10% in 2030, Total 11% in 2015, 35%in 2020, 65% in 2030.---Urban Households Electrification Targets: Grid 13,565 = 65% in 2015; 19,365 = 75% in 2020; 31,686 = 85% in 2030. Solar home systems 209 =1% in 2015; 1,291 = 5% in 2020; 1,864 = 5% in 2020; Total 13,774 = 66% in 2015; 20,656 = 80% in 2020; 33,550 = 90% in 2030.---Urban grid Connected Generation Targets: Diesel 100% in 2015; 50% in 2020; 10% in 2030. Hydro =0% in 2015; 41% in 2020; 50% in 2030. Utility scale solar: 0% in 2015; 4% in 2020; 10% in 2030. Geothermal: 0% in 2015; 0% in 2020; 25% in 2030. Biomass / CNO 0% in 2015; 5% in 2020; 5% in 2030.---All Households Electrification Targets: 2015 = 110,314: diesel 16%; hydro ;1%; utility solar 0%; geo-thermal 0%; biomass 0%; SHS 4% = Total 21%. 2020 = 123,218; diesel 12% hydro 10%; utility solar 1%; geo-thermal 0%; biomass 4%; SHS 17%; Total 44%. 2030 = 150,269: diesel 4%; hydro 18%; utility solar 2%; geo-thermal 5%; biomass 9%; SHS 33%; Total 71%.
Energy Service Companies (ESCOs): 
Encourage Renewable Energy Services Company (RESCO's) involvement in productive uses of renewable energy sources.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Promote the use of renewable energy technologies in rural schools. Promote the use of renewable energy technologies in health centres.
RE targets: 
The Solomon Islands government has set a 50% renewable energy use for power generation by 2020 to be achieved through its Tina Hydro Development Project and the Savo Geothermal projects, both developments to be commissioned by the end of 2017.---Rural Households Electrification Targets: Diesel self-generation 5% in 2015 5% in 2020, 3% in 2030. Hydro mini-grid 1% in 2015, 5% in 2020, 10% in 2030. Solar home systems 5 % in 2015, 20% in 2020, 42% in 2030, Biomass / CNO 0% in 2015, 5%in 2020, 10% in 2030, Total 11% in 2015, 35%in 2020, 65% in 2030.
RE action plans: 
Support the development and implementation of the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP). Support the development and implementation of the Savo Geothermal Project. Improve SIEA energy services through isolated grids (hydro and solar) and generating plants.Replicate successful and scaling-up of deployment of solar PV home systems in rural households. Encourage the establishment of rural centres including ICT powered by renewable energy at provincial level. Encourage Renewable Energy Services Company (RESCO's) involvement in productive uses of renewable energy sources.---Promote the use of low-cost specific renewable energy technologies (e.g. solar charging stations, solar lanterns).---Develop renewable energy policy instruments (standards and regulations, net metering policies, market-based instruments, procurement strategies) to meet the renewable energy targets.---Develop a clear policy on fiscal incentives e.g tax holiday incentives and duty tax exemptions including loans for renewable energy technology deployment--- Develop clear policies and legislations/regulation on net metering--- Establish standards for on- and off-grid connections of renewable energy technologies.
Net metering: 
Develop clear policies and legislations/regulation on net metering.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy mix: 
All Households Electrification Targets: 2015 = 110,314: diesel 16%; hydro ;1%; utility solar 0%; geo-thermal 0%; biomass 0%; SHS 4% = Total 21%. 2020 = 123,218; diesel 12% hydro 10%; utility solar 1%; geo-thermal 0%; biomass 4%; SHS 17%; Total 44%. 2030 = 150,269: diesel 4%; hydro 18%; utility solar 2%; geo-thermal 5%; biomass 9%; SHS 33%; Total 71%.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
Support the development and implementation of the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP). Support the development and implementation of the Savo Geothermal Project. Improve SIEA energy services through isolated grids (hydro and solar) and generating plants.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Promote the use of renewable energy technologies in rural schools. Promote the use of renewable energy technologies in health centres.---Promote the use of low-cost specific renewable energy technologies (e.g. solar charging stations, solar lanterns).---Undertake an assessment and data collection on wind energy potential. Undertake an assessment and data collection on geothermal energy potential. Undertake an assessment of biofuel potential based on coconut. Undertake an assessment of gasification potential from by-products and forest waste. Undertake an assessment and data collection on mini hydro sites. Develop training and capacity development on new renewable energy technologies.