Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Overarching Policy
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power
Energy Types: 
All, Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar, Other
Issued by: 
Energy Division Ministry of Mines and Energy
Overall Summary: 
The National Energy Policy Framework was issued in 2007. It sets out the Government's policies for the planning and management of the energy sector over the following 10 years. The framework defines the strategies that government is taking to ensure that the objectives of the policies are fully realised. In developing the energy policy framework government is mindful of the critical role of the energy sector in the attainment of its overall socio-economic development goals of improving the livelihood of all its peoples. The Policy Framework entails Policy Statements, Strategic Plan and Action Plan 2007-2009.
Bi-, multi-lateral mechanisms to expand access: 
Strategy 1.5 Encourage public private partnership in the provision of power supply in rural areas. Develop a framework for public and private partnership by 2008.
Energy access priorities: 
The provision of a secure, reliable and affordable fuel supply to both urban and rural areas is of paramount importance. ---The provision of electricity into the rural areas is seen as a high priority in the SI. ---Goal: An efficient and well-managed petroleum sector - 1. Ensure a reliable supply of quality petroleum products at minimum landed cost to all people in the SI. ---Goal: A reliable, affordable and efficient power supply system - 1. Ensure a reliable and affordable power supply system in all urban centres. ---Goal: Provision of reliable, affordable and efficient electricity services - 1. Ensure the establishment of appropriate, reliable, affordable, and sustainable power supply systems in rural areas.
Energy access action plan: 
Strategy 1.4 Promote establishment of industries in rural areas to support electrification programmes - Provide energy services to existing industries, schools, health centers, agriculture and fishery centers by 2007 and ongoing.---Strategy 1.3 Encourage the use of renewable energy for rural electrification: Install 50 Solar Home Systems per year by 2007. Install two hydro scheme per annum by 2007. Install one biogas plant by 2007. Install nine bio-diesel power generation mini-grid systems in rural villages by 2007-2009.
Clean cooking solutions: 
Strategy 1.2 Raise awareness on the advantages and benefits of energy technologies on households: Collaborate with Ministry of Women, Youth & Sports in promoting improved cooking stoves - ongoing.
EE priorities: 
Greater energy efficiency: [...] It is [...] imperative that energy policies are put in place to assist in the efficiency with which we use energy in the generation and use of electricity, in our residences and offices, in the manufacturing sector and also in the transportation sector. ---Goal: An efficient and well-managed petroleum sector - [...] 5. Encourage fuel conservation and efficient energy end-use. ---Goal: Optimal use of energy sources - 1. Ensure that energy conservation and efficiency measures are promoted in all aspects of energy production and use.
EE action plans: 
Goal: An efficient and well-managed transport sector - 1. Maximise fuel conservation and efficiency in the transport sector.
EE standards for appliances: 
---Strategy 1.2 Promote appropriate energy efficient equipment and technology: Develop, implement and enforce a national efficiency and safety standards for energy technologies, equipment and appliances by 2008 and ongoing.
EE labeling: 
Strategy 1.1 Promote the use of appliance labelling and energy efficiency ratings: Develop a minimum energy performance standard for refrigerators and freezers by 2008.
EE transport standards : 
Strategy 1.1 Regulate and encourage the importation of energy efficient vehicles: - Advise and raise awareness on the benefits of a minimum energy efficiency standard for vehicles Indicator: A minimum energy standard regulation adopted for all government vehicle fleet- by 2007.
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Strategy 1.1 Regulate and encourage the importation of energy efficient vehicles: - Advise and raise awareness on the benefits of a minimum energy efficiency standard for vehicles - by 2007. ---Strategy 1.3 Promote fuel conservation and efficiency in the rural areas: - Produce and disseminate information pamphlets and media campaign in Pidgin English on fuel efficiency measures. Indicator: Pamphlets produced and disseminated. Radio and TV programmes broadcast by 2007. ---Strategy 2.1 Encourage supply and demand side management: Carry out awareness campaign on energy efficiency and conservation measures by 2007. ---Strategy 1.2 Raise awareness on the advantages and benefits of energy technologies on households: Collaborate with Ministry of Women, Youth & Sports in promoting improved cooking stoves - ongoing. ---Strategy 1.3 Promote gender balanced training in energy related fields: Conduct training programmes for women on energy efficiency measures by 2007.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Goal: Optimal utilisation of renewable energy resources - 1. Promote the use of renewable energy resources.
RE targets: 
Conversion to bio-fuel (coconut oil) for power generation -by 2008. ---Strategy 1.3 Encourage the use of renewable energy for rural electrification: Install 50 Solar Home Systems per year by 2007. Install two hydro scheme per annum by 2007. Install one biogas plant by 2007. Install nine bio-diesel power generation mini-grid systems in rural villages by 2007-2009.
Biofuels obligation/mandate: 
Strategy 6.1 Promote the use of non-fossil fuels: - Develop a national bio-fuel standard for transportation and electricity generation by 2007.
RE capital subsidy, grant, or rebate: 
Strategy 6.1 Promote the use of non-fossil fuels: - Develop a subsidy scheme for the non-fossil fuel industry; Create incentives for private investors - 2007 ongoing. ---Strategy 1.2 Promote incentives for the use of renewable energy technologies: Provide micro financing facility to potential users.
RE reductions in taxes: 
Strategy 1.2 Promote incentives for the use of renewable energy technologies: Provide tax incentive for the use of renewable energy technologies by 2007.
RE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Conduct awareness programmes on potential/benefits for bio-fuels and other alternative fuels. Indicator: Public consultations carried out. Radio and TV programmes developed and broadcast. Posters and pamphlets produced and distributed - by 2007. Strategy 1.1 Increase public awareness on the benefits of renewable energy - Develop information materials for public awareness programmes by 2007. Collaborate with the Ministry of Education for inclusion of renewable energy in the schools’ curriculum
Energy environmental priorities: 
With more and more emphasis on the preservation of the environment, it is important that energy programmes are designed in such a way that they do not contribute further to the degradation of the environment. Energy sources especially fossil fuel based sources have been linked closely with the greenhouse gas emissions [...] It is therefore imperative for the Government to put in place energy policies that avoid any adverse impact on the fragile environment. ---Goal: An efficient and well-managed petroleum sector - [...] 2.Ensure that petroleum storage and handling facilities conform to local and international safety and environmental standards. 4. Ensure that wastes related to petroleum products are disposed off in an environmentally sound manner. ---Goal: An efficient and well-managed transport sector - [...] 2. Minimise the detrimental impact of petroleum consumption in the transport sector on the land, atmospheric and marine environment. ---Goal: A reliable, affordable and efficient power supply system - 2. Promote energy conservation and efficiency measures in the power sector. ---Goal: Preservation of a clean and well-maintained environment - 1. Ensure minimal negative impacts of energy production, distribution and consumption on the environment. ---Strategy 4.2 Ensure there is regulation for the disposal of petroleum related waste: Collaborate with the Department of Environment to develop appropriate regulations by 2008.
Pollution control action plans: 
Strategy 5.1 Encourage the use of public transport: Monitor standard of public transport. Conduct awareness programmes on benefits of improved public transport system by 2007 ongoing. ---Strategy 1.1 Ensure that energy resources are consumed in an environmentally sustainable manner: - Develop a recycling strategy for batteries and other reusable energy items by 2009.
Decarbonization strategy: 
Conversion to bio-fuel (coconut oil) for power generation -by 2008.
Renewable energy subsidies: 
Strategy 6.1 Promote the use of non-fossil fuels: - Develop a subsidy scheme for the non-fossil fuel industry; Create incentives for private investors - 2007 ongoing.---Strategy 1.2 Promote incentives for the use of renewable energy technologies: Provide micro financing facility to potential users.---Strategy 1.2 Promote incentives for the use of renewable energy technologies: Provide tax incentive for the use of renewable energy technologies by 2007.
Energy taxation: 
Strategy 1.1 Ensure appropriate mechanisms are in place to access funding: Establish a levy of 2 cents per litre on petroleum fuels by 2007.
Energy pricing: 
Strategy 1.4 Encourage a tariff structure that takes into considerations both the consumers and utility’s concerns: - Carry out a national electricity tariff study by 2007. Implement recommendations of tariff study by 2008.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Storage facilities and fuel supply infrastructure in the SI require stringent adherence to international and national safety standards. ---Goal: An efficient and well-managed petroleum sector - [...] 2.Ensure that petroleum storage and handling facilities conform to local and international safety and environmental standards. ---Goal: Provision of reliable, affordable and efficient electricity services - 1. Ensure the establishment of appropriate, reliable, affordable, and sustainable power supply systems in rural areas. ---Strategy 2.1 Ensure regular monitoring of standards for petroleum storage and handling facilities. ---Strategy 1.2 Promote the use of renewable energy for power generation: - Development of Hydro-power for Honiara-Gold Ridge and other provincal centres - Honiara by 2008, other sites 2008-2009. ---Strategy 1.3 Encourage the use of renewable energy for rural electrification: Install 50 Solar Home Systems per year by 2007. Install two hydro scheme per annum by 2007. Install one biogas plant by 2007. Install nine bio-diesel power generation mini-grid systems in rural villages by 2007-2009.
Energy trade priorities: 
The importation of efficient vehicles into the country will need to be regulated and this will call for the revision of existing regulations and enactment of new ones.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
Goal: A conducive financial environment for energy projects/programmes.
Financial incentives for energy infrastructure: 
Goal: A conducive financial environment for energy projects/programmes - 1. Ensure that appropriate financing mechanisms and equitable distribution of funds are in place. ---Strategy 1.1 Promote an appropriate regulatory and institutional set up for rural electrification: Establish a revolving fund for rural electrification - by 2007.---Strategy 1.1 Ensure appropriate mechanisms are in place to access funding: [...] Develop funding proposals to access funding available under bilateral and international conventions and treaties by 2007 and ongoing.
Independent power producers: 
Strategy 1.1 Promote the opening up of the electricity sector to new players: Develop a framework for Independent Power Producers.
Investment climate development: 
Strategy 1.1 Promote the opening up of the electricity sector to new players: [...] Remove legislative barriers to the participation of the private sector. Provide incentives to private sector participation in urban power supply.---Strategy 6.1 Promote the use of non-fossil fuels: - Create incentives for private investors - 2007 ongoing.
Public Private Partnerships: 
Policy 2: Ensure effective consultation, participation and coordination of energy programmes [and also] Strategy 1.5 Encourage public private partnership in the provision of power supply in rural areas. Develop a framework for public and private partnership by 2008.
Energy management principles: 
The policy framework will ensure that the provision of energy services in the SI takes into consideration energy issues that affect the livelihood of women and other disadvantaged groups. ---Goal: An effective and integrated approach to energy sector planning: 1. Ensure the Energy Division is provided with the appropriate level of trained staff, funding resources and equipment 2. Ensure effective consultation and coordination of energy programmes. ---Goal: A well-informed population on energy issues - 1. Promote capacity building, sharing and dissemination of information related to energy issues. ---Goal: An equitable energy programmes - 1. Promote a gender- balanced energy programme. Strategy 1.3 Promote gender balanced training in energy related fields: Recruit at least one female staff in the ED (Environment Division) by 2007. ---Strategy 2.2 Promote energy sector networking and sharing of information - 2007-ongoing. ---Strategy 1.4 Ensure wider consultations on policy issues, legislation and regulations: Conduct public consultations, ongoing.
National policy structure: 
---The importation of efficient vehicles into the country will need to be regulated and this will call for the revision of existing regulations and enactment of new ones. ---Energy sources especially fossil fuel based sources have been linked closely with the greenhouse gas emissions [...] It is therefore imperative for the Government to put in place energy policies that avoid any adverse impact on the fragile environment. ---Greater energy efficiency: [...] It is [...] imperative that energy policies are put in place to assist in the efficiency with which we use energy in the generation and use of electricity, in our residences and offices, in the manufacturing sector and also in the transportation sector. ---Legislation and Regulations Goal: A well-regulated energy sector - 1. Ensure that appropriate legislations and regulations are in place. - by 2008. ---Goal: An efficient and well-managed transport sector - [...] 3. Ensure close cooperation and coordination of organisations in the transport sector within the framework of the Energy/Petroleum Act and relevant Transport Management Strategy. ---Develop, implement and monitor a regulatory framework for safe transportation, handling and storage of petroleum fuels. Framework in place by 2007/2009. ---Strategy 2.3 Strengthen enforcement of safety standards: Establish a national safety standard and fuel quality - by 2008. ---Strategy 4.2 Ensure there is regulation for the disposal of petroleum related waste: Collaborate with the Department of Environment to develop appropriate regulations by 2008. ---Strategy 1.1 Promote the opening up of the electricity sector to new players: Amend the current Electricity Act by 2007. Develop a framework for Independent Power Producers. ---Remove legislative barriers to the participation of the private sector. ---Strategy 2.1 Encourage supply and demand side management: Regulate the importation of energy efficient equipment and appliances by 2008. ---Strategy 1.1 Promote the removal of legislative barriers for the implementation of the energy programmes: Review Electricity Act by 2007. Review Petroleum Act by 2008. Develop an Energy Act by 2010. ---Strategy 1.2 Ensure equitable and fair distribution of fund to both national and provincial governments: Develop a framework for equitable funding energy projects by 2008.
Energy institutional structures: 
Strategy 2.2 Ensure the Energy Division has the capacity to plan and manage the petroleum sector. ---Strategy 3.1 Encourage the establishment of an advisory committee for energy, transport and petroleum issues: - Establish an National Energy Advisory Committee by 2007. ---Strategy 1.2 Ensure and maintain co-operation and coordination of organisations in the energy sector within the framework of the Environmental Act and the relevant Environmental Management Strategy: - Establish a mechanism for cooperation amongst key organisations by 2008.
Rural energy agency or equivalent: 
Strategy 1.1 Promote an appropriate regulatory and institutional set up for rural electrification: Set up a Rural Electrification Unit ED Rural Electrification.
Statistics collection and management: 
Strategy 3.1 Maintain a minimum volume of petroleum fuels : Carry out an assessment of fuel consumption and existing storage capacity by 2007. ---Strategy 1.1 Ensure that the different energy needs are equally addressed and promoted at all levels of society: Conduct gender needs assessment for all energy projects - ongoing.
Public database availability: 
Establish a national petroleum database by 2007.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
To reduce imported fuel consumption in the transport sector, research in alternative sources of fuel will have to be promoted. ---Conversion to bio-fuel (coconut oil) for power generation -by 2008.
Clean energy technology deployment: 
Demonstrate the use of coconut bio-fuel and ethanol for electricity generation and as a transportation fuel - Indicator: Vehicles running on biofuel Widespread use of bio-fuel for electricity generation - by 2007.
R&D renewable energy: 
Goal: An efficient and well-managed petroleum sector - [...] 6. Encourage research in alternative sources of energy. ---Strategy 1.2 Promote the use of renewable energy for power generation: - Investigate potential for wind and biomass by 2007. ---Strategy 1.5 Promote and or support research and development of appropriate renewable energy technologies: Establish laboratory for research and development by 2009. Provide logistical and funding support to innovative renewable energy initiatives.