Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Plan/Strategy, Government Report
Economic Sector: 
Power, Building
Energy Types: 
Power, Renewable, Other
Issued by: 
Unofficial Source
Overall Summary: 
The Regional Policy Roadmap to harmonize air conditioning standards in ASEAN countries by 2020, was endorsed by the 33rd ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting in a Joint Ministerial Statement “Powering ASEAN towards a Greener Community” on 7 October 2015 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The objective of the Regional Policy Roadmap is to facilitate harmonization or clear alignment of minimum energy performance standards for air conditioners in ASEAN economies. The ultimate goal is to drive market transformation in ASEAN member countries, promoting the use of more efficient air conditioning equipment. Other goals include greater intra-ASEAN trade in space cooling products, reduced costs for product testing, monitoring and verification, energy savings, and carbon emissions reductions from more efficient ACs for consumers. In that regards, the Regional Policy Roadmap is in line with the aspirational goal of reducing energy intensity in ASEAN by 20% by 2020 as a medium-term target, and 30% by 2025 as a long-term target (based on the 2005 levels) stated in the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) 2016-2025. In particular, it represents an outcome-based strategy aimed at “Harmonization and Promotion of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling on various kinds of energy-related products”, with targeted products listed as air-conditioning and lighting.
EE standards for appliances: 
Harmonization of MEPS: The ASEAN countries will notify a minimum EER (also refers to weighted EER) of 2.9W/W or CSPF of 3.08W/W by 2020 as mandatory MEPS for all fixed and variable drive ACs below 3.52kWcapacities. The MEPS would be periodically reviewed and revised at an interval of 5 years or less.
Cooperation in EE: 
Harmonization of Testing Methods: On the basis of various recommendations the ASEAN countries have agreed for a uniform testing method derived from ISO 5151- 2010. The testing method is to be adopted and notified by countries by 2016, with the exception of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar to be adopted and notified by 2018. The countries also need to agree to take into consideration metrics to measure part-load energy performance, and any revision to ISO 5151- 2010 in the future. Any revision of the harmonized testing standards at the national level should be informed at the EE&C SSN.---Harmonization of MEPS: The ASEAN countries will notify a minimum EER (also refers to weighted EER) of 2.9W/W or CSPF of 3.08W/W by 2020 as mandatory MEPS for all fixed and variable drive ACs below 3.52kWcapacities. The MEPS would be periodically reviewed and revised at an interval of 5 years or less.---Testing Infrastructure: Establish an appropriate framework for round robin testing (RRT) and evaluation process for testing facilities by 2020.
Public database availability: 
Reporting: By 2020 the ASEAN Center for Energy would establish a regional product database for collection of product information, starting with the EMTIPS programme. This would enhance information exchange between member countries and could help in providing alerts to non-compliance related cases. This tool could be specifically used to exchange information on products tested by official market surveillance authorities. The database can also be used to monitor programmes, prepare verification activities and eventually flag out products for which a declared characteristic is proven incorrect.