Meta Data
Title in national language: 
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power, Industry, Transport, Building
Energy Types: 
Coal, Oil, Power, Renewable, Geothermal, Solar, Other
Issued by: 
National Development and Reform Commission P.R.C.
Overall Summary: 
The 2014-2020 Plan outlines what China hopes to achieve by 2020, including goals relating to greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions, climate change adaptability, and a national emissions trading scheme, among others. Of particular note, the 2014-2020 Plan states that by 2020, total GHG emissions from steel and cement sectors should stabilize at 2015 levels. This target, although likely non-binding, is the closest China has come to implementing an absolute emissions cap and could potentially forecast more comprehensive post-2020 measures.
Energy access priorities: 
Strengthen the construction of power supply, heating, gas etc., and ensure the safe and safe operation of facilities in extreme weather conditions.
EE priorities: 
Control the expansion of high energy consumption industries, and high emission industries [...] ---Strengthen energy conservation in key areas. Focus on promoting energy saving in electricity, steel, building materials, nonferrous metals, chemical and other industries.--- Promote energy conservation in the field of transportation, accelerate the construction of green low-carbon safe and efficient integrated transport system. Promote energy efficiency in commercial and civil, agricultural and rural areas as well as public institutions. [...] --- vigorously develop the circular economy. In the agriculture, industry, construction, trade and other key areas to promote the development of circular economy [...]
EE targets: 
[...] By 2020 urban green building should account for 50% of the proportion of new construction. --- By 2020, the share of bus travel in large and medium-sized cities should reach 30%.
EE action plans: 
Enforce the new building energy efficiency, [...] implement green building action program.---Construct energy efficient and low-carbon energy supply infrastructure of coal, gas, electricity, heat and other energy supply facilities[...]---Implement energy-saving projects, energy-saving products project, energy contract management promotion projects, energy-saving technology industrialization demonstration projects and other major energy-saving projects. Continue to carry out 10,000 enterprises energy-saving low-carbon action. ---[...]strengthen urban lighting management, implement urban green lighting special actions, establish green lighting demonstration city [...] ---Develop green building. Use advanced energy-saving carbon reduction technology and building materials, promote solar energy, geothermal energy and other renewable energy construction integration applications according to local conditions. ---[...]Speed up the development of fuel-efficient, energy-saving, coal saving agricultural machinery and fishing machinery [...] ---Promote the heating metering reform, the implementation of heating metering charges and energy consumption quota management,[...]
EE building standards: 
Strengthen building energy management, enhance and strictly implement the new building energy efficiency standards, promote green building standards. ---[...]Strictly implement air conditioning temperature setting standards in for summer and winter time and other energy management system. Strengthen the energy-saving management in the governmental public buildings and other large-scale public buildings.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Improve the utilisation level of geothermal, marine energy and other types of energy. ---Encourage the development of waste to power generation[...].---[...]promote solar energy, geothermal energy and other renewable energy construction integration applications according to local conditions.---Orderly develop hydropower.
RE targets: 
By 2020 conventional hydropower installed capacity will reach 350 million kilowatts, the annual generating capacity 1.2 trillion kWh. ---Speed up the construction of 8 great 10 million kilowatt-level wind farm in the "three North" and the coastal areas, according to local conditions to build small onshore wind power and offshore wind power projects, and strengthen the various types of grid-related construction projects. By 2020, feed-in wind power generation installed capacity should be 200 million kilowatts. ---By 2020 solar power installed capacity will be 100 million kilowatts, solar power installation surface will be 800 million square meters. ---By 2020, the installed capacity of biomass power generation will reach 30 million kilowatts, the annual utilization rate of biomass forming fuels will be 50 million tons, the annual utilization rate of biogas is 44 billion cubic meters, and the annual utilization rate of bio-liquid fuels will be 130 billion cubic meters.
RE action plans: 
Construct geothermal power generation demonstration project.---[...]Construct marine energy and wind energy, solar power and other multi-energy independent demonstration power stations.
Energy environmental priorities: 
By 2020, the main objectives addressing climate change are: to achieve full control of greenhouse gas emissions targets; significant progress in low-carbon pilot demonstrations; significant increase in capacity to adapt to climate change; capacity building to achieve important results;
GHG emissions reduction targets: 
By 2020, the carbon dioxide emissions per GDP will decrease by 40%-45% than in 2005. ---Implement action plan to address climate change in the field of industry, by 2020, Carbon dioxide emission per unit of value added will decrease about 50% compare to 2005. ---By 2015, large-scale power generation enterprise group's carbon dioxide emissions level should be controlled at 650 g / kWh. ---By 2015 carbon dioxide emissions of national thermal power supply should fall about 3% compare to 2010.
Pollution control action plans: 
Control the commercial and public agency's emissions. ---[...]By 2020, build about 150 low-carbon industry demonstration parks. establish low-carbon industrial park pilot evaluation index system and construction norms. ---Establish a carbon emission certification system. Promote carbon product certification. Strengthen the capacity building of carbon emission certification. ---Implement carbon reduction demonstration projects: low-carbon product promotion project; replacement for high-emission and energy-saving demonstration project; greenhouse gas control for industrial production process demonstration project; carbon capture, use and storage demonstration project[...]
Decarbonization strategy: 
By 2020, the forest area and volume will increase by 40 million hectares and 1.3 billion cubic meters respectively compared with 2005 [...] ---Control the rapid growth of high-carbon industries [...] to develop greenhouse gas emission standards for key industries and optimize the variety structures. Optimize the layout of industrial space, [...]--- Establish low-carbon institutions, low-carbon campus, low-carbon hospitals, low-carbon venues, low-carbon barracks and other low-carbon constructions. ---For shops, hotels, restaurants, tourist attractions and other commercial institutions, through the strengthening of energy conservation, renewable energy applications and other new technologies, strengthen resource conservation and comprehensive recycling, strengthen operation and management, effective control of commercial institutions of carbon dioxide emissions. [...]------Select representative shops, hotels, restaurants, tourist attractions and other commercial institutions to carry out a pilot programme. Strengthen the operation and supply chain management, to achieve energy conservation, renewable energy and other new technology applications and significantly reduce significantly carbon dioxide emissions in pilot commercial institutions. By 2020, create about 1000 low-carbon commercial pilots. ---Increase forest carbon sinks. Increase farmland, grassland and wetland carbon sinks. ---In the field of urban transport system, reasonably allocate urban traffic resources and gradually establish a large city motor vehicle to maintain the total control mechanism. Actively develop urban public transport, improve the city pedestrian walk system and bicycle system, speed up the construction of bus lanes, bus stations and other facilities and public bicycle service system.---[...]By 2020, build about 150 low-carbon industry demonstration parks. establish low-carbon industrial park pilot evaluation index system and construction norms.
Carbon markets: 
Deepening carbon emissions trading demonstration construction. Deepen the carbon market development in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Chongqing, Hubei, Guangdong, Shenzhen and other cities, study and formulate relevant supporting policies[...] ---[...]Speed up the establishment of the national carbon market. [...] to study the development of carbon emissions trading overall program, clarify a clear national carbon market construction of the strategic objectives, work ideas, implementation steps and supporting measures. [...]
Cooperation in env.: 
Actively participate in international exchanges and carry out cooperation.[...] further deepen the "South-South cooperation" . China's core concern and legitimate rights and interests in international negotiations should be effectively maintained[...] ---Actively participate in the development and establishment of global and industrial multilateral carbon trading rules and systems. Closely follow the development of other countries (regions) carbon trading market. ---Adhere to the principles and basic system of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. [...]actively and constructively participate in global negotiations on climate change mitigation actions for post-2020 and work with the international community to establish a fair and sound global response to climate change. ---Actively and constructively participation in the multilateral process of international climate negotiations. Undertake international obligations commensurate with the development phase and take the responsibilities.
Energy pricing: 
Improve the pricing policy. Accelerate the reform of energy resources prices[...]. Gradually rationalize the relationship between natural gas and alternative energy, and with coal-power. Actively promote the differential price, punitive price, residential ladder price, time-sharing price, and guide users to rational use of electricity. Deepen the heating system reform, and comprehensively promote the heating metering charges. [...]
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
By 2020, the total energy consumption will be controlled at around 4.8 billion tons of standard coal. ----To revise the meteorological service for wind power, compression, anti-freezing standards and improve the contingency plans; to strengthen the meteorological services such as safe operation of power grid, mining, offshore oil and gas production [...]
Energy mix: 
By 2020, non fossil fuel will account for about 15% of primary energy consumption [...] --- By 2020, proportion of natural gas consumption in the primary energy consumption should be more than 10%, the utilization will reach 360 billion cubic meters.---By 2020 total installed capacity of nuclear power will be 58 million kilowatts.
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Strengthen the construction of power supply, heating, gas etc., and ensure the safe and safe operation of facilities in extreme weather conditions.
Public Private Partnerships: 
Implement financial security. Improve the diversification of capital investment mechanism, give full play to financial funds, corporate funds, private capital, foreign capital and other channels of funding role, to ensure that the focus of planning tasks and key projects to build the capital investment.
M&E of policy implementation: 
Strengthen the tracking assessment. Establish a scientific and rational assessment mechanism, improve the planning and implementation of the evaluation index system, develop monitoring and evaluation methods, improve planning assessment, according to the assessment results to adjust the work to promote the planning tasks and objectives smoothly, and adjust the plan as appropriate.
Statistics collection and management: 
Establish and improve the basic statistical system of greenhouse gas emissions; strengthen the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Safely and efficiently develop nuclear power. [...] ---Focusing on advanced solar power, advanced wind power, advanced nuclear energy, marine energy, [...] smart grid, advanced energy storage, [...]and other technology research and development. [...]
R&D renewable energy: 
Promote the hybrid ship, alternative energy technology and solar energy, wind energy, natural gas, [...]and other energy technology research and development applications.