Energy management principles:
National energy conservation shall become responsibility of the government, provincial governments, regental/municipal governments, entrepreneurs and communities.---The implementation of energy conservation shall cover all phases of energy management. The management of energy as referred to in paragraph (1) shall cover the following activities: a. energy supply; b. energy exploitation; c. energy utilization; and d. energy resource conservation.
National policy structure:
The master plan of national energy conservation shall be formulated and stipulated by the Minister. The master plan at national energy conservation shall contain at least target, principles of policy, programs, energy conservation measures. --- The Minister shall stipulate a policy on conservation of energy resources.
Energy institutional structures:
(1) National energy conservation shall become responsibility of the government, provincial governments, regental/municipal governments, entrepreneurs and communities. ---The responsibility as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be executed on the basis of the master plan of national energy conservation.
M&E of policy implementation:
The users of energy resources and energy users as referred in Article 12 paragraph (2) not executing energy conservation through energy management shall be subject to disincentive by the Minister, governor or regent/mayor by virtue of their authority. --- The government and regional government shall foster and supervise the implementation of energy conservation by virtue of their authority. [...] The supervision as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be directed to: a. the appointment of energy manager; b. the formulation of energy conservation program; c. the implementation of energy audit periodically; and d. the implementation of recommendation about result of energy audit.